With a heavy heart I bare the news that we have lost an industry leader

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RIP Gary.  Prayers to all his family and many friends.  He will be missed.

Bill Baker

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Very sad news. Gary was a great guy and obviously quite the fighter. He will be missed by many. Our hearts go out to his family and friends.


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Gary was a great audio innovator. I didn't know him, but spoke with him briefly when I bought a Dodd Preamp. I remember the big improvement it made in my system and can still visualize the beautiful wood casework and chrome top. For the past few years I've owned an integrated with his famous tube buffer installed. Those who knew the man will live with fond memories of a good guy and fine gentleman. Those who have enjoyed his products will recall and enjoy the engineering behind his highly musical offerings. Combined, that's a legacy that will last a good long time.



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When I read the post, I felt it was Gary.  He's in a much better place now, and I'm thankful that he helped so many people on their audio journey.  GOD bless you, Danny, for being Gary's good friend and supporter in his times of need.


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Though your heart may be broken and emotions raw, try to remember the good times and the great friendship you shared with Gary.  Clearly he meant a lot to you and your family. 

While I never met him, I was inspired by his designs.  I regret not communicating with him when I had the chance.

His suffering and struggles are over. 

Take care of yourself and your family.  Feel the love and be as well as can be expected.



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I always enjoyed my conversations with Gary. And bought a lot of buffers, amps, etc, from him. He was always a gentleman and he was always very honest. Something you don't see much anymore in the audio industry. 


Very sad indeed. And ".. a gentleman.." and ".. very honest .." is getting to be more of a rarity everywhere you look..


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My condolences to you Danny, and to all his other friends and family. Thank God he had you all in his last few years---they would have been brutal without you, I imagine. Death at a relatively young age really seems to be on the increase, doesn't it? Maybe the great depression and WWII toughened up that generation, but mine (I just turned 65) isn't living as long as our parent's did, for whatever reason. I keep thinking we had it too easy! In the past seven years about ten friends and acquaintances of mine have died in their mid-to-late 50's, some from bad habits (smoking being number one), but others of natural causes. Knowing I could be next helps me keep things in perspective. My favorite song lyric has always been this one from Hank Williams: "No matter how I struggle and strive, I'll never get out of this world alive".


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Yes, SORRY for the news...  and Danny, YOU were a TRUE friend as well... Be in peace with that....


My deepest sympathy to you Danny, along with his family and friends.   My understanding was he truly was suffering, which must have been very hard for him to deal with. 

May Gary Rest In Peace.   :cry:

Peter J

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I'm frequently at a loss for words when I hear of someone's death. Words just don't do much to ease sorrow or alleviate grief.

I remember something I read on the way to my dad's memorial, I'll paraphrase here. "Death is the end of a life, but not a relationship." I feel the fingerprints of Dad on my life almost daily, perhaps those that knew Gary feel the same about their relationship with him.

I wish I'd known him, but knowing he had good friends and touched many lives is proof of a life well lived. Godspeed, Gary, on to whatever's next on your journey. You'll be missed.

Danny Richie

I updated the original post. We were able to access his cell phone and see that the last call he made was Sunday evening. So Gary passed away sometime after that.


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Like Peter J, I'm not so good with words to express my feelings about death of a loved one, so I'll simply say that I am sorry for your loss and that your kindness and friendship toward Gary was a beautiful thing. May your memories of Gary continue to enrich your life, Danny (and family).


Rest in peace Gary, no more pain. Praying for God's comfort for family and friends.

Bill O'Connell

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Gary's suffering has ended. You could not have been a better friend.
 My prayers are with his family and yours.
 May Love Always Abide,


Danny, you were a great friend to Gary. I did not know him but I'm sure he appreciated your friendship and caring.


Oh No-You were a wonderful modest and humble person Gary- you are in a Better Place now!

Danny - my condolences-thank you for support and care!



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I remember when Keith Kidder and I met Gary in 2000.  We were sitting there listening to a small single driver in a box you were demoing and Keith looks at Gary and says: "That is the noisiest watch I have ever heard."  Gary looked at Keith and said; "Those are my heart valves!"  After that Gary explained how they were out of warranty at that time.  I learned a lot more about him and came to love him in the times after.

He was an innovator like no others I have ever known in the tube end of audio.  Run a tube amp off of 12VDC?  You must be daft, Man.  Gary was not "daft" or crazy.  He was a true rule breaker and innovator.  I'll keep his gear on display forever.  They were and he was that special.

I loved the man, so did Gayle.  We will miss him until we see him again!




I was shocked to learn that Gary is no longer with us... So sad!

He was a very talented, innovative individual.  His 120 amps are one of my faves, and I still use his battery powered preamp (my second one, no less), and I have no itch to change it out with anything else.

RIP Gary, you will be missed.... I sincerely appreciate all the musical bliss you have provided me!


So sorry to hear this. May God comfort his family and you and your family. I met Gary in your room at RMAF--great, great guy. My prayers are with you and his.


I did not know Gary or have the benefit of hearing any of his products. Nevertheless, I am saddened to hear of his passing. I have a pair of AV-1 speakers that I built about 7-8 yrs ago, but I've mostly lurked on the GR AC board enjoying the discussions and banter about building cool audio stuff.
The thing that compelled me to write today is that while I have always admired Danny's products, commitment to his customers, friends and the industry, his concern for Gary put into action wins the gold star. It's easy to talk about helping somebody, but for what ever reason actually doing it can be quite difficult. As I've lurked over the years I've observed compassion and unselfishness by Danny and many of the GR AC members and wanted to say thanks for being a great example of compassion in action.
Blessings to you as you work through this difficult time.

As a teacher I tell my students 'Don't tell me, show me' - Thanks for such a good example.