Abbe's Honduras Medical Mission Fundraiser shindig Sunday June 12, 2 to 5 pm

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Dear folks,

I wanted to give a preliminary sketch of some audio items that will be in the silent auction June 12 at Dave's place. This list is not complete. When it seemed that the "shindig" wouldn't happen since McGurk's had changed their plans, I dropped all attempts at getting dealers to make contributions. So now I've had to get back in gear on that, and it's a little late. But certain desirable items will be there:

**A pair of 8-foot Acoustic Zen "Double Barrel Shotgun" speaker cables, with spades. These are coming out of my own system, and they're pristine. Moreover, they've never had Heavy Metal signals running through them.

**Two PS "Noise Harvesters."

**Two pairs of DH Labs  ICs (RCA ends).

**One each of the two ICs sold by Decware.

**Two Apature brand digital links, one all silver, the other all copper. (I have one of each of these myself, and they both are just amazing, with expected differences--the silver a little more detailed but slightly bright, the copper more smooth but not as dynamic. I keep going back and forth between the two. I think generally the silver works better in tube gear, the copper better in solid-state.)

**Two 2-pound copper slabs for grounding stations.

Many other small items too numerous to list. As more is procured and a list feels complete, pictures will be posted.

I'm also bringing some Talisker 12, and at least one other bottle of spirits, so come prepared to get polluted.

Very best,

Francis Baumli


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The GAS spots are almost filled, so please rsvp if you plan on attending. We will be allowing people to post e-bids up until the Sunday of the event, so anyone can help support Abbe's mission. Also, anyone is welcome to drop off a $ donation (checks are good) at our house any time prior to the event, and my wife will make sure it gets to Abbe and Francis.

Thanks, Dave
« Last Edit: 25 May 2016, 06:30 pm by daves »


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  • John H
Hi all, I spoke with Dave and he suggested posting here to see if there's interest.

I'd like to donate a custom made pair of speakers.  This is a hybrid open baffle design. Build quality is about 8 out of 10. Sensitivity is low at 83 dB at 2.83 volts.

These are stand mount speakers, about 23 inches high 5.5 inches wide and 12 inches deep. The tweeter-mid is open baffle and covers from 1,500 hz to 20,000. The ported section covers from 1,500 hz to 50 hz.  The crossover uses Linkwitz Riley 4th order slopes.

The tweeter -mid drivers are factory matched Fountek FE85, and the woofers are push pull design with the 3 inch Aura NS3. These are intended for a medium sized room.

These would be an economical way of experiencing the detailed open baffle sound.

If you would like to demo them send me a PM and we can meet/ drop them off.


Dear JohnH12,

Thank you for your generous offer. They look gorgeous, and tantalizing. Moreover, they look sexy. Don't you know when to not kick a woman out of bed?

I look forward to seeing these in person.


Francis Baumli


Dear GAS gentry,

The shindig (How did this word get applied to such a patrician gathering?) is happening at Dave Sheckleton's June 12 from 2-5 P.M. There will be food, spirits, good conversation, and a silent auction. Some (not all, by any means) of the items up for bid at the silent auction are audio items. There should be a pair of speakers, which you can view in this thread. Other people have promised small items, but they are not yet in my possession, so I will wait to list them.

The goods in my possession are too numerous to list here, but some of the highlights are:

1. 2 PS Audio "PS Noise Harvesters": Retail is $100 each, typical selling price in retail stores is $75, starting bid: $15. each.

2. Kimber Kable 6' PK10 PC with 5266-I & 320-I ends (10 gauge). Retail about $300. Starting bid: $55.

3. Kimber Kable 6' PK10 PC with 5266-Evo & 320-Evo ends (10 gauge). Retail about $375. Starting bid: $65.

4. Apature "BL-4" digital link. (copper) Retail about $110. Starting bid: $20.

5. Apature "Silver Accusound" digital link. (silver) Retail about $120. Starting bid: $20.

6. 2 pairs of DH Labs "Air Matrix" ICs with RCA deluxe locking ends, 1M. Retail is $300 per pair. Starting bid per pair is: $50.

7. Decware "Studio Grade" IC @ 1M. Retail is $108. Starting bid: $35.

8. Decware "Silver Reference" @ 1M. Retail is $199. Starting bid: $50.

9. AudioQuest "Scarlet Viper" IC @ 3/4M length. (NOTE: All the listed "wire" is new, except for this piece and the piece below, which are used but in excellent shape. (These came out of my system; I don't remember the price of the AudioQuest, but I think it was around $120.) Starting bid: $15.

10. Acoustic Zen Double Barrel Shotgun speaker cables @ 8' with spades. Retail is about two grand. These also are used, coming out of my own system, and are in perfect shape. Starting bid: $300.

There are many other small items, from a brand-new Channellock crimping tool (retail $32.57) to a couple of books, a used Goldring 1020 phono cartridge, a Wenger military swiss army knife with a blade that, if I remember correctly, is 10" long. Never used, never sharpened, but it still looks scary.

Also there will be sound recordings. Some really unique things, some jazz treasures, and so on.

I'll be bringing a bottle of Talisker 12 single-malt and (at Dave's encouragement, so blame him, not me) a bottle of B&J brandy. (Rule of gustatory propriety: The booze must all be imbibed, bottles empty, minds either numb or empyrean by 5 o'clock sharp.)

I'm not sure about posting pictures. The wire is mostly in its original bags, people can see what it looks like on their computers or iPhones, and some of this stuff is hard to appreciate except in person.

As stated before: price of admission is a bottle of children's vitamins with iron (no gummies--because they melt in the Honduran heat), or a cash donation, or if none of this works just bring yourself with your choice of arm candy (female or male).

I'll see you then!

Very best,

Francis Baumli


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    • Sensible Sound Solutions
Wish we could make it Francis but we'll not be around.  Best of luck for a great cause.


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Regarding parking...

Please note we have only a four car driveway. Please keep the driveway available for drop offs and pickups, Abbe, and any needed handicapped parking.

We do have on street parking on the NORTH side of Sappington Barracks Road for a block and a half before our house, and then for a block after our house.

Blossom Heath Road is a block EAST of our house, and has on street parking without much traffic.

There also is on street parking on the EAST side of Buckley Road as you head north, away from our house.

If the weather is good, ie no rain the day before or during the event, we can fit about fifteen cars in the yard, but ONLY if there is no rain.,-90.3094495,17.69z


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Don, Bob, and Bob, Kent P and others, we still have room. Please RSVP so we can keep up with the foodstuff planning. We don't want the hairy toed hobbits going home hungry!


Dear Dave et al.,

"Hairy-toed"? I think I dated a creature something like that in early college. But I may not be remembering quite correctly. I now am 68 years old, that was a long time ago, and there is much crammed into my cranium. But I remember that there was something hairy.


Francis Baumli


Seriously folks,

The GAS meeting and Honduras fundraiser is less than week away. I wanted to report that there are two more significant audio items that now are in and available.

The first is a Kimber Kable PowerKord, "Model 14 Gold," 6 feet long and 14 gauge. It has Wattgate 350 on the IEC end and Wattgate 330 on the wall end. The dealer never did find its original bag, so sent it without the bag, but will send the bag if he finds it. I didn't want to announce this one until I burned it in and tested it, and lordy me or my, it did impress me. Of all the components in my system, the most touchy are the digital transport and the DAC. I've found a satisfactory cord for the transport (a Dave Magnan), but I am still looking for satisfaction powering the DAC. So far the best I've found is a Cardas "Golden Reference," but when I put this Kimber Kable 14-gauge up against it, that PowerKord almost beat out my "Golden Reference" which cost twice as much. Truly, it came closer to out-performing it than any cord I've tried, and I went back and forth several times before deciding that the "GR" had a slight advantage in the midrange. But ... maybe it doesn't. On another night, I might have voted for the Kimber Kable. That's how close they are. So now we have two heavy-gauge Kimber Kable cords for power amps, and here is a front-end cord (kord?) which well compliments the bigger power cords.

The second item, donated by one of our own members, is a PS Audio "Duet Power Center." They no longer make it because they replaced it with the "Quintet Power Center," but this little unit could well serve minimalist, simple systems. I suggest you have a look at what the postings say about it, and get familiar with it that way. I won't have time to try it with my system (the week is going to be crushingly busy), but I did test it to make sure it works, and yes, it is working fine.

I will leave it to Dave Sheckleton to decide what the bidding on these two items should start out at.

Other things are coming in. We just got a Pangea 9-gauge power cord, and a Pangea 14-gauge power cord. Plus a computer printer has been donated, a "Rams" whisky flask, a toy John Deere tractor (you should hear the sounds I make when I play with it), and some recordings will be available too. Also, a gourmet cook is going to donate some cupcakes, as happened last year.

Note: As pledged before, I myself will not be bidding on any of these items. This time, however, several people have asked me to bid on certain items for them, so if you see me on my cell phone while writing down bids, don't think I am going against my word.

I'm hoping that the rains will stay away, and as for the interior of Dave Sheckleton's home, I hope the quantity of donated spirits does not make for liquified brains and combustible air.

Of strong liver,

Francis Baumli


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Wonderful news, Francis. I will put them in the bid thread tonight!


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The bid thread is updated.


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Are there any more GAS folks planning on attending the partayyyy?


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Unlikely on my part.  Home construction project.    :|


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For anyone who would want to make a charitable donation, please make checks out to Washington Overseas Missions, and I would also Tag it to Abbe's Honduras mission in the comments section.


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There should be a good amount of shade for the outdoors...


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And plenty of green grass, a herd of Shetland ponies next door, and chickens to boot!


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  • John H
Is there a weight limit for pony rides?


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Only lithe and supple young ladies with flowing blonde hair get to ride the ponies, John. It has been an English and Scottish tradition for the last thousand odd years, and the neighbors are English to the core. :-)

The tables and chairs are strategically emplaced to take full advantage of the view. You can see the stallion in the background.


I only qualify on two out of six counts, so no riding for me.