HAL's MS-3 Music Server and dspMusik 6x8 DSP crossover and HiRez DAC's

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Question - can the dspMusik be built out to do FIR filters and phase correction like a DEQX?  Or is it limited to IIR and simple EQ like the miniDSP and Behringer DCX?


It does not have FIR filters, only IIR since they are not linear phase. 

I have techniques for both impulse response and phase correction to try.  The code is available for convolutional filtering.  I have methods for measurements that are in work. 

Since REW is available and UMM-6 are inexpensive, room work is happening for woodsyi.

More once I am back from travel.


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It does not have FIR filters, only IIR since they are not linear phase. 

I have techniques for both impulse response and phase correction to try.  The code is available for convolutional filtering.  I have methods for measurements that are in work. 

Since REW is available and UMM-6 are inexpensive, room work is happening for woodsyi.

More once I am back from travel.

Well, I am already interested in the unit, even as-is with just IIR filtering.  The 24-192 capabilities and better DAC's are a clear improvement over the hardware of the miniDSP 2x10HD I use currently for my bastardized GR Research V2's.  If impulse and phase can be addressed to give perfect response, I would be extremely happy with such a solution.  I was actually looking at the OpenDRC module to snap into my miniDSP as a convolution engine and a program like rePhase or Acourate to do the phase/timing corrections with my 2x10HD unit. 



But if the dspMusik can do it all in one box and at a higher resolution rate, that's pretty much ideal for me. 


This will be an interactive process, since automation would require other software that I use to process the data.

The idea will be users make measurements and send the data to process.  Correction file will be sent back for use with a new block diagram for use. 

I already have a document I wrote to do the measurements. 

More as I get it changed to work with this hardware and the UMM-6 mic.


Feedback from both dpd and woodsyi have been very positive on the dspMusik digital crossover.

Will be receiving the next batch of dspMusik units next week.  All are already spoken for!

Also building Phil's MS-3 Music Server to ship Monday.  Will follow that with two more MS-3's when the parts arrive.

Have Room EQ Wizard and the Dayton Audio UMM-6 calibrated USB Omni measurement mic to go to woodsyi's for some room measurements.  Will load REW on his MS-3 and install the calibration file for the UMM-6 to setup the PEQ parameters for room EQ on the dspMusik. 

Will be experimenting with my friends MS-1 running REW and downloading the room corrections to his DCX2496 for trials and then install a dspMusik to replace it with the same PEQ room corrections.  Have a USB to RS232 cable for direct connection from MS-1 to DCX2496 for trials.

This should be fun.  :D


Setup one friends MS-1 Music Server to control a dspMusik crossover to run his VMPS RM50 biamped speaker setup. Showed him how to build crossover block diagrams by updating his to the new high resolution filters. Should have his dspMusik to install this week.

Also installed a USB to RS232 cable from the MS-1 to his Behringer DCX2496 and have Room EQ Wizard installed on the MS-1 to use with a Dayton Audio UMM-6 calibrated omni directional measurement mic for room measurements. It calculates PEQ filters for room correction to download to the DCX2496 via the RS232 interface for full automation.

Once that is complete the PEQ filter data can be documented with the Behringer DXC2496 software on the MS-1 and printed to use with the dspMusik setup for PEQ filters.

Very simple to setup and operate if you already have a DCX2496 as he does.


For folks doing recording of two channel analog sources to digital, have been working with the MS-3 and Audacity with an Echo Audio Echo 2 USB2 ADA.

The setup does 24bit/192KHz recording to the SSD on the MS-3 for multiple hours of space.

Have also used Adobe Audition on the MS-3 with the Echo2 with excellent results.

Will be setting up the turntable and DSA Phono One beta unit for LP transcription with the system to add to the library.


Next batches of MS-3's and dspMusik's start arriving tomorrow.

Working with woodsyi to do the room measurements this week to complete the room EQ demo in his setup.  Will have the dspMusik demo unit back after that for the next set of demo's.

Pez and Tyson are next up for dspMusik trials once I have another MS-3 built and setup with the dspMusik.  Balanced TRS to XLR cables are on order for a new set of two input and six output channels. 

Will be setting up the dspMusik with an MS-1 with the VMPS RM50's once the cables arrive for that setup as well.

Will be sending a 1 meter Virtue Audio USB2 cable with each setup as that has been the most reliable cable with the setup.  Ran into issues with some generic USB2 cables not working properly.  Those are on order as well.


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We'll be able to directly compare the dspMusik to a highly modded DCX24-96 in Pez's system and the miniDSP 2x10HD in my system.  Looking forward to it!


Looking forward to both yours and Pez observations.


PhilA has his MS-3 Music Server at this time. 

Looking forward to his comments once he has time to get it installed.


The latest batch of dspMusik 6x8 digital crossovers just arrived.

Time to put one back in the system for listening!  :D


Based on the result of the evaluations - I am interested in the dspMusik for my V2's.



The issue is getting measurements of the V2's to use to build the crossover block diagram.

I have to know that information to build something to use with the dspMusik.  I do not have access to a pair of V2's for doing that.

If they are Danny's V2's, he will have the information. 

I have Danny's Super-V's here and they are very different than the V2's.


Just connected up a new dspMusik to the Monolith OB 8" full range with the 3x8" servo subs with HX300 amps and back making music! 

Waiting on TRS to XLR cables to arrive for the other systems.   They should start arriving tomorrow.



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Do you use room measurements or speaker measurements from 1m of each driver or whole speaker?


For doing the crossover it is a combination of 1 meter far field for the coaxial and near field for the woofers.  Same technique that MLSSA uses for their combined measurements like you see in Stereophile that John Atkinson does. 

The difference is, I need the individual drivers to see how to build the crossover. 

One thing I am trying is using REW and a Dayton Audio UMM-6 mic to do the measurements.  Easy to install and run on a MS-3 and mic runs about $85 from Parts Express.

Taking a setup like that to woodsyi's on Friday to try room measurements, since we already have his crossover done.

Also going to add his back subwoofers to the last two channels on the dspMusik for swarm style use.  Bringing another set of TRS to XLR cables to connect his rear amps.  First setup to use all 8 output channels from the dspMusik.


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This looks nice.  It's even got a user base with happy customers (always a good sign).


Actually this DSP board has many installed users from it's original use as a subwoofer crossover.

It has been modified since for full range use. 

My understanding is that it was the crossover used at Sea Cliff in Harry Pearson's sub setup.   



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  • Audio - It's all a big fake.
I run a bastardized version of the V2's, but I actually have the V1 tweeters with the milled-out rear cup so they are open front and rear, like the rest of the speaker.  I'm not sure if my settings transfer over to the standard V2's, though....