Empirical offers Transport mods for the Denon 5900

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Empirical offers Transport mods for the Denon 5900
« on: 19 May 2005, 05:54 pm »
This popular player makes a superb Transport.  Customers that have had this mod report that it is like buying a new preamp.  Very clear and focused imaging and improved dynamics.  the mods include:

1) Power Supply upgrades, including HEXFREDs, Digital Supply filter cap
or optional Jensen 4-pole cap, output Black Gate caps and regulator
2) Digital Board upgrades, including rewiring of entire digital path,
redesign of digital output circuits (transformer-coupled), tuning to
precisely 75 ohms
3) Optional SuperTurboclock3 (recommended) to replace jittery on-board
oscillator module - mounted and wired professionally

Pricing starts at $1000

See the Empirical website for more details.