no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....

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no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #1 on: 7 May 2006, 10:37 pm »
Doesn't matter to me.  I'm waiting for the PS3.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #2 on: 8 May 2006, 04:53 pm »
I love my 360.  Just picked up a new controller and Burnout.  Ordered by my son, the 3 year old.  Oblivion is awesome but a little to bloody and realistic for the little one.  He wants it now, but I am 18 flight hours away.
Concerning HD or blue-ray, I can't afford nor want a first gen of either.  Standalone with all the bells and whistles, better components, and cheaper and better software!!!
Have fun waiting until March for the PS3

In Baltimore for a week.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #3 on: 8 May 2006, 05:46 pm »
Quote from: Woodsea
I love my 360.  Just picked up a new controller and Burnout.  Ordered by my son, the 3 year old.  Oblivion is awesome but a little to bloody and realistic for the little one.  He wants it now, but I am 18 flight hours away.
Concerning HD or blue-ray, I can't afford nor want a first gen of either.  Standalone with all the bells and whistles, better components, and cheaper and better software!!!
Have fun waiting until March for the PS3

In Baltimore for a week.

Oh, I'll be fine waiting- I've got plenty of games to finish on my Gamecube.  Aside from Oblivion, which I can get on PC, there has been nothing really kick butt in terms of software on the 360.  A system is only as good as it's software IMO- and though the 360 has been first out of the gate, I don't see anything that amazing that has come out in it's first 6 months.  Certainly, no KOTOR, Halo, or Splinter Cell has come out yet.  Having owned all the past systems at one point, I like what Sony and Nintendo offered more this past generation than the exclusive that were on Xbox.  If the 360 can get more games that I want, I'll certainly buy one, but at this point I don't see anything aside from Oblivion.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #4 on: 9 May 2006, 12:59 am »
I understand your point.  I don't have a PC right now that can play Oblivion at the level the 360 does at its price point.  As I said I only have 2 games now for the 360.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #5 on: 9 May 2006, 01:26 am »
Not having followed the E3 news or the PS3 release day and I find from here that is it coming out in March 2007?  Dah hell.  Might as well give up and wait until Xbox 720 comes out or something.  Sony is taking too long to bring the console out personaly, it is not as if SONY and their consoles are equivalent to Blizzard and they forever in postponement games.  Thumbs down for SONY.  Hell, I will wait for the Nintendo WII to come out...guarantee that there will be more than a few games to play on that platform.   :D


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #6 on: 9 May 2006, 01:28 am »
They will announce the official release date of the PS3 at E3.  The March 2007 date that Woodsea wrote is what I assume is a joke .

And regarding the WII, everything I've read on it makes me think that it is going to truly revolutionize gaming.  That and they have promised to launch with Metroid, Mario, and Zelda makes it an absolute must have for me on the November launch date.  They are predicting it will come in at $150-$200 as well, which will be nice.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #7 on: 9 May 2006, 02:21 am »
See this E3 blurb on the PS3.  What a bunch of non-innovative mo-fo's- obviously copying the WII's motion-sensing controller! :lol:

According to this, the PS3 will launch in November at two price points $499 for 20GB drive and $599 for 60GB drive.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #8 on: 9 May 2006, 03:10 am »
This is hilarious.  Since Sony has been copying Nintendo's innovations since the N64 came out with the analog stick, this is pretty funny:


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no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #9 on: 10 May 2006, 07:10 am »
Wow $600 to get the PS3 that will play blue ray DVDs on HD is a real surprise to me after all the hype. Thats such a spike in price for a console even for the "amazing" features. Blue Ray DVD players will certainly hit the $200-300 range in 2007. Also with an $800 cost that's a lot of loss added in to the equation.

Rob Babcock

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no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #10 on: 10 May 2006, 10:04 am »
I haven't enjoyed any Nintendo game I've played in the last 15 years.  By whatever name, the new Nintendo looks like junk to me, no offense.  The main "innovation" seems to be a fad controller with no real utility.  And their first party titles have uniformly been crap, IMOHO.

I'm a bit bummed by the high price tag for the P3, although since most of the projected prices for stand alone BRD players is around $1,000 the price seems justified.  Naturally the value of a console depends upon the games, and Sony has some of my all time favorite franchises.  Although if the '360 releases a new KotOR game my opinion could be swayed. :)


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #11 on: 10 May 2006, 04:09 pm »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
I haven't enjoyed any Nintendo game I've played in the last 15 years.  By whatever name, the new Nintendo looks like junk to me, no offense.  The main "innovation" seems to be a fad controller with no real utility.  And their first party titles have uniformly been crap, IMOHO.

I'm a bit bummed by the high price tag for the P3, although since most of the projected prices for stand alone BRD players is around $1,000 the price seems justified.  Naturally the value of a console depends upon the games, and So ...

I dont' think the PS3 price tag is so out of line.  They are projecting that the HD-DVD drive that the Xbox 360 will be adding on- to make it compete with the PS3 as a providor of hi-def video- is going to push the Xbox 360 in the price range of $600 anyway.  This is what happens when companies try to make a gaming machine that does far more than play games.  It seems people want this, though, based on how much the X360 has sold.  I'm definitely getting a PS3.

I obviously disagree with your thoughts on Nintendo's first party titles being uniformly crap.  Based on how many Game of the Years the company has won ifrom numerous magazine in the last 15 years, would suggest that you are hyperbolizing about the uniformity of their crappy games, but it's obviously your opinion.  Moreover, if the controller is such a fad, I wonder why Sony is copying it?  Hmmmmmmm.



no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #12 on: 10 May 2006, 10:04 pm »
Sony is copying it, because they can.  Thought it will not do it with all the functionality of the WIIs.
I don't think MS will sell many Add-ons and I don't think they expect to.  It just looks good on paper.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #13 on: 10 May 2006, 10:39 pm »
Quote from: Woodsea
Sony is copying it, because they can.  Thought it will not do it with all the functionality of the WIIs.
I don't think MS will sell many Add-ons and I don't think they expect to.  It just looks good on paper.

Yeah, but the fact is that they are copying it, so that is somewhat of an admission that the biggest console maker in the world see's motion sensing in gaming as a viable future direction.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #14 on: 11 May 2006, 12:05 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
I haven't enjoyed any Nintendo game I've played in the last 15 years.  By whatever name, the new Nintendo looks like junk to me, no offense.  

Maybe I am simplistic or something, but most of the games that I have actually GOTTEN into and played extensively were for the Nintendo.  The primary reason I sold the XBOX and all its 8 titles was that I was not playing them enough..good graphics and everything else counting....when it comes down to the fun factor and the ease one can get into, Nintendo games make a lot of other systems in the dust.

It is not the technology or whatever extra function one can use with a machine, but when it comes down to a GAMING console, I think Nintendo rocks and pushes the limit.  

Look at the PSP, what games are good?

The X360, has landed, where are the rest of the landing part in terms of gaming experience?  As inept as CNET usually is, they did an interesting comparison between the older Xbox and the newer ones, with same titles especifically written to platform generation 1 and 2....there was not much of a difference.  

I say, let them make them Ferraris and Lamborghinis, but make sure you provide racing width and style wheels and decent racing track (GAMES) or all this power will be wasted not in racing, but in dragging complex machines on local roads.

PS:  NINTENDO DS titles took major spots as the games of the year in Japan.  Sure they ain't buying crap per se.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #15 on: 11 May 2006, 12:17 am »
Quote from: Bemopti123
Maybe I am simplistic or something, but most of the games that I have actually GOTTEN into and played extensively were for the Nintendo.  The primary reason I sold the XBOX and all its 8 titles was that I was not playing them enough..good graphics and everything else counting....when it comes down to the fun factor and the ease one can get into, Nintendo games make a lot of other systems in the dust.

It is not the technology or whatever extra function one can use with a machine, but when it comes down to ...

I agree.  Nintendo is more about gaming for me.  My PS3 will be my tech demo to show off my new fancy TV and, don't get me wrong, I love the Metal Gear series and God of War and the glut of RPG's that will inevitably come with the system.  But when it comes down to just flat out enjoying a game, Nintendo games usually do it for me.  From the complexity and brilliance of the Zelda/Metroid titles, to the sheer simplicity and fun of the Mario games, Nintendo is the bomb.  My favorite game of last year was Resident Evil 4, but it was followed very, very closely by Mario Kart DS, which was addicting, easy to pick up, and just super fun.

Rob Babcock

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no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #16 on: 11 May 2006, 01:28 am »
Quote from: mcrespo71
Moreover, if the controller is such a fad, I wonder why Sony is copying it? Hmmmmmmm.

Um, because that's what a fad is? :roll:  :wink:   I won't be buying one of those flaky things, no matter who makes it.

Rob Babcock

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no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #17 on: 11 May 2006, 01:34 am »
I had a 'cube but sold it.  I despised the controllers and didn't like any game for it.  But my tastes in gaming run towards HALO/KotoR/Resident Evil more than Mario.  I don't care for the "Japanime" style RPGs that much, either.

I'll certainly be buying RE4, but not for the Nintendo.  I've been told it's good, but I'd have to buy a new adapter to use a Playstation controller.  And it would likely be the only game I'd ever buy for it.

Lately I've been much more of an Xbox guy, despite being a long-time Playstation fan.  My P2 collected dust for so long that I sold it, but over the last year and a half there've been a lot of games I really want to play for the P2.  So once I get moved into my new place I'll be getting a new slim P2, and probably a '360.

To tide me over til then, maybe I'll buy the new Tomb Raider for the Xbox.  Having played it for a while on the '360 I have to say it's a return to excellence for the franchise.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #18 on: 11 May 2006, 01:52 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
I'll certainly be buying RE4, but not for the Nintendo. I've been told it's good, but I'd have to buy a new adapter to use a Playstation controller.

Didn't I give you that adapter back after you mistakenly sent it to me along with your 'cube?

I still don't really see what problem you have with the 'cube controllers. IMO it's a damn good design and the Wavebird is one of the best OEM controllers ever made period.


no PS3 on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and Halo 3 is coming....
« Reply #19 on: 11 May 2006, 02:11 am »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
Quote from: mcrespo71
Moreover, if the controller is such a fad, I wonder why Sony is copying it? Hmmmmmmm.

Um, because that's what a fad is? :roll:  :wink:   I won't be buying one of those flaky things, no matter who makes it.

The definition of fad:
short-lived fashion: something that is embraced very enthusiastically for a short time, especially by many people

Sony would not have made it an integral part of their next gen system, which will be around for at least 4 years, if it was a fad.  They would have let Nintendo crash and burn with their faddish controller.