gary dodd

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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #20 on: 1 Feb 2015, 08:59 pm »
I deal with these issues everyday.  And, well, it isn't a trust when you just hand someone money, so it is done at your own risk.  Sending parts, etc. is sometimes a better idea...  Or having parts shipped and paying for them directly.

Danny Richie

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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #21 on: 5 Feb 2015, 10:17 pm »
Hey guys,

A friend just tipped me off to this thread and I figured I better drop in and give an update.

After Gary's heart surgery he was hoping to get back on track and start providing products for his customers. And he did accept quite a few jobs. Some of them paid part or all of the total in advance. He had to take money in advance to buy the parts and raw materials because after the heart surgery and months in the hospital he had no money to his name.

If it weren't for some donations from some very generous people he would not have even made it. He said that he has a list of those people and one day would like to do something for all of them.

But he was not 100% after the surgery. He had and still has some memory issues. He also had reoccurring trips to the hospital and additional medical expenses. And when he suddenly had to have some medication to stay alive then that's what he would spend his money on. Then it was a struggle to get another job so he had the money to buy the parts that he needed for the last job that he took in plus the parts for the new job. It was a hole he never got out of.

So hard times got even harder and he got evicted from his house. I made two trips to Dallas (with a big trailer) and loaded up a lot of his personal belongings and stored them in one of my 40 foot containers. So I have one container full of Gary's personal belongings.

He moved into a small apartment and continued to struggle to make ends meet. He has had no Internet connection or access, no e-mail, and no way to run a business. He doesn't even have a working computer now. And his memory issues reached the point to where he did not even remember who he needed to build something for or how to reach them. So I posted a message and asked that anyone that is one of the people that Gary owes something to please send me an e-mail with the details.  Currently I have a list of seven people. Gary knows I am keeping up with this for him. He fully intends to get everyone what they ordered when he gets back on his feet, but at this point I don't think that will ever be anytime soon.

He was having to pay $100 a month of good faith money to his doctor to continue his doctor patient relationship. Eventually he couldn't pay that and his doctor severed his services to him. Gary also didn't have the $400 a month need for his medications and went several weeks without them. He then had to go to the emergency room when things got really bad. He was having chest pains and shortness of breath. He is back on some of his meds now.

Gary also told me that he had hocked his tools and couldn't do any metal or wood working. So he really is, at this point, out of business, and I really don't see anything changing soon.

I bought a custom pre-amp from him about six months ago when he was in a real bind. I did not need the pre-amp, but figured I'd sell it and pay him whatever I got out of it minus what I paid him for it. But before I got it, he sent the tube module out of it to someone else. I got the module finally, but it didn't work when I put it in the pre-amp. And I had agreed to sell the pre-amp and give the remaining money to the guy that sent the module to me as Gary owes him some money too. But it didn't work. So when Gary came up to pick up a few of his things from storage that he needed, he offered to fix it and and get it back to me. That hasn't happened yet. At this point I am not even sure if he can fix it, knows how, or if I will ever see it again.

Gary's cell phone has also been turned off for non-payment. So I can't even reach him now. And I don't know his current address.

He contacted me a weak ago using a borrowed cell phone and said he was going to be evicted from his apartment the next day and had no where to go and didn't know what he was going to do. He needed $700 to get the rent back to current and buy him two more weeks there. My wife and I offered him a rent house in Wichita Falls that belongs to my wife's mother. We offered to put him up there and even offered to pay his rent for him. But he would have to move up here. He was concerned that he would be too far from his doctors that know his situation. Hours later he said he found someone down there that gave him some money and a repair job that, in the last hours, kept him from being evicted.

He doesn't have anything right now and sometimes eats food from a soup kitchen. So I think the best thing to do is keep him in you prayers and hope that he can get himself back on his feet.


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #22 on: 5 Feb 2015, 10:45 pm »
Thanks for the update Danny, even though it is really heartbreaking news.


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #23 on: 5 Feb 2015, 10:47 pm »
Thank you, Danny, for taking the time to post this and for all you do for Gary. I hope this helps people put things into perspective, regardless of whether or not they bought anything from Gary. Sometimes life can throw major curve balls. If you don't have much to worry about other than when UPS is delivering that new piece of audio gear, you're doing pretty well. Be well, everyone.


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #24 on: 5 Feb 2015, 11:40 pm »
Thanks for the update Danny.  Sorry to hear of Gary's situation.  Wishing him well.   

Think it goes without saying, but you're a very good friend.  Cannot say all of mine would do the same for me.  So hats off. 


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #25 on: 6 Feb 2015, 04:37 am »
I'm reminded of the saying "But for the grace of GOD go I".  It can happen to anyone and
if anybody thinks differently then you are sadly mistaken.  Money, fame, power and talent
are all fleeting.  I know I will have to give thanks for the good fortune I have and I hope
that Gary's fate changes for the better.  Danny, I hope your goodness is returned to you
many times over for the care and friendship you have provided to Gary. 


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #26 on: 6 Feb 2015, 04:45 am »
Gary's situation is terrible.  Not sure how his Dr. doesn't see him.  There are government programs and other ways to deal with it.  And if it is to do with debt, he should file for bankruptcy and start over.  I had Gary fix an amp shortly before his most recent issues and also had agreed to have him build some amps for me, but never sent the seed money because he no longer had a phone and couldn't accept the money anymore.  That was enough to spook me.  It's sad, but this story is too common among people with medical issues. 


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #27 on: 6 Feb 2015, 05:11 am »
I don't like politics mixed with my HiFi but... It's not a medical issue it's a political one.  I'm sure people reading this in Canada and Europe are wondering how this is even possible.  It's bad enough to get sick but to loose everything it took a lifetime to build and still be sick is horrible.  OK, that's out of my system.


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #28 on: 6 Feb 2015, 06:17 am »

I'm with you - we are the wealthiest nation in the world, yet we are the only developed, industrialized nation that doesn't provide basic healthcare for it's citizens. It sickens me that anyone should ever have to worry about medical bills or consider declaring bankruptcy because of medical bills. There are many great things about this country, but the lack of universal healthcare is a major stain on this nation. Quite frankly, it's barbaric.



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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #29 on: 6 Feb 2015, 06:23 am »
In life, I have learned one thing. "We have options".  Usually more options and avenues than we think. But, in the heat of the moment, we sometimes forget about that. And it is easy for me to say it, because I am not the one being tested or in his place of difficulty.
Not trying to be hard on Gary. I have a lot of sympathy/empathy for him. I know him and have done a lot of business with him.
But,  I hope he understands the truths about his situation.  I hope someone sits him down and helps him understand,  "he has options". And his situation is "not hopeless".

Good luck Gary and God Bless.

The Smith....


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #30 on: 6 Feb 2015, 07:41 am »
Almost all of the posts here don't account for the mental survival mode. Everyone assumes he can think clearly and with enough energy to make reasonable decisions. I'm sure that is not the case. Gary is severely phucked up and unless you've been there or very close to it you won't understand.


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #31 on: 6 Feb 2015, 11:28 am »
I am for socialized healthcare, but remember that that causes a lot of hard issues and calls.  A lot of the procedures people get would not be covered. Some as unnecessary, but the scary ones as just too expensive.


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #32 on: 6 Feb 2015, 12:40 pm »
Gary's situation is terrible.  Not sure how his Dr. doesn't see him.  There are government programs and other ways to deal with it.  And if it is to do with debt, he should file for bankruptcy and start over

Exactly. Apply for medicaid, disabilility and file bankruptcy. Why hasn't he done so? :scratch:

Our society has  safety nets. Used and abused by millions.


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #33 on: 6 Feb 2015, 01:07 pm »
One big doctor has said 90% of all of todays health problems is caused by our diets.


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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #34 on: 6 Feb 2015, 02:06 pm »
Diet, lack of exercise, but also, statistically speaking, more of us live and we live longer, so issues will present themselves more than in the past.  300 years ago 1/2 of us would die by age 15 from something that penacilin would treat.  It's a reality that we have successfully avoided natural selection by what we now see are minor medical advances...  Regardless, the bigger issue for Gary is getting back on his feet.  How does he do that?  Use bankruptcy, medicaid, welfare, etc.  It's their for these types of issues.  I have no sympathy for anyone to proud to take what the government can provide if you need it...  Maybe he wouldn't live like a king, but he could eat...  He also likely qualifies for SSD as he has had some pretty awful health issues. Anyway, he should work on these things...  My Dodd amp is on the fritz a bit (actually probably just the 6dj8s in it going microphonic)...  Sigh.



Re: gary dodd
« Reply #35 on: 6 Feb 2015, 02:10 pm »
I would like to echo a lot of the feelings here.  To Danny; thanks for keeping us updated on Gary.  Re: Gary; I am sorry to hear about his situation.  I wish him well and hope he makes a full and speedy recovery.  Hopefully, he will find a way to get the help and support through whatever programs are out there to get his life back together.  Godspeed and God Bless!



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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #36 on: 6 Feb 2015, 03:05 pm »
  You are a good man Danny. Please send Gary our prayers.


Danny Richie

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Re: gary dodd
« Reply #37 on: 6 Feb 2015, 03:06 pm »
As a follow up.... Gary was born with heart problems. I think this last one was his eighth heart surgery.

And Gary went into the hospital this last big go around after having another heart attack. He had no money to speak of even then. However our health care system was such that the company making the artificial heart value donated the new value. The pacemaker and defibrillator was also donated by the manufacturer. He had a full aorta replacement that was grown in a laboratory from stem cells and his on tissue. Yes, they grew his replacement parts. They performed 20 hours worth of surgery and kept him in the hospital over two months. They called him their miracle patient.

And last I heard his medical bills were over two million. And all knowing he could never pay it. So I wouldn't knock our medical system too hard.


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #38 on: 6 Feb 2015, 03:46 pm »
Hello Danny and the others,
Guy in HCMC did tell me you are a good person. I believe him because i did meet him 3 times and i think he has the ability to '' judge '' people on their merits. Probably will not meet him again because in April he will return to Canada and i cannot think of any good reason going there.
Without tools it is hard to make anything at all so customers should focus on another person to be their guiding light.
One thing this whole situation did teach me is that whenever i need to buy something expensive now there is always i kind of '' brake '' making me have doubts . '' remember a few months back you waisted 1700 $ and a lot of energy better take care this time!!"''It did kind of tame my audiophile hobby.
Trying to get huge bills paid by taking 500$ here, 1000$ and 1700$ will not work. It will only give a lot of people a lot of bad feelings.
I know health care available for Jon Q Public in the usa is bad compared to the civilesed world of Europe.
Sincere greetings, edward


Re: gary dodd
« Reply #39 on: 6 Feb 2015, 04:07 pm »
I know health care available for Jon Q Public in the usa is bad compared to the civilesed world of Europe.

I sincerely doubt that Gary Dodd would still be alive today if he lived in civilized Europe