OB 5 or 7 Reviews

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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #60 on: 28 Nov 2006, 11:11 pm »

Thanks Mono and Clark:

I actually pull them out from the wall. Usually about 2' but have also messed with 4'.

Please note that the wall has a 11' wide opening in it to the dining room. So the speakers are just past that opening, on either side. That leaves about 14-16 feet actually behind the speakers. The music starts from the wall opening and fills the entire dining room full of musicians. Life sized ones.

I have the speakers about 12' apart and sit about 8-9' in front of the plane of the speakers.

These speakers are extremely transparent. Shockingly so, in fact.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #61 on: 29 Nov 2006, 01:22 am »
I had the pleasure of hearing the QB 5's at the Toronto Audio Society inaugural meet and I was MOST impressed. I'd love to hear them with Peter's PP150 unit, I think that they might be very well matched. I'm currently doing my listening on a pair of older PSB Mini Stratus and a pair of ancient Dynaco A25s driven by a variety of old solid state and tube amps and preamps. I'm just rotating the various pieces through the system and having a great time.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #62 on: 29 Nov 2006, 01:39 am »
I had the pleasure of hearing the QB 5's at the Toronto Audio Society inaugural meet and I was MOST impressed. I'd love to hear them with Peter's PP150 unit, I think that they might be very well matched. I'm currently doing my listening on a pair of older PSB Mini Stratus and a pair of ancient Dynaco A25s driven by a variety of old solid state and tube amps and preamps. I'm just rotating the various pieces through the system and having a great time.

Keep in mind that they had less than 8 hours burn in time when we ran them here. They have almost triple that now, and are smoothing out more and more. They are sounding more and more effortless. I'm a little hesitant to say this, but they have an almost electrostatic quality to them.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #63 on: 29 Nov 2006, 02:19 am »

Why hesitate. They do. In spades.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #64 on: 1 Dec 2006, 06:42 pm »
Ok, so I've been listening to the OB 5's since last Sunday's meet. Mine will be sold, but I still have to make bases for them and deliver them when the new owner gets back from a holiday. So they are burning in 24/7.

I didn't want to write a review right away, rather one when my initial excitement for a new novelty, was not going to resonate and color my observations. This speaker is different . How different? I can't put it on a scale, but as a reference, I also own a pair of GR Research AV/3's with Sonicaps/Sonicap bypass cap upgrade. The AV/3 uses the same M-130/16 Ohm woofer as the ones found in the OB 5.

The general characteristic of the OB 5 are the revealing and effortless mids. The highs are crisp and quick. I had the opportunity to listen to them in a very open space surrounded by wall treatment and a very high ceiling.

The center image is as if there is a center channel independent of the L/R mains. As if the vocal has it's own dedicated center channel. This is very prominent. Vocals particularly, are holographic. I have quite a bit of experience as a recording engineer. I can hear very clearly the idiosyncrasies of microphones when they are sung into. I hear and can visualize very clearly when listening to the OB 5's the proximity of the vocalist. I can hear them move into and away from the mic. The term they use is proximity effect. The frequency response changes, and vocalists use it like a manual Eq. There is also how plosives (P,B,D and T consonants) and sibilant sounds (S,F consonants) sound. They can be problematic. Almost impossible to totally eradicate them when miking close up to a vocalist. Also I can hear the bumps in the frequency response more clearly when the vocalist moves around in register.

Another thing I noticed is that I can hear if there is a skew in L/R balance of the vocal. On one track it can be dead center, then on another I'm looking a little to the right or a little to the left. This is of course during absolutely critical listening.

Overall, I would also say that the OB 5 sounds effortless. It doesn't sound the way it looks. ( know what I mean? ) At very low volumes it is pretty neat as well.

I'm trying not to use words and descriptions that are used all too often, which gets a little hard, but people would like some insight, so I'll say these words anyways, Full range, Dynamic, Revealing, Effortless, Crisp.

Understand that the scale of my comments are interpretive, as I obviously haven't had the opportunity to do A/B comparisons with every speaker out there, but I have a very good memory for characteristics, and things that standout.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #65 on: 1 Dec 2006, 08:17 pm »
Ok, Danny has compared the LS to the OB. So I've lifted a few quotes from his notes and added a few of my thoughts to elaborate on my earlier post.

With the OB-7's vocals are a little more airy, relaxed, and inviting. I am a little more drawn to these speakers in this region.

Vocals just dangle in their own space. Like there was a center channel dedicated to vocals only. They are holographic.

Both image big and present a large realistic sound stage. The OB-7 is a little more airy as if there is a soft cushion of space between instruments and singers. All is well placed and allows varying degrees of depth. The LS-6 is a little more pin point. There is still a sense of space between everything but it is more defined. There is varying degrees of depth and image height as well. Some things are low or up front while other things are deeper or higher in the sound stage. The LS-6's seamed to be a little less finicky about placement too. I could give them a wider spread and or change the tow in with less effect on the sound stage. It was good regardless of where they were (in my well treated room).

Transparency: This edge goes to the OB-7.

The OB-7 had a more open sound to it that makes you look at the speaker and then the focus point of the music and swear that there isn't anything coming from the speaker itself. The LS-6 did this pretty well too and a lot better than most speakers, but not quite like the OB-7. A smaller baffle width of the OB-7 might also be contributing to this aspect as surface reflections are minimal.

The OB 5's in a large enough room, really do disappear. I mentioned earlier that they don't sound the way they look. I think it's because of the midrange in particular. It is light and airy, and effortless. The way the vocals are presented is quite unique, they are presented very life like and delicately, regardless of the backing music. It's almost like, if there was a switch you could throw, only the vocal would remain.

That best describes it for me.


edit: Ok, I'm adding this because I think it's important to try and give a clear subjective description.

The lower ranges are also pulled away from the open baffle MTM center section and handed off to the four woofers. This relieves the mid-bass woofers form having to be in the compromising position of having to cover vocals and low bass at the same time. Then there is the added benefit of zero box coloration. This gives yet another advantage to the OB-7's. With the OB-7's vocals are a little more airy, relaxed, and inviting. I am a little more drawn to these speakers in this region.

Ok, in the case of the OB 5, it's 2 woofers instead of 4. Also, as Danny describes, the mids are in the open baffle and void of back loading from being in a box. I think this is what he means by box colorations. I have his AV/3's and they don't sound like they're in a box.( I keep thinking cardboard box when I hear that.[ ha,ha ]) I think it's just the best description to illustrate box loading on the backside of the woofer causing after effects not being present in an open baffle. The effect on female vocal is, is that there is no added emphasis in the lower portion of the vocal. It doesn't add any chestiness. It stops where a female voice should stop, makes it incredibly life like.

Also, I'm not going to say I can hear the low crossover point. But there is a seamlessness to the MTM section. I think this is due to the sheer speed of the Neo3, in comparison to his AV/3 MTM config with the dome tweeter. It's quite noticeable. You can tell the speed and crispness of the Neo3, and the effect, knowing that it's crossed at 1.8K.

Ok, that's getting a little closer to trying as best to describe with words, the characteristics of the OB 5.
« Last Edit: 1 Dec 2006, 08:56 pm by Daygloworange »


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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #66 on: 1 Dec 2006, 11:37 pm »

Hey Day:

Thanks for that.

Was it Spirit that brought his check book? Hope so.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #67 on: 2 Dec 2006, 12:24 am »
Hey Ronny,

You've been listening to your OB 5's for a while now. What are your thoughts on how I described it? Just curious. It's hard to paint a picture of how something sounds. Kinda like trying to describe one bottle of wine from another.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #68 on: 2 Dec 2006, 09:56 pm »
Dayglow, how do the new OB5 compare to the AV3's? I 'm looking thinking of building one of these models and was wondering if the OB5 is worth the extra cost.


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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #69 on: 3 Dec 2006, 12:18 am »
Dayglow, how do the new OB5 compare to the AV3's? I 'm looking thinking of building one of these models and was wondering if the OB5 is worth the extra cost.

I love my AV/3's. I will not be getting rid of them. I'm actually building new cabinets for them as well. Is it worth it? Ok, if you're on a tight budget, then get the AV/3's. They use the same M-130 woofers as the OB series speakers, but a dome tweeter instead of the Neo3 that's on the OB's.

The AV's are a very neutral speaker. They are smooth and punchy, go down to 40hz and do it well, they don't go mushy and boomy. In short, they are a very good wide variety listening speaker. I'll put it another way. If someone asked me what I don't like about it, the answer would be, nothing.

The OB 5 is about twice the cost. But still an absolute bargain for what it sounds like. It however isn't as forgiving on poor recordings. Particularly in the mid's. It isn't going to sugar coat anything. I'm not trying to instill fear here, but just let you know what to expect. I have no idea what you or anybody else desires in sonics. But I can describe the differences between these two speakers to some degree.

The price performance ratio of both are really good. How good? I just got back from a critical listening session where I was alone in rooms that had Martin Logans, Wilson Watt Puppys and some 6 figure McIntosh XRT2K line arrays. I'm now listening to the same demo disc we had there on my OB 5's.......

I will post my impressions tomorrow...... 8)



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #70 on: 3 Dec 2006, 04:12 am »
Hey Day:

I think what you have had to say about the OB 5's is very accurate.

They have tremendous transparency and detail. Actually bettering my Sen 580 headphones run off my MH gear. when run by the McAlister SE 44.

After the emotion has left I still stand by what I originally wrote about them. Only thing I would change is the speaker does not quite sound like one big ribbon. The bass and lower mids are too warm for that. Still very fast and a true joy to listen to.

Which brings up the McAlister SE 44 / OB 5 combo. I absolutely love the combination. The clarity is simply breathtaking. Best cymbals and high end I have ever had in my system. Totally real, spooky real. I did try to play it quite loud and found out how close I was driving the amp to clipping. Turning it past my normal volume found the 22 watt SE 44 insufficient. So I have to either bi-amp, or go for Peter's push/pull. The mono's sure look good.



Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #71 on: 3 Dec 2006, 05:12 am »
rcmacallum,  If you are not sure if you want the av/3's or the ob5's, split the difference and get the O-3's.  I promise you will not be disappointed.  I took a trip to see Danny today, and listened to the o-3's and ob-7's.  The o-3 has the same characteristics as the ob-5/7's, but the open baffle just takes it to a different level.  The o-3's cost a little more than the av's but you get the transparency of  the planar.  But (and this is a big but) if you can scrape up enough money (sell a kidney if you have to) go with the open baffles.  You will be glad you did.  Of coarse this is just my opinion. 



Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #72 on: 3 Dec 2006, 10:40 am »
what are kidneys going for these days?


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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #73 on: 3 Dec 2006, 06:17 pm »
If you are not sure if you want the av/3's or the ob5's, split the difference and get the O-3's.

That's actually a really good suggestion. I never even thought of it.

What to do, what to do? So many choices, so little time..... :lol:



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #74 on: 7 Dec 2006, 12:59 am »

Oh my Gosh!!!

Looks like GR Research is breaking into the mainstream.

How could this have happened???   :o



Danny Richie

Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #75 on: 7 Dec 2006, 02:28 am »
Thanks Ronny,

I really do appreciate your feedback.


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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #76 on: 7 Dec 2006, 02:39 am »
Are you gonna start wearing sunglasses all the time now?  8) :lol:



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #77 on: 7 Dec 2006, 07:28 pm »
Very intriguing.  How low do they go in a mid-sized (14x24) room?  I see the 3db down point is 45hz, but Danny's website says they may go lower in smaller rooms.  In any case, though, I assume this means that w/o a sub, one is missing a fair bit of the low-end action (eg, bottom octave of a stand-up bass, etc).  I'm a long-time, very happy owner of Danny's Paradox 3's, which have a 3db down point of 34hz (if I recall correctly).  I am very intrigued about these OB 5's, but am wondering about the bass I'd miss if I moved up to them.  Thanks for any info. 


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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #78 on: 7 Dec 2006, 07:37 pm »


I use a sub, barely.

You could always go for the OB 7's.



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Re: OB 5 or 7 Reviews
« Reply #79 on: 7 Dec 2006, 07:45 pm »
I have my OB 5's back in a smaller space, and with room gain, they extend quite well low. It depends on what you listen to. For a lot of pop music, there isn't a heck of a lot you would miss in the 20 to 40hz range. More modern recordings or some well recorded Jazz or Classical, you miss the full, full body. All of the fundementals are there in the OB's but the low low overtones are in the sub. The fundementals are well represented.

So it depends on your taste and preference. I don't know exactly where they roll off with room gain. Wish I could tell you. I might eventually get a test CD and a new SPL meter and goof around.

I have some 24 bit digital soundcheck stuff that goes way low, and yeah, the sub is really cooking. But it's a lot more bandwidth than commercial CD's ever have.

I will say again that with the sub, it's pretty much an all involving listening experience. If you plan on popping in a CD and sitting down to read or write an email, you might have a difficult time concentrating. The dynamics make it distracting. I'm not trying to say that like it's a bad thing. Just trying to paint a picture, as I was myself curious before I got a sub in my system.

« Last Edit: 8 Dec 2006, 09:12 pm by Daygloworange »