why I now realize one reason Rush was brilliant (and not the one you think)

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After an extremely stressful work week, I decided to relax by watching stuff on Youtube. For some reason pulled up old Rush videos. I realized something (or am inventing some convoluted idea) most rock bands had a rhythm section that played fairly simple driving stuff and then there would be some flashy lead guitar part. Rush turned this upside down. The drums and bass did all the flashy stuff, while the guitar mostly just played fairly simple power chords. Even the lead lines were pretty simple. I'm sure Alex had a lot more flash he could show, but chose a different approach. I think that's pretty brilliant.

And the lyrics communicated to a lot of kids who felt left out of the cool circle, that you are not alone.

Good stuff.

I never really got Rush early on, but I think that's because I wasn't really listening. :oops:

And yes Neil is just crazy good.

Rob Babcock

  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 9301
Very true!  Rush has a buoyant propulsive drive different than most prog/rock bands.  As you say Neil's dynamic and often unconventional "mystic rhythms" are the engine that drives their sound.  I think their thoughtful lyrics are one of their best points as well.


Take a look at "Beyond the Lighted Stage" documentary from 2010.  It's a pretty interesting look into the band.  A good way to spend 90 minutes.  :D

brother love

Good observation. The Who were often cited for this method of playing as well.  Frequently John Entwistle & Keith Moon were leading the charge with Pete Townshend playing rhythm in the background.

In both cases though, Lifeson & Townshend could play some blistering leads to show there were more than capable. I think live performances vs. studio bore this out.


I grabbed a copy of Liefsons solo cd Victor at a thrift shop for a buck a few months back and it is quite good. Alex spreads his wings on this.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 187

was a great band because they were empaths

And they did what all empaths do, turn our self survival modality in to a self re examining inventory of how we have become just like the people we hate for doing so much evil.

"Closer To the heart" was their theme song,

and they also sent warning to empaths, "I can not pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend"

its strangers in a strange land out here, their message was very clear, if you are one of the ones left who still has heart- protect it, its the greatest thing you will ever possess.

Grace Ruby


After an extremely stressful work week, I decided to relax by watching stuff on Youtube. For some reason pulled up old Rush videos. I realized something (or am inventing some convoluted idea) most rock bands had a rhythm section that played fairly simple driving stuff and then there would be some flashy lead guitar part. Rush turned this upside down. The drums and bass did all the flashy stuff, while the guitar mostly just played fairly simple power chords. Even the lead lines were pretty simple. I'm sure Alex had a lot more flash he could show, but chose a different approach. I think that's pretty brilliant.

And the lyrics communicated to a lot of kids who felt left out of the cool circle, that you are not alone.

Good stuff.

I think the drummer wrote a lot of the songs which may be why the rhythm section was more prominent. If you want to enjoy Rush concerts try Qello, youtube sucks in comparison.

I never really got Rush early on, but I think that's because I wasn't really listening. :oops:

And yes Neil is just crazy good.