Looking for ACI recommendations

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Looking for ACI recommendations
« on: 8 Jan 2005, 09:23 pm »
Hey all:

Congrats and kudos on having such a great user forum. I'm looking for recommendations from other users, as well as hopefully Mike about choosing some new speakers from the ACI lineup.

My current speakers are Paradigm Studio Ref. 100v2's and a matching Paradigm Studio Ref. center channel. The system has to do dual music/HT duty, with about a 50/50 split. The speakers are powered by a Rotel RSX-972 receiver (80W?).

I like the overall neutrality of the Paradigm's. But I do miss a little bit of open sweetness on top, and the imaging isn't fabulous. I'm looking at the ACI lineup in hopes of finding something a little less visually distracting than the big Paradigm towers, while at the same time getting better performance. I know that the Rotel receiver just doesn't have enough power to do the speakers justice, but I'm unwilling to surrender my living room to more racks of huge gear that's impossible for anyone but me to operate.

In summary, I'm looking for higher performance, smaller footprint, and ease of operation from my setup.

So, now the questions...
1. What would you folks recommend in the way of a new ACI package? Mains, center, sub, and potentially surrounds are what I'm looking into. Just as a note, the Essence is too big for the rack.
2. I'm really interested in the digital amps I'm hearing about. The Panasonic units are getting my attention due to simplicity and potentially good sound. Do you think that the ACI's could be driven properly by one of these little beasties?

Attached is a jpg of the listening room, to help any kind souls who are willing to share their opinions with me.

Thanks so much,


Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 8 Jan 2005, 11:05 pm »

If you are a 50/50 person I would recommend going with either the Sapphires or the Panoramas as both are also designed for two channel use as well.

Given that the Essence is too large for your install, I would suggest the Protege center paired with Sapphires for your front array.

Mike Dzurko

Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jan 2005, 12:50 pm »

I have some ideas, but just want to clarify: when you listen to music do you have the sub on?


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Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #3 on: 10 Jan 2005, 11:24 pm »
Mike -

Thanks for the prompt reply. Currently, I have no sub - the Studio 100's cover the range pretty well. So, moving forward, I am totally open to either option which will yield the best results. I am drawn towards non-floorstanders, just for the better imaging (only a rule of thumb, I know) and lower "visual imposition". Money isn't the biggest concern - quality and "livability" are.

Basically, I'm an open book - just have to be able to fit the speakers in the room comfortably, and power them properly with a reasonable AV receiver (again, simplicity).

Current music listening consists of mostly jazz, electronic, and some hip-hop, if that makes a difference. I definitely prefer accurate and tight bass over woolly, undefined bass.



Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #4 on: 11 Jan 2005, 02:36 am »
Hi Steve,

I had the Paradigms in my 2 channel rig. They were wondeful. I replaced them with ACI Jaguar LFM's and have never looked back


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Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #5 on: 11 Jan 2005, 05:00 pm »
Hi Steve,
I own a pair of the "Panorama's" and a "Maestro". I would highly recomend checking that combo out. They are producing the finest audio sound that I have heard so far in my 30+ years of 2 channel audio listening enjoyment.

Harry P

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Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jan 2005, 09:27 pm »
ACI provides a lot of options and every ACI product I've heard has exceeded my expectations. I'm not sure of the Rotel, but a lot of units switch off the sub when you're in direct two-channel mode ----- you'll want to check that out. If that is the case and you plan on listening in that mode you'll want one of ACIs monitors that are nearly full range, the Sapphires or the Panoramas.  

But, if you run the sub wll the time, then I'd suggest going with Protege V for left and rigth with a Protege center.  I have this setup and it is terrific. I've done a direct A-B with my Sapphires in two channel rig and the Protege totally holds its own.  For the surrounds, Emerald on-wall if you can place them. Looks like you could on at least one side, not sure of the other. Or the regular Emeralds.  For the sub I guess it depends how hard you're going to play, but I'd go with a Titan for sure, and hell, the Maestro would be my first choice.  Don't worry about your Rotel, the speakers are pretty easy to drive and you should do fine.

Mike Dzurko

Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #7 on: 12 Jan 2005, 04:48 pm »

It really hinges on whether you'll always have the sub in the system or if you're going to run some sort of direct mode for music without a sub. If you're going with the sub all the time then I like Harry's idea. If you're going to be going with two-channel music without sub, then I'd go Panorama or Sapphire for mains depending on your budget. Both will match up very well with the Protege center. I hope this helps, ask more questions and we'll try to come up with more answers  :D


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Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jan 2005, 06:16 pm »

Thanks for your replies - I know I haven't given a whole lot of info to help you in your recommendations, but seeing the community support you lend is fantastically encouraging!

Since I have never had a subwoofer, I really am uncertain about any potential musical tradeoffs in going with sub + mains for music listening. Thinking of simplicity, I would limit myself to 1 subwoofer, though. Maybe it will help if I start tossing specific questions your way:

1. Given the size of my room, would you recommend a Force, Titan, or Maestro sub? I have to admit, I would lean more towards the Force or Titan, but if you think the Maestro would be necessary for doing double duty in my space...
2. What differences in presentation would you expect in my space with your recommended sub paried up with Panoramas, Sapphires and Proteges for music?
3. Any recommendations on receivers with digital amplification with ACI speakers?

Thanks again, and please keep your insights coming!


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Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #9 on: 13 Jan 2005, 06:39 pm »
Given the size of your room, I would not go with anything smaller than a "Maestro". You have a lot of air to move. All I can say is I like to hear all that is recorded the way it was recorded. I use my system for music and movies. In regards to presentation, your sound will be FULL. It looks like you will have lots of placement options for a Maestro and for it to disappear within your home funishings. Remember, with  a super company like ACI, you have 30 day's to check there products out. I have no clue about digital amplification.


Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #10 on: 13 Jan 2005, 06:57 pm »

Welcome to the forum.  I would recommend Sapphire / Protege / Emerald on Wall / Titan.  If the budget and space permitted I would think about updraging the fronts to Panorama and the sub to a Maestro.  I have the first set-up mentioned with the exception that I have regular Emeralds for surrounds.  My room size is very similar to yours with about 330 sq. ft. and an attached dining area with another 120 sq. ft. or so.  My setup is a little different with the TV in the corner so everything is on a diagonal.  

I started with Sapphires because I built the system over time and wanted to be able to run originally without a sub.  Occasionally I will still listend with just the Sapphires but I find adding the sub in two-channel mode really opens up the soundstage quite a bit.   I have a feeling that if I had the Panoramas I would probably use the sub less in two channel listening.  In terms of the sub, I use the Titan on the L&R inputs and have the gain turned up less than half and still have plenty of LFE in movies.  At the same time even though my sub location is far from optimal, I found it very easy to integrate for stereo use.  I do have admit that I wonder what a Maestro would be like though.

I can't offer anything with regards to the digital recievers.  Generally they seem to do better with high-sensitivity speakers that are 8-ohm.  There are exceptions though - take a look at the thread in the Digital Circle with folks using the JVCs to drive Maggies.  I am planning to get a digital reciever for use in my office to power computer speakers (non-ACI   :cry: ) and might hook it up in the main system just to see how it does.

Mike Dzurko

Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #11 on: 14 Jan 2005, 08:46 pm »

The gang is giving you a lot to think about. You have a number of directions you can go. They will all give good results, which is best for YOU is what we need to figure out.

Let'start with the sub first. My first recommendation is the Maestro. Your acoustic space is fairly large and if you want to be able to really boogie, the Maestro is terrific. The thing is, it really represents value because it will give you the output of nearly four Titans, but doesn't cost anywhere 1/2 of that. It also gives you the flexibility and convenience of the outboard amp. Of course I do a lot of system switching around, and this makes it very convenient. Most of us are faced with budget issues, so if the Maestro is too much, then go Titan. The Titan will sound fantastic, but will not give you the dynamic range and move your pant legs like the Maestro will. I was re-watching the ROTK second 1/2 last night in my HT and it was just amazing. The bass was not just powerful, it was well defined with great pitch deliniation way down low. :)

Center: Sounds like the Protege for sure. A great center, and it will be wonderful match with whatever mains you settle on.

Mains: If you plan on running in two-channel mode without sub, have the budget, and have the space, then I'd go with the Panorama. The Panorama is just plain hard to beat, a fantastic speaker period. And without sub, it will still give you lots of satisfaction. My second choice: the Protege. Actually it might even be my first choice (pretty confused now right :)  The thing is the Protege might just be our most underknow, and underated speaker. Above 80Hz, it gives up very little to even the Panorama . . .a bit of transparency . . . not quite as much refinement . . .image not quite as deep and solid . . .all these by a fairly small amount. It is actually easier I've found to get a perfect integration with a sub, that is exactly what it is meant for. A lot of people run their subs all the time, and this is perfect.

Surounds: Emerald On-wall if they fit, Emeralds if they don't They are both gems :)

I suspect this is one of those situations where a 15 minute phone call will help you and I figure out just which option is best for you. I'll send my numbers so you can call. We want this system to be PERFECT. Thanks!


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Looking for ACI recommendations
« Reply #12 on: 14 Jan 2005, 09:37 pm »

Thanks a lot for your continued support. It is indeed a lot to think about, but I do feel like I'm converging on some concrete ideas. Funny that most recommendations seem to be leading towards a Maestro - I guess I hadn't thought of my space as "large" until I actually sketched it out!

On further thought, I'll probably hold off on making changes to the receiver until at least I get the speakers sorted. If a suitable digital amplified receiver appears in the meantime, then so be it.

Mike - I'll be sure to call you sometime next week and exchange some ideas,  especially with respect to the sub choice. 100 lbs of subwoofer sounds like a lot to me, so getting some dialogue going on differences between a Maestro and a Titan will be helpful.  Thanks again for your continued support.