Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?

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Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?
« on: 15 Oct 2004, 12:11 am »
I've posted before, but now am far more serious about purchasing a set of speakers from Louis.  

I hope he chimes in on this one.  :D

I am cursed or blessed with a great room type layout in my house.

It includes my living/family and dining room all in one.

It is approximately 475-500 sq. ft. with vaulted ceiling that slope from 8ft. to 12ft.

My home theater/music listening area does not take up the whole area...obviously  :wink:

It occupies an area of about 15 x 15 in one of the corners.

My question to everyone is this.

What speakers would best suit my room?  Shoudl all 5 be the same, or can I get away with a smaller pair of Omegas for the rear?  What about the center?

Amplification will be provided by a Panasonic SA-XR45.

I'm looking for peak SPL's in the mid 90's in my listening area.

I have an Adire Audio Rava subwoofer to supplement the bass if necessary.  I would prefer not to have to use it during 2 channel listening.

Musical tastes run the gamut from a Bach violin concerto to some dark ambient stuff that sounds like the Hearts of Space music show in hell.

Thanks for the help,



Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?
« Reply #1 on: 15 Oct 2004, 01:49 am »
Hi Tony,

My room is a basement - about 15 X 30 X 7 with a 10 X 15 alcove in the rear. I have a pair of TS-1s in front (along a heavily damped short wall) behind a removeable acoustically transparent projection screen. I currently do not have a center channel, but when I do it will be a matching TS-1. I think having the same speakers across the front, at the same height above the floor and behind the screen if possible as in a good theater, yields the best results. Remember that one advantage of the Omegas is they are point sources, so you can rotate the speaker cabinet on its' side for placement if you need to.

Surrounds are on the side and are a custom pair of biplole TS-3s hung on the wall and firing front and back (away from the listening position). You could achieve the same affect with two pair of TS-3's mounted back-to-back or at an angle away from the listener. They blend very well with the TS-1s in front, in part I'm sure to the fact that I use them to create a diffuse sound field rather than as direct radiators. I plan on adding a pair in the rear for 7.1 - not sure yet model what.

These are great HT speakers for people that like music. I never want for more volume or dynamics. I listen mostly in the mid-90 db range as you do, but can go as loud as I care to without strain.

I also have a Rava, but I tend to like it better for music. I runs out of steam on some movies. I'll probably get a more HT-oriented sub for that purpose some day and keep the Rava for music only.
Im using a NAD 752 for preamp and surround amp functions, with a Bolder Tripath digital amp for the front 2. I don't have any experience with the Panny digitals, but if they are anything like the Tripath amps you are in for a treat. The Fostex/Tripath synergy is becoming legendary.

If I had it to do all over again, I might consider Grande 8's in front, but with a sub I don't think it matters much. If you don't want to use a sub for music though they might be a good option.

What type of video system are you thinking of?


  • Jr. Member
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Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?
« Reply #2 on: 15 Oct 2004, 02:58 am »
Thanks for the awesome response...

Video is currently provided by a Samsung HLP-5063.

DVD is a combination of a Pioneer dv-563a Universal DVD player and a HTPC.

Actually since you mentioned the Tripath...

I believe the Panny XR45 uses the Tripath chipset.  Lots of praise for it over on Aiudio Asylum

My budget may allow for the TS1's or Grande 6's up front and a pair of TS3's or Super 3's in the rear.  Any concern with one using a whizzer and the other not?

Thanks again,



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Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?
« Reply #3 on: 15 Oct 2004, 10:41 am »

Having heard the TS1 and Super 3 back to back I wouldn't advise putting them together in the same system.  While both are nice, the FE127E driver based "3 series" are different from the "whizzered" TS1/2 speakers and sound different.  (TS1/2 are warm, more romantic sounding.  The 3's are faster/leaner.)  Studio monitor types of speakers would seem to mate best with the analytical/loud/dynamic demands of HT.

IMO the FE127E may be the best match of all the Fostex drivers for HT, but still lacks zingy highs and the ultimate spls that are associated with HT.  Your concept (Omega/Fostex) is just O.K. if HT is a very low priority (seems like it is).


Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?
« Reply #4 on: 15 Oct 2004, 02:57 pm »

The combo of whizzers in front and no whizzing  :?  in the back (sides actually) works well for me, again because I am creating an ambient sidewall soundfield. When I get rear (channel 6 &7) speakers they most likely will be matching TS-1's though since they will be used as direct radiators. I think given your budget the Super 3 all around might be the best bet as long as you use a sub. Louis will give you an honest opinion of their suitability for HT versus the TS-1's I'm sure. They did not exist when I bought my setup so I never evaluated them.

The lack of traditional HT zingy highs is a big advantage in my book. I agree that a lot of people think that is required for movies.


Excuse me.

The warmer sound of the big Fostex drivers tames the more obnoxious soundtracks while giving up nothing at all in terms of jump factor. Gunshots make you flinch. Of couse I don't believe anything should be played back at 110db -- I value my hearing too much -- so the HT crazies may not like these speakers. We have Klipsch and M&K for folks that want the loud/zingy thing.  

Tony I'd love to get your impressions of the Panny with Omegas. Be sure to break the speakers in >200 hours though. And do a search here and talk to Louis about appropriate speaker cables, especially for the front speakers (the sides are less critical). I settled on Mapleshades after strying several others.



  • Jr. Member
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Omega Speakers for Home Theater and Music use?
« Reply #5 on: 17 Oct 2004, 10:29 pm »
I spoke with Louis and we decided on TS2's all around.  One of them will be configured as a center channel.  I am really excited and can't wait to hear them.  He felt like the TS2's would be a better match with my sub rather than the Super3's because my sub has a 2nd order crossover rather than a 4th order ;-(

I will let you know.  I'll post initial impressions when I get the speakers and then after 100-200 hours.

