My Bryston BP-26 power supply: diference in sound plugged in Technical vs normal

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Elizabeth, I ask the above with genuine sincerity and not sarcasm or rudeness.

When I did try and live with my shielded power cable (ground connected to both ends), I did notice a difference in sound in comparison to my unshielded cable. I thought that the shielded cable at first sounded more exciting and perhaps more detailed. However, in comparisons, I found that there was this edginess to the sound with the shielded power cable. In quick time comparisons, I thought while the unshielded cable sounded less detailed, it was always the smoother sounding cable and more natural. It was noticeable with vocals and transients.

Now I get that my problem with the shielded cable was that it had the shield attached to both ends. However, I've found similar comparisons and observations as mine made by other people whose shielded cable had the shield connected at only wall end. This is why I ask of the questions above. Are there any drawbacks to various shielded designs or is it all positive?


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Sorry Zoom25, there is basic hostility to any discussion of power cords or cables on this site that just is not worth bothering fighting. I suggest strongly finding some other site where such discussions do not get filled with annoying attacks.
Aftert two threads have been shattered by jackasses just trying to derail them, I give up.
Also it may be due to other reasons. but in general the clowns who demand the Earth be flat, just seem to be able to get away with what they are doing. So as far as I am concerned you are SOL here. I suggest finding some other site to raise your questions. One where the Flat Earthers are not ruining the discussion.


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ad hominem attacks now?


Bryston BP-26 I have owned for over 8 years.
Previously I had it plugged into my Furman REF20i on the balanced 'technical power' 60v/60v area of outlets. and had a older Pangea AC9SE (four meters long) to the BP-26 (as the best sound heard)
Anyway I recently bought some latest cords, and tried a Pangea 14SEMKII Signature (five meters)
The new cords (also on amp Bryston 4B-SST² this cord from wall) The new cords clearer sound , better all around.
Anyway clear difference in sound now from system, if BP-26 in balanced technical power, vs conditioner but from regular 120v/0v AC section.
Previously I really did not notice much change, just it seemed right to use on the technical area.
Now, with the new cord...
On the technical the sound is lean... on the regular power much better balance and warmth.
(playing Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited)

Jus thought I would report this interesting finding.
I know when trying new cords best to really try them all over. Never know what sort of rearrangement will sound better.
Definite move up in quality with the new cords. hearing more things, and more info from the equipment

Would still be educational to narrow down exactly what was responsible for the change from lean to balance and warmth.


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Hi Elizabeth,

I've asked at least 3-4 times on different Audiogon threads with the same query. I figured Audiogon would be the one place to get some answers considering everyone there loves third party cables. Yet no response whatsoever. Same on things like ComputerAudiophile. My questions always go unanswered. I've tried here a few times as well with no feedback. I am not sure what to do...

BTW do you have any stock power cables lying around? Can you please try them out again with them in every single gear. Take out all the shielded cables and just use stock cables. How would you describe the sound now? Does it initially appear as slower or more dull? More warm and laid back? Less detailed? Less edge? Smoother?

In quick comparisons, I find that preferences can swing back and forth depending on the state of mind or what you internally qualify as better sounding, but over a few days the brain works things through it. Maybe leave the stock cables in for a week or two just listening and getting used to the sound and then going back to your fancy cables. It can take some time to get readjusted.



I have been lucky to have a dealer who has brought in many high end cables, and was nice enough to let me try them.

I have also built many power cables with parts from Take five, to test against these designer cables.
shielded, unshielded, small gauge, large gauge. I have been lucky to make a cable from parts
 that sounds very close to the designer cable for one quarter of the cost.

I also have a number of friends who own some very good high end systems, and we have experimented with these
 cables on all our systems.

In the end the differences are not OH MY GOD, but just very subtle changes. To hear any subtle differences you have
 to listen to individual instruments, or the sound stage, not the music as a whole. 

But there is no easy answer. Just because a cable sounded good my my system, doesn't guarantee it will  sound as good in my buddies.
Sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't.

And Some people do not hear any difference. I have had people come and listen my system, and as long as they are tapping
 their foot, they are happy with the sound. Some of us tend to too analytical.

The fact is you have to try different things to find what sounds good in your system to you.

It would also help to know what you want to change soundwise in your system.
Is it too bright, too dull, not detailed enough.


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Would still be educational to narrow down exactly what was responsible for the change from lean to balance and warmth.
Yeah, that WOULD be interesting. if it was actually possible to put up with the fog of drivel added to the thread. But for me, twice was enough. I give up and from now on I will just fiddle with my stuff alone. Without the bother of posting about anything.
I have no problem with doing that.
If other do?
Then you need to get the moderators here to DO SOMETHING about the assholes who clog up these sorts of posts. But that is too late for me to be bothered with.
So IMO the assholes win, the interested parties lose. period.
As far as the way to solve this? Have the Op be able to delete any and all posts they find to be not applicable to the topic at hand, Period. It seems to only way.
Good luck in your quest.


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Yeah, that WOULD be interesting. if it was actually possible to put up with the fog of drivel added to the thread. But for me, twice was enough. I give up and from now on I will just fiddle with my stuff alone. Without the bother of posting about anything.
I have no problem with doing that.
If other do?
Then you need to get the moderators here to DO SOMETHING about the assholes who clog up these sorts of posts. But that is too late for me to be bothered with.
So IMO the assholes win, the interested parties lose. period.
As far as the way to solve this? Have the Op be able to delete any and all posts they find to be not applicable to the topic at hand, Period. It seems to only way.
Good luck in your quest.

Not sure who's bad-mouthing who here.  Asking a technical question is not an attack, nor is it necessarily an expression of full disagreement. Skepticism, yes, but since when is that unacceptable?
So maybe just chill out with the colorful adjectives and ad hominem attacks.


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CanadianMaestro: your own words from the other powercord thread, you JUST POSTED:
""Hey guys, I need some advice, a bit off topic apologies, but I think it's related.

I just bought a brand new garden hose.

How many hours should I run water thru it so it will settle in?


Now exactly how is that on topic? or a 'technical question?'
You use the forum for personal attacks couched in stupid questions and comments.

Then you say: "Not sure who's bad-mouthing who here."
RIGHT, you cannot figure out when you start from the beginning with bogus questions that you are playing game with. your sentence is a perfect Freudian slip.
Good luck,


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It WAS off-topic, so I apologized for it.
I wanted to deflate all those pseudo-science buffs who still, in the 21st century, claim that there is science behind the notion that cables (power cables, at that) need "burn-in" to function optimally.

In this thread, I asked a legit Q: How does a pc improve/degrade SQ?
Would like to know, as I myself have experienced some alterations in SQ with some power cords.
If you take that remark here as a personal attack, there's nothin' I can do for ya. My name ain't Freud.


p.s. Honestly, I don't think that electrons (the stuff that flows inside power cables) give a rat's arse whether the wiring is in a certain geometry, or is made of 9.9999995% OFC or whatever. Now that is not sarcasm.

There are times when sarcasm is approp (as in that other thread). Apparently, some people just can't pick it up.


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It WAS off-topic, so I apologized for it.
I wanted to deflate all those pseudo-science buffs who still, in the 21st century, claim that there is science behind the notion that cables (power cables, at that) need "burn-in" to function optimally.

In this thread, I asked a legit Q: How does a pc improve/degrade SQ?
Would like to know, as I myself have experienced some alterations in SQ with some power cords.
If you take that remark here as a personal attack, there's nothin' I can do for ya. My name ain't Freud.


p.s. Honestly, I don't think that electrons (the stuff that flows inside power cables) give a rat's arse whether the wiring is in a certain geometry, or is made of 9.9999995% OFC or whatever. Now that is not sarcasm.

There are times when sarcasm is approp (as in that other thread). Apparently, some people just can't pick it up.

Move along now.


CanadianMaestro: your own words from the other powercord thread, you JUST POSTED:
""Hey guys, I need some advice, a bit off topic apologies, but I think it's related.

I just bought a brand new garden hose.

How many hours should I run water thru it so it will settle in?


Everyone knows that you need at least 200 hours, or the water will still taste like rubber......


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Everyone knows that you need at least 200 hours, or the water will still taste like rubber......


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Elizabeth, I'm sorry these folks are upsetting you. I agree with you, these same un-related questions about shielded cables get posted all the time - and I find it useless. 

Zoom and CM - it would be great if you could apologize to Elizabeth. Her posts on this site are always interesting and from the heart - it would be a shame to lose a valued member to this community.



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I haven't insulted or trolled anyone here. I shared my own listening results and was just looking to get some answers about basic principles. I don't understand how genuine curiosity can be problematic to anyone...


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Elizabeth, I'm sorry these folks are upsetting you. I agree with you, these same un-related questions about shielded cables get posted all the time - and I find it useless.

Zoom and CM - it would be great if you could apologize to Elizabeth. Her posts on this site are always interesting and from the heart - it would be a shame to lose a valued member to this community.


Imagine you are a DIYer and buy some bulk shielded wire and some IEC connectors to make your own cable. How do you decide what to do with the shield and drain wire with regards to the connection at each end? You will have to address that question if you want to finish that cable. So what does one go with and why?

I imagine the answer to this question would be useful to anyone making their own cable.


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Zoom and CM - it would be great if you could apologize to Elizabeth. Her posts on this site are always interesting and from the heart - it would be a shame to lose a valued member to this community.


I apologize to E. for being unaware that she is really sensitive and fragile.

I will not apologize for being curious and asking direct questions-- freedom of enquiry is part of the fun of this hobby, and is a driver of our democratic society (sorry).

cheers TJ


Imagine you are a DIYer and buy some bulk shielded wire and some IEC connectors to make your own cable. How do you decide what to do with the shield and drain wire with regards to the connection at each end? You will have to address that question if you want to finish that cable. So what does one go with and why?

I imagine the answer to this question would be useful to anyone making their own cable.

Here is what take five audio recommends for DYI for shielded cable with drain wire. It's a good starting point.

I also recommend calling Jean at Take five as he would be more than happy to give you suggestions.


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I also recommend calling Jean at Take five as he would be more than happy to give you suggestions.

That's Gene (Evely).


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So what is the point of this thread? To point out that somehow, a particular BP-26 (which is a superb piece of kit) may have a faulty power/noise regulation circuit that is somehow eliminated by a power cord?
I have no problem with people posting sensory observations btw. Just that some claims seem to stretch credibility given the engineering principles out there).
I apologize to E. for being unaware that she is really sensitive and fragile.
Your opinion does not invalidate Elizabeth's experience.
That is an insincere apology.
