Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?

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Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« on: 10 Oct 2005, 03:46 pm »
Being a linux geek I became familiar with nOrh products because the owner reviews linux. I was intrigued by his philosophy i.e. direct marketing, quality components etc.

I found a link to "Review of Phil's hand-made Jaguars" , Mark was a nOrh guy. but absolutely loved the Jag's....and ACI here I am!

Anyway, I finally took the leap and entered the beginning edges of the high end audio component market. I have a Pioneer Elite VSX 49Ti , that I use as a preamp for a Plinius 8200P for 2 channel music. Elite DV37 DVD player with B&W 601 speakers.

I have been researching speakers for a year and have clearly decided on ACI....but, which ones. I want  speakers that disappear into the sound stage and involve me emotionally like my memories of the 60's. (I know..."if you lived through the sixties you don't remember them")

Ok that was long winded so what do you think of this...I want monitors with a sub that I will always use, my listening room is small  12x18 feet. Music 75% - movies 25%. I will often be listening at low levels but hey, I didn't preserve my hearing to listen to Crosby, Stills and Nash quietly!

I also need to take the wife and kids' on vacation.
I thought long and hard about the Panoramas or the Sapphires.

I am leaning toward the Protege V based on
1. I will purchase an ACI sub
2. the review by Harry P and also what Mike said about these being perhaps the most underrated of his line.
3.Did I mention I like to brag about the bang for the buck factor to my friends that think that big bucks buy the best?
Any thoughts?

thank you


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Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #1 on: 11 Oct 2005, 12:14 am »


The speaker that attracted me to ACI was the Essence center. I didn't own it at first, but do now. It's still the fav of my set (Pans,Sapps,Ess)

Happy shopping



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Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #2 on: 11 Oct 2005, 03:36 am »
Hi Steve,

Welcome 2.  

I enjoyed reading your post and also the  "Phil's Handmade Jaguars" link.

I can also relate to your search for speakers that provide that emotional kick we all got from music in the 60s and 70s.... though in my case I vaguely remember it was not only the speakers that gave me that buzz...

One of the challenges in giving you a knowledgeable recommendation is that everyone looks for something a little different when buying speakers.  

In my case,  Over the years I had owned three speakers I really liked.  The first was a set of stacked Advents, next a pair of Boston Acoustics A-200s and finally some B&W DM17s.  All of these speakers imaged great had a smooth almost liquid quality to their sound that I really enjoyed.  I think it used to be called the "East Coast Sound".    It was not until I purchased the Sapphire XLs that I got that same thrill again.  They are far better speakers than the ones I mentioned , but give me that same emotional kick...just up a notch (thanks Emeril).

On the other hand, some other classic speakers,  JBL L100s or Altec Voice of the Theaters provided excitement in a totally different way, and my guess is that the Proteges might provide the dynamics and front row immediacy those had but much more accurately.   The point is we have to know more about what you like.

Back when I was a HiFi consultant I would have used the B&W 601s you own as a baseline.  They are fine little speakers.  If you can tell us what you like about them most, and also what would you want your new speakers to improve on it should make it easier to provide you with a path that will get you where you want to go.    

The good news with ACI is that you can always send back any speakers that do not do what you want and try others.

Good luck.



Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #3 on: 11 Oct 2005, 02:16 pm »
Thankd E and George for helping get me started.

The best discription of what I seek was written in 'Mark's' review: I quote

'Now let me say about the Jaguars, they don't "sound like instruments" - they "sound like music". Everything that's wrong with the nOrh 6.9 (to the extent you could call it wrong) is RIGHT with the Jags. Where the 6.9's sort of suggested "turn me down a little", the Jags say "turn me up a little". There is a terrific silence between the notes - there is a terrific pinpoint placement of voices and instruments - there is a terrific (OK I'm going to take a flyer with an audiophile word again) "palpability" to the vocals. I mean when Diana Krall inhaled it was breathtaking (pun intended).

The Jaguars seem amazingly detailed without having to remind you every second just how detailed they are. Not "in your face" at all. Just sweet, very sweet and listenable.

That is what I want to experience, without taking on a second job!


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Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #4 on: 12 Oct 2005, 12:31 am »
Hi Steve,

  Here's the link to the Mark's astute Jaguar Review .  

I have never heard the Jags, or any ACIs except 2 generations of Sapphires, but I am sure that someone with more ACI experience will weigh in here on the differences between the choices you are considering.

Mike Dzurko

Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #5 on: 12 Oct 2005, 08:19 pm »
I will weigh in on this one, just waiting to see if any others who've experienced these various models chime in first . . . .


Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #6 on: 12 Oct 2005, 10:48 pm »
I have not heard ACI speakers but I would suggest going with the Sapphires, especially if you are going to use a sub anyway.  You will have a great speaker with some well respected drivers.  You won't feel the need to upgrade or wonder what it would have been like...

Hey Mike, I know there is only three days until the show, but did you ever consider getting a room at the Chicago Auido fest?


Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #7 on: 13 Oct 2005, 12:36 am »
I can say this much, The Maestro sub is fantastic and will totally handle the lower frequencies. In a room your size, this sub will be way more than enough.


Harry P

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Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #8 on: 14 Oct 2005, 12:41 am »

Joe is right, the Maestro would be way more sub than you'd need in your room. I'd go with a Force or Titan in that size room. The Protege would be a great choice for sure. If you can swing the extra funds though, I'd pop for the Sapphire XLs. For instance if it was me, I'd go XLs and Force rather than Protege and Titan for about the same $$$


« Reply #9 on: 14 Oct 2005, 01:49 am »
I am excited with all the input, it certianly helps me as I move towards some purchases  that will result in some fine listening....funky Tower of Power ..etc


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Sapphire,Panorama,Protege V oh my?
« Reply #10 on: 22 Oct 2005, 08:28 am »
It's been a while since I've chimed in on an ACI forum thread, but I'll let myself get sucked in again.  I've have had the opportunity to hear both the Jaguar/LFM and older generation Sapphires, and own a set of Panoramas and the Titan subwoofer.  I have not listened to the Protoge V speakers, so someone else will have to chime in there.

My time spent between music and movies is similar to yours, and my goal when auditioning was to find a set of speakers that could handle music without having to resort to a subwoofer.  I was targetting the Sapphires but the Panoramas, with their base extension and incredible midrange, were too tempting to pass up.  The Titan I later added for movies, but it isn't really needed for enjoying music.

The one time I got to hear the Jaguar/LFM speakers at the showroom was a pleasure.  Over a year has passed and has blurred my memory some, but I still clearly remember feeling like I was experiencing a live performance more than listening to a well-recorded soundtrack.  The stereo LFM modules really do add a lot of punch to the listening experience.

Mike (and others) will be able to give far better advice than I will, but I suspect that your room size and low playing volume wouldn't play to the Jaguar's strengths.  A Sapphire/Titan combo will undoubtedly blend well together and keep you quite happy.  Be warned though.  I don't think I recall stories of people auditioning Panoramas and resisting their lure.

Steve  (not the original poster, of course)