Anybody seen Solo?

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Anybody seen Solo?
« on: 16 Jun 2018, 10:24 pm »
Anyone ? I will see it soon . I heard it was meh.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #1 on: 16 Jun 2018, 10:35 pm »
I already know it isn't my Han Solo. I wanted to be Han Solo, there's no way in hell I'd want to be this fairy. He doesn't embody Han in any way I can tell at all from the clips I've seen. In fact he's almost the opposite.

Anyways, KK isn't getting anything from me. I'll see it when it's at the budget theater if I feel like getting off my butt to sit on it in another location... I will have very low expectations and assume it'll be garbage compared to the fantastic story I read in 3 full novels that was Han's background - when I was a kid.

As far as I'm concerned any new star wars movie is dead, a waste of money, and only serves the purpose to feed radical terrorists more political weight. Rogue One was decent, the prequels tolerable for the story, and that's it since ROTJ.

I mean, how can you appreciate these when they deliberately are making them to piss fans off? They have stated in public they don't make the films for fans, and strictly want to make them for their personal vision. Mark Hamel is ashamed of the last movie, and has apologized to crowds of people. He's made it clear he disagreed with everything but did what the director wanted (putting the blame on the director, the henchman of KK, who goes through directors faster than we go through audio gear).

You want a good SciFi thing to watch? Check out The Expanse.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #2 on: 17 Jun 2018, 01:49 am »
A fine movie.  Not your typical Star Wars flick, but good fun.  Han Solo was a two dimensional character.  He shot first!!!!
It is worth seeing on the big screen, because it fleshes out his and Chewie's actions, camaraderie, and their nuanced affinity towards the Millennium Falcon in IV, V, and VI.
Oh, and Han hasn't any Midichlorians so should not be classified as a mystical creature like a fairy.

dB Cooper

Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #3 on: 17 Jun 2018, 02:13 am »
I don't think that's what he meant...

I watched the first Abrams one even I'm not much of a fan of his star Trek reboots, which are just action flicks with characters who have the same names as the ones in Star Trek TOS. I think there have been two or three since then (not counting this movie), which I've ignored because, well, I feel like I've seen it all before. By the time the movie is in the theaters, I'm sick of the Star Wars Collector Edition soda cups, figurines, back scratchers, etc etc etc etc. It's more about merchandising tie-ins than anything else at this point.

Box office for this movie has apparently been dismal by Star wars franchise standards. So maybe others have had enough too?


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #4 on: 17 Jun 2018, 02:58 am »
Most fans of star wars are pissed. There is a sea of reviews, tweets, and youtube videos of angry fans.

They are trying to send a message to Disney to kick KK to the streets. That they matter. They won't purchase anything from the new star garbage. Sadly even if Solo was good, fans are going to burn anything until they get the message. TLJ was like a giant FUCK YOU to the fans, and they are letting them know they aren't going to bend over and take it while paying for it.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Jun 2018, 03:22 am »
Yes, I knew exactly what Flotsom meant, which I thought was very inappropriate.  I was just trying to make lite of it.

Star Wars fans need to chill out.  It is fantasy for Christ sake.  Here watch this

The angry response to Star Wars latest movies is the lazy response.  The books are all over the place, George Lucas is Star Wars and he sold out.  His story telling has been crumbling for decades.

In regards to the new stories Just go with the flow and enjoy as it unfolds.  As it was, I thought episodes 2 and 3 sucked as did 6, but as popcorn movies they were OK.


I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #6 on: 17 Jun 2018, 03:31 am »
I saw it with my son.  It is just fun entertainment.  For those who did not like the Solo character, be patient.  In the sequel, Solo turns into the Solo in the original movies.


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Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #7 on: 17 Jun 2018, 04:21 am »
I just saw it and really enjoyed it.  It is on a much smaller scale than the Star Wars space opera series, but is well done.  Whether you are a SW fan or not, you should enjoy this movie for what it is.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #8 on: 17 Jun 2018, 06:44 am »

The angry response to Star Wars latest movies is the lazy response. 

You expect people to pay money, spend time, and strain their brain to appreciate shitty movies? Why? It's like trying to find an appreciation for smelling dog shit. We owe these people nothing. We have no obligation to pay them to crap on things we care about. The closest thing I can try to help someone understand would be this comic as a parallel. I can't fathom how you think it's acceptable for them to tell off the fans, telling them you directly and purposely plan to make movies they won't like, after they funded the the entire franchise that gave all of them jobs for years, lined their pockets. Can they do that? Yes, but expect a push back, expect bad reviews, expect failing revenue.

Hollywood is dropping the ball constantly. Even the cheap thrill movies aren't even worth the popcorn most the time now.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #9 on: 17 Jun 2018, 06:57 am »
Kathleen Kennedy isn't going anywhere so people need to get over that. Solo is the only new Star Wars to severely underperform despite the fanboy whining, so it's going to take a lot more than Solo to remove her. What hurt Solo is really, really simple: there's no reason for it. Nobody has been clamoring for a Han Solo movie, there's nothing in his storyline that makes the film a must-see. All previous Star Wars, even Rogue One, are part of a narrative arc. Solo isn't, and the trailer made it clear it wasn't going to happen. Marvel has changed the game in that regard. You have to have the spinoff be integral to the whole arc or people will be disappointed. The more removed from the main arc (example, Ant-Man), the lower the interest and box office.

Second, Disney got greedy. Don't forget Kathleen Kennedy doesn't call the shots on everything. Iger is the head of Disney and you can thank him for some of the issues with the franchise. It's a cash cow and he wanted it milked hard to meet fiscal goals and satisfy share-holders. Instead of being greedy, they should have released the film in November/December to build anticipation from Last Jedi - which despite whiners, made a crap load of money. For the fanboys who didn't buy merchandise from that movie, a hell of a lot of fangirls DID.

Disney got greedy. Kennedy is taking of her business - some can complain all they want but take a look at her filmography, she has produced some of the best Hollywood movies ever. And although I see these new Star Wars as nothing but product, they are still light years better than anything Lucas would have cranked out.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #10 on: 17 Jun 2018, 07:26 am »
TLJ hit the numbers it did solely because people were hoping for it to be good. TFA was mediocre at best. Everyone was hoping the story would ramp up and get interesting in TLJ, instead if was just garbage; worse than garbage. Because of that people boycotted Solo. Also toys are selling poorly, real poor.

At this point everything is only getting worse. There are news articles all the time claiming that the only people who don't like these horrible films are nazi's and men. Twitter and everything else is pretty 50/50 if you actually look. War has pretty much been declared saying everyone must like this garbage and feed them money.

Now contrast this with Marvel who they own. I know people that have seen Infinity Wars 4 times. The toys sell like mad. What do they do? They pay attention to fans and do a lot in the movies to entertain them. While a lot of fans know little to nothing about the comics, a lot of them have been getting into them. The money flow is amazing. People watch Youtube videos on the characters, they get into it.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #11 on: 17 Jun 2018, 07:56 am »
These are the fans they're trying to crap on.

The new movies would never have inspired anything like this on their own. Not even close.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #12 on: 17 Jun 2018, 08:01 am »
TLJ hit the numbers it did solely because people were hoping for it to be good. TFA was mediocre at best. Everyone was hoping the story would ramp up and get interesting in TLJ, instead if was just garbage; worse than garbage. Because of that people boycotted Solo. Also toys are selling poorly, real poor.

At this point everything is only getting worse. There are news articles all the time claiming that the only people who don't like these horrible films are nazi's and men. Twitter and everything else is pretty 50/50 if you actually look. War has pretty much been declared saying everyone must like this garbage and feed them money.

Now contrast this with Marvel who they own. I know people that have seen Infinity Wars 4 times. The toys sell like mad. What do they do? They pay attention to fans and do a lot in the movies to entertain them. While a lot of fans know little to nothing about the comics, a lot of them have been getting into them. The money flow is amazing. People watch Youtube videos on the characters, they get into it.

Nostalgia and targeted fanboy narrative clouds judgement. TLJ did 1.3 Billion. If people's expectations were dashed it would not have made that much. $620 million domestic US alone. Sounds like people got so disappointed they saw it multiple times just to be sure. The only reason it didn't make more is the Chinese market doesn't know Star Wars and all the films underperform there.

Now let's rewind before TFA. What did we have? The prequels. Which SUCK. Before the prequels? The 'Special Editions'. Enough Said. Before that? Return of the Jedi; even as a kid I had to pretend the Ewoks weren't there. The downhill of the Star Wars movie franchise started a long time ago... I understand that expectations have been through the roof, but targeting Kathleen Kennedy is pretty strange and accomplishes zero. It ignores the Disney power structure and what her real responsibilities are.

As for Marvel, more selective memory. I don't remember anyone calling for Kevin Feige's head after the disaster that was The Incredible Hulk. In fact, it was the Iron Man movies that kept the prestige until Avengers. That's why Downey makes $50 to $200 MILLION per movie and everyone else makes... a lot less. He singlehandedly kept the franchise afloat. The Thor movies did okay, but not great, Hulk was a bomb, Captain America did okay. Fanboys had plenty of complaints but nobody called for Feige's head. None of them called for Ike Perlmutter's head. Hell, I'm sure most of them have no idea who Perlmutter is and just how much he screwed some of those movies from being truly great. Notice how the Marvel movies really went up a notch after Avengers? Perlmutter was kicked out by Disney and moved to MARVEL TV. You know, the makers of outstanding shows like The Inhumans, Iron Fist, The Defenders, Agents of Shield, etc. Want to know why those shows look like they were made for ten dollars and pale in comparison to the movies? Perlmutter. But I don't hear anyone calling for him to be replaced. The guy should be quartered for Iron Fist alone, one of the truly worst things I've seen on television in a long time.

So using Marvel is just an excuse, just selective memory. Just like using Kathleen Kennedy is an excuse. Marvel is massively successful because they have a strong sense of story - comic fans are just a part of their fan base. I don't read comics, never have, but I still love their movies because of the strong stories and performances. But IT TOOK TIME for them to build that and they didn't have a bunch of nostalgia from an earlier series of movies to fight against. Marvel and SW are not comparable.

IOW making new Star Wars movies and expecting them to be some amazing reinvention was doomed from the start. Snap out of the nostalgia and just accept them for what they are. In ten years Marvel will do the same thing and you'll be here complaining how they're ruining everything and how the Infinity War saga was the best.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #13 on: 17 Jun 2018, 08:39 am »
So getting rid of shit leadership for Marvel worked, but you don't think it'll work for StarWars? :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: Do you know how many directors were fired during the new StarWars films? The reason was because they kept going against the anti-fan vision.

I loved ROTJ, and the Ewoks.

The prequels were not so great. But they make the last two look like the Christmas special. All of Marvel's sense of story comes right out of the comic books. They don't follow them exactly (nor could they), but it all comes from them. They started picking up steam when they actually started using the comics as source material. There's more than enough SW sources... too much even.

I have to agree on the Iron Pussy. What a pathetic show.


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Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #14 on: 17 Jun 2018, 10:09 am »
I don't think that's what he meant...

I watched the first Abrams one even I'm not much of a fan of his star Trek reboots, which are just action flicks with characters who have the same names as the ones in Star Trek TOS. I think there have been two or three since then (not counting this movie), which I've ignored because, well, I feel like I've seen it all before. By the time the movie is in the theaters, I'm sick of the Star Wars Collector Edition soda cups, figurines, back scratchers, etc etc etc etc. It's more about merchandising tie-ins than anything else at this point.

Box office for this movie has apparently been dismal by Star wars franchise standards. So maybe others have had enough too?

I LOVED the Star Trek reboots.  Loved them.  (Well, maybe not the third one as much, but I thought the first reboot was fantastic.)


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Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #15 on: 17 Jun 2018, 02:48 pm »
Yes, I knew exactly what Flotsom meant, which I thought was very inappropriate.  I was just trying to make lite of it.

Star Wars fans need to chill out.  It is fantasy for Christ sake.  Here watch this

The angry response to Star Wars latest movies is the lazy response.  The books are all over the place, George Lucas is Star Wars and he sold out.  His story telling has been crumbling for decades.

In regards to the new stories Just go with the flow and enjoy as it unfolds.  As it was, I thought episodes 2 and 3 sucked as did 6, but as popcorn movies they were OK.


I also thought the remark was very inappropriate, to put it nicely.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #16 on: 17 Jun 2018, 04:02 pm »
You guys expect me to say I think Solo was the embodiment of masculinity? GET REAL.

I LOVED the Star Trek reboots.  Loved them.  (Well, maybe not the third one as much, but I thought the first reboot was fantastic.)

Ya they were pretty kick-ass.


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #17 on: 17 Jun 2018, 05:13 pm »
So getting rid of shit leadership for Marvel worked, but you don't think it'll work for StarWars? :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: :duh: Do you know how many directors were fired during the new StarWars films? The reason was because they kept going against the anti-fan vision.

Hey I'm just working off the logic your giving me. You talk about Marvel like they didn't have problems. They had problems. You're tossing out Kathleen Kennedy's name like you know what she does, but don't mention anything about Marvel execs. And you actually think the prequels are better than the new movies? Well then, you're more of a Star Wars fan than I'll ever be. Sorry for your loss.

The Marvel movies did not 'pick up steam' because they started using the comic books. Good gracious. I already explained why they improved. It's on record and both the actors and Feige have gone on record about Perlmutter and the Marvel Creative Committee. They gave terrible notes and Permutter nickel and dimed every decision so that budgets were cut and stars were chased off (why do you think Portman never came back to Thor?). He refused to do a Black Widow movie or Black Panther and probably Galaxy. So they split the company and put him in charge of TV. Then the movies got much, much better.

Every excuse just come off uninformed. It's like a fanboy bubble that feeds on negativity and laser-like focus for irrational reasons. I think there's a cultural term for it: The Dark Side.


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Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #18 on: 17 Jun 2018, 05:37 pm »
You guys expect me to say I think Solo was the embodiment of masculinity? GET REAL.

Ya they were pretty kick-ass.

Certainly you could have used a different word?


Re: Anybody seen Solo?
« Reply #19 on: 17 Jun 2018, 08:00 pm »

Hollywood is dropping the ball constantly. Even the cheap thrill movies aren't even worth the popcorn most the time now.

Where have you been? I stopped watching Hollywood movies - more or less - I rarely go to the theater - for about 20 years now.