Is there any sort of primer for Usher speakers?

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Bill Baker

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Is there any sort of primer for Usher speakers?
« Reply #20 on: 12 Jan 2005, 10:41 pm »
WOW, gone for only a day and I miss a 2 page thread on my own circle. I must admit I am glad to see other dealer, Home theater doc, does not mind jumping in on another dealer forum. Thanks HTD.

 Getting back to the Ushers, I personally seem to be more involved with the X-Series with the 718 being the most popular. I just finsihed up yet another pair of custom units that utilize a full array of the new VH Audio OIMP, oil impregnated, capacitors among many other alterations. I hate it when I have to send these speakers to their new owners.

 I have to agree with everyone else here, I too feel that the X-718 is the best of the series. I find the 708 just a tad on the lean side and the 719 on the boomy side of neutral. As the baby bear says, "this one is just right". She must of had the X-718s also :mrgreen:

 I also have a custom pair of 7388s (and X-708s) that have been my personal reference for larger amps for about a year now. I have fallen in love with these speakers but with the Daedalus DA-1 coming, they will have to go.

  In regard to the offerings from Usher, this is not as big a deal as many of these are not offered in the US. Only the X-Series, CP-Series (6-Series) and some of the Dancers. Being a smaller dealer myself and concentrating primarily on modification work, I have tried to keep my offerings down to the X and CP series.


Is there any sort of primer for Usher speakers?
« Reply #21 on: 12 Jan 2005, 11:13 pm »
I can't wait to hear Carl's modded 718's!  Already, they put the super-smack down on both pair of GMA's he had, and on about any other monitors I have heard until you spend stupid money.  As a matter of fact, I'd rather have those than the GMA 1.5i!  The Usher has even more bass than this behemoth.


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Is there any sort of primer for Usher speakers?
« Reply #22 on: 12 Jan 2005, 11:41 pm »
Quote from: Response Audio
WOW, gone for only a day and I miss a 2 page thread on my own circle. I must admit I am glad to see other dealer, Home theater doc, does not mind jumping in on another dealer forum. Thanks HTD...


Correct me if I am wrong... I took the above comment in the positive, not as you being perterbed that I am posting on your circle.  I'm in no way, shape, or form trying to steal sales away or anything of the sort.  I admittedly was a little hesitant to post on this thread when I saw that B posted on your circle.... but I just wanted to pass along info to folks and somewhat explain what is going on with all the different Usher models... I just spent a good chunk of my time in Vegas with the Usher guys and listened quite a bit to the new offerings.  I thought it prudent that I pass the info along.....IF you would like me to cease and desist, by all means, I will do so.....

Bill, you should get the 8571 in, change out the caps in the crossover, add some new internal wiring and add a Z-sleeve or two in there, and you would have one heck of a performer on the top end of the price scale for most folks... I think you'd sell a ton of them to customers who came in to hear them..... I think the thing sounds great stock... with a few tweaks and mods from you it would take it into the stratosphere... there is a lot of potential in this speaker and it looks absolutely gorgeous in person as well.... it passes the WAF test with ease despite its size...

Bill Baker

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Is there any sort of primer for Usher speakers?
« Reply #23 on: 13 Jan 2005, 12:06 am »
Correct me if I am wrong... I took the above comment in the positive, not as you being perterbed that I am posting on your circle.

 No, I was very serious. I do appreciate you taking the time to answer questions in regard to the Usher speakers. I enjoy the company. I have not heard them all and in fact, not as many as you have. I would not have been able to answer some of the questions you were able to. I feel this site was designed to help answer questions and that is exactly what you did. I meant it when I said "thank you". You are welcome any time.

you should get the 8571 in, change out the caps in the crossover, add some new internal wiring and add a Z-sleeve or two in there, and you would have one heck of a performer on the top end of the price scale for most folks... I think you'd sell a ton of them to customers who came in to hear them.....

 This may come in time but at the moment, my New York facility is over run by modification work and our work on bringing in the new 300B mono blocs.
 I have been in the new building just over a year now and already need to start looking for something bigger if I want more dedicated showrooms. It's tought when I get a shipment of 40 amps in and even 3-5 pairs of large speakers not to mention the customer supplied amps that are sent in unannounced.

 Hey, if your interested in having me modify a pair for you to sell through your location........??????? You really need to hear these speakers with the VH Audio OIMP caps in the crossover and the other work that is done in these speakers.

 I may have to talk Carlman into letting me do a full monty on his speakers at a "beta" price. This way those who come by to listen will be able to see and hear what the modded units are capable of.
  You there carl.............


Is there any sort of primer for Usher speakers?
« Reply #24 on: 13 Jan 2005, 02:24 am »
Quote from: Response Audio
I may have to talk Carlman into letting me do a full monty on his speakers at a "beta" price. This way those who come by to listen will be able to see and hear what the modded units are capable of.
You there carl............. ...

Ears are wide open... I'll call tomorrow. :) :)