Super 3i Monitors one year later …

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Super 3i Monitors one year later …
« on: 2 Dec 2017, 03:24 pm »
A year ago my goal was to dip a toe into the single-driver loudspeaker world and finally hear for myself what I’d only read about for years. The stellar reputation of Louis, his brand, and the price point of his entry-level Super 3i’s made for an easy choice. Thus began my love affair with these fantastic monitors.

During this year I had fun swapping quite a bit of gear in/out of my system and as of right now this is how it stands:

Bluesound Node 2
Outlaw Audio ICBM-1
Ohm MicroSubwoofer 10 (pair)
APPJ PA0901A integrated
Super 3i Monitors in EKO Ash Tweed

Not very “high end” is it. So why does it sound so good? Synergy? The whole is greater than the sum of its parts? I'm deluded?

This year long swap-fest included 5 amps/integrated amps, a couple DACs, re-clockers, a few power supplies, tone control, and various cables. The subwoofers were also removed/reinserted. The same went for the ICBM-1 electronic crossover (crossing at both 60Hz and 80Hz). Fun, if not a bit obsessive. (If you're interested, a list of the gear I have in storage can be found here: Not once during this time have I been tempted to remove the Super 3i’s. With three pairs of speakers in storage this is a bit unusual for me. I like each pair I’ve held on to and enjoy their unique sound qualities and presentations but the Super 3i’s have won me over.

A few months into this journey, having a taste of single-driver goodness, I assumed there would be the inevitable desire to upgrade within the Omega line. Surprisingly, that’s just not the case. The Super 3i’s are just a joy to listen to and do so much right (imaging, coherence, tone) I would be hard-pressed to upgrade. Even sans subwoofers I would be quite happy with the speakers, although I do like what the subs bring to the equation. If I were to change anything I think an Omega subwoofer or two would prove interesting. I suppose an amp upgrade should also be considered but, at least for now, I’m going to enjoy my system as it stands. Such beautiful music it makes.

It's been a wonderful year.

Canada Rob

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Re: Super 3i Monitors one year later …
« Reply #1 on: 2 Dec 2017, 05:15 pm »
JMelvin, you have a great pair of speakers and I'm glad you are enjoying them.

I haven't heard an Omega speaker that hasn't sounded great.  The Super 3i however, is one of my all time favorite speakers regardless of price or brand, and oh so versatile.  I've also never heard a faster speaker, and that includes electrostatics.  If I could say what trait stands out the most about the Super 3i is it's highly focused, big 3 dimensional soundstage.  In order to do that, a speaker needs to get the tonal balance correct and to be fast and the Super 3i fills both those criteria beautifully, not to mention, the better the upline gear, the better this speaker will sound, as it is very transparent.
« Last Edit: 4 Dec 2017, 04:26 pm by Canada Rob »


Re: Super 3i Monitors one year later …
« Reply #2 on: 3 Dec 2017, 03:56 pm »
Hey Canada Rob .. I've read numerous comments (along with yours) about using better upline gear with the Super 3i's and it's always in the back of my mind. I've looked at Decware and Wolf Ear among others and I haven't ruled out a new amp at some point. That being said, it's rather nice being satisfied and off the merry-go-round for a change.

Canada Rob

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Re: Super 3i Monitors one year later …
« Reply #3 on: 4 Dec 2017, 04:49 pm »
Hi jMelvin,

I wasn't implying your affordable front end was lacking.  In fact I've had lesser gear than yours in front of Super 3i's and the results have been excellent.  Actually my hat is off to guys doing what you are doing.  There is a saying in audio "if it sounds good, it is good" and sometimes there is very low cost gear that punches way above it's weight and it looks to me like you have one of those systems.  Your single ended amp (looks like the well known MiniWatt) is likely a great match for your speakers, and though I haven't heard one, my guess is you would have to spend quite a bit more money to better it substantially.  If you are happy with what you already have as a system, stick with it.  :thumb:


Re: Super 3i Monitors one year later …
« Reply #4 on: 4 Dec 2017, 05:26 pm »
Canada Rob,

I didn't take it that way and please accept my apology for not being more clear. I should have said I've read numerous posts mentioning how well the Super 3i's scale-up and I'm happy knowing that going forward. The APPJ integrated is, in essence, a MiniWatt and has proved to be a nice match for the speakers. This past year has been an eye-opening experience for me. This little system I put together has given me more satisfaction than I could have imagined. Price/performance is off the charts. Thanks for taking the time to respond .. it's nice seeing you around again. I always enjoy your posts.


Re: Super 3i Monitors one year later …
« Reply #5 on: 23 Dec 2017, 01:24 pm »
Each Christmas season I like to treat myself to a little audio goodness whether it's music, concert tickets, or some new gear/tweak. This year I decided to re-tube the little APPJ integrated with a Genalex Gold Lion 12AX7 and a matched pair of Mullard EL84's. The change in sound quality is very impressive. As happy as I am with this change it's made me re-think my system and where I want to take it going forward. So, less than a month since declaring "I’m going to enjoy my system as it stands" I placed an order for a Decware SE84UFO. I'm excited but it will be months before it arrives. In the meantime I will continue to enjoy the re-tubed APPJ.

If it weren't for the many positive Decware posts here on the Omega forum I doubt I would have ordered the SE84UFO. Thanks. I hope y'all have a wonderful Holiday. Merry Christmas.