Building an AKSA.....

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Building an AKSA.....
« on: 5 Sep 2004, 03:53 pm »
Hello Hugh and AKSA owners,
    First, a thank you once again to both Hugh and Paul for providing the AKSA for the US tour. Seems a good start for such a nice amp !!! ( I miss it !!!)[/list:u]
      Now my question to all. If someone has all the parts to assemble the AKSA 100N+(and I mean everything), how long would it take this person to build it ? A person that knows what he's doing.....Thanks for all replies !!! :) [/list:u]


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #1 on: 5 Sep 2004, 04:41 pm »
Depends on how much time you are willing to give it on a day to day basis.

Pure soldering willbe  3.5 hrs a pcb and half an hr for the power supply incl reading

But as Hugh reminds us in his paper, don't be in a hurry.

Most time is assembling the cables, the connectors, the case, the leds, etc.

After 2,5 hrs of building I quit. and do something else.
You need half an hr (40 minutes easily if you do it relaxed) of reading and sorting the the Nirwana and Nirwana plus upgrade referred to the stock assemblage. (the 3 versions are NOT connected at all in the papers, as if "they"live apart from each other, a little bit tiresome if you buy N+ from the beginning)

If you are "young" and you have everything in house you can finish it in a week if only your evenings are free.

But this is only my estimation.


Months and months and months and months and just bloody ages
« Reply #2 on: 5 Sep 2004, 11:50 pm »
If my memory serves me correct I spent about 24 hours over two weeks putting the 100w together from a box of bits to a fully functional amp.

I reckon about 3 hours of that was going over the instructions and sorting out the components for each assembly step.  This was complicated by the fact I was adding Nirvana components at the point of assembly rather than as a mod as Hugh's instructions were written at the time. So the effort to get things right took a little longer.  Time very well spent though.

Most of the time was spent figuring out how to get the amps and PS into the case rather than assembling the PCB.

And in all truth even that's not finished after nearly three years!!


Re: Months and months and months and months and just bloody
« Reply #3 on: 6 Sep 2004, 12:24 am »
Quote from: Seano
And in all truth even that's not finished after nearly three years!!...

Ain't that the truth :lol:

I spent 2 nights replacing: internal AC & DC wiring (from generic PVC-insulated 18AWG to Teflon-insulated 14AWG Belden 19364); R3 from 2 stock pig-tailed resistors (amounting to 50K ohms) to a single 51.5K ohm Riken Ohm resistor; stock 5W emitter resistors with Mills Non-inductive Wire-Wound resistors.

Now I'm bracing myself for the gauntlet of testing / setting the bias of the amplifiers all over again :mrgreen:


If I had to do this all over again, I would use the solder provided by Hugh or Cardas solder. Don't bother about the high-content silver solders. They are a pain to work with. They need a much higher temperature to melt, increasing the risk of frying the semiconductors and capacitors. And most of them are not eutectic and pose a higher risk of cold-solder joints.

Sizzling in NorCal,


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #4 on: 6 Sep 2004, 01:28 am »

The majority of effort to build an AKSA is in the metalwork.  This is not to say the pcb assembly is easy;  it's not, and it does require great care, with soldering experience almost mandatory.  But the layout and metalwork is problematic, if only because most people don't have the necessary array of tools to do the job.  Just drilling a hole in mild steel can easily hold up a project, and for fastening purposes you just have to drill holes......

OTOH, and many have suggested this, the problems of building the whole amplifier in Australia and shipping it abroad are substantial.  First, I'd have to do the lot, and I've already built enough amplifiers go to whoa to last a lifetime.  Design is my principle obsession;  not building.  Second, I'm not wonderful at metalwork;  it's difficult even with my reasonably well fitted workshop, and it's very time consuming.  I should know;  I've got four amps in my workshop right now in various stages of assembly.  Add to that the fact that metal work is very poorly paid, dirty and demanding, and you have a conundrum.  Further, this stuff is bulky and heavy, and shipping it in smallish numbers is even more costly than producing and painting it.   :evil:

So, you need to either have the confidence to do it yourself, along with some specialty tools, or access to a good, inexpensive metal work shop.  For my local market, and even a few customers overseas, I have produced some nice metalwork (viz the Audition amp, which is very strongly built, and Josh seems to like a lot) but the casework is around $US160 with shipping almost the same to the US, so that's a mighty expensive piece of metal!!  The advantage, however, is that it is specifically designed for the AKSA with holes and folds in just the right places.

Obviously, the best way to set this up is to have someone in the US do all the metal work for me.  However, minimum order would be 100 cases.  Would they sell?  It's hard to know, and a big risk.  And where would I store them, and how would they be packaged for despatch?  All this presupposes an agent in the US, and that's tricky too, because prices would have to rise to ensure everyone has a slice of the pie.

So, we are between a rock and a hard place.  What to do?  Perhaps the answer is to produce the AKSA in a cheap labor country, and export directly to the US/Europe, selling via the usual bricks and mortar establishments.  This would raise prices to at least $US3K for a 100W AKSA, and thus put it in direct competition at ranking prices with the 7,356 good SS amplifiers presently in the marketplace, all competing for your dollar.

If anyone has any worthy ideas on this and other weighty issues, do please PM me.  I'm ready to listen......... :lol:




Re: Months and months and months and months and just bloody
« Reply #5 on: 6 Sep 2004, 11:12 pm »
Quote from: Lost81
I spent 2 nights replacing: internal AC & DC wiring (from generic PVC-insulated 18AWG to Teflon-insulated 14AWG Belden 19364); R3 from 2 stock pig-tailed resistors (amounting to 50K ohms) to a single 51.5K ohm Riken Ohm resistor; stock 5W emitter resistors with Mills Non-inductive Wire-Wound resistors.

Oh I haven't fiddled once with the circuitry - bit too electrickery ignorant for that plus access to all those name brand components in Oz is laughable- but the case has copped a hammering so to speak with at least three seperate mods from the original so far.  And the lid is still held down with roadies tape :lol:

But a new case is coming.  Design has begun, mockup stage should commence in the next three months with a completed product hopefully by about 2007........if I pull my finger out and finish all the other things around the place competing for my time.


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #6 on: 7 Sep 2004, 02:01 am »
But a new case is coming. Design has begun, mockup stage should commence in the next three months with a completed product hopefully by about 2007........if I pull my finger out and finish all the other things around the place competing for my time.

All AKSAphiles in US and Europe take note:  Sean and I have much in common.  We have so many projects of interest it is an agony of choice to know what to do next.......   :lol:

Now, where did I put that bloody turbocharger???     :evil:



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Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #7 on: 7 Sep 2004, 02:29 am »
Quote from: AKSA
So, we are between a rock and a hard place....  
Hugh, Thats where I am....I can't build an time, no tools, no experience. So I will have to find someone who can. From the posts so far, seems about 24 hours of labor involved in the project. Kind of wish Austraila was a lot closer. I need someone in the USA. Further ideas ? Thanks !! :?


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #8 on: 7 Sep 2004, 02:42 am »
Quote from: AKSA

Now, where did I put that bloody turbocharger???     :evil:


Hmmm, selling a Jackson Racing supercharger 3 yrs. ago to buy my VAC is what really cemented my insanity :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I spoke to Occam tonight, sounds like the 100+ is heading my way in very short order :hyper:



Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #9 on: 7 Sep 2004, 02:49 am »
Quote from: lonewolfny42
Quote from: AKSA
So, we are between a rock and a hard place....  
 Kind of wish Austraila was a lot closer. I need someone in the USA. Further ideas ? Thanks !! :?

   I suppose that depends on what route you take.  The shortest distance between two points is a straight line...hmmm :scratch:



Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #10 on: 7 Sep 2004, 03:06 am »

I can build the modules, attach them to the heatsinks, ship you a nice case, but it's not a cheap exercise (I gotta eat....) and shipping is quite expensive.  The case is the hardest part;  but the modules are tricky if you've no experience in electronics assembly.

Are there any takers Long Island/Pennsylvania (where Chris moves in a couple months) who might be interested in helping?  Any Audio Clubs with boffins?

If the modules are built, and the case is supplied, the rest is not too difficult as everything is pre-drilled.  It's only point to point wiring at this point to get it operational.




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Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #11 on: 7 Sep 2004, 03:15 am »
Quote from: AKSA

I can build the modules, attach them to the heatsinks, ship you a nice case, but it's not a cheap exercise (I gotta eat....) and shipping is quite expensive.  The case is the hardest part;  but the modules are tricky if you've no experience in electronics assembly.

Are there any takers Long Island/Pennsylvania (where Chris moves in a couple months) who might be interested in helping?  Any Audio Clubs with boffins?

If the modules are built, and the case is supplied, the rest is not too diffic ...
    I just received a PM from Carl(Carlman). He's offered to build me the AKSA...he's a great guy !! I guess we can work this out....ship parts to Carl , and he'll build it here. Sounds like a plan. He will let me know when he can begin. So, its coming together. And, hopefully, others here in the US that can't build will find someone to tackle the job too. :) [/list:u]


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #12 on: 7 Sep 2004, 12:19 pm »
There's a few more parts to buy.... torroids, binding posts, and RCA's... If Hugh supplies the case, that takes care of a large part of it.. but, I was thinking of building a case also.  

But, if Chris liked the case of the audition amp, it'd be a good bit quicker to get it built.

I figured since I just put one together using the 'Hugh-assisted' method, it might be an easier project than the first time.  Plus, I'd really like Chris to own the AKSA.  I think it'd be his perfect 'summer amp'. ;)

Please reply to your email, Hugh...

Chris, I'll let you know the total soon.



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Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #13 on: 8 Oct 2004, 01:04 pm »
The adventure continues...received word from Hugh...
Carl was very happy with the delivery; all looks very good, nice case, and very neatly wired up inside for his work. He will add the transformers, RCAs and binding posts, and it will be ready for shipping again back to you.
    So its coming together....NICE !!! :) [/list:u]
      Thank You !!![/list:u]
        Chris :dance: [/list:u]


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Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #14 on: 28 Oct 2004, 03:05 pm »
I received a PM from Carl today with a picture link of the AKSA 100N+ he is building for me.......;area=browse;album=434 .
    Thanks Carl ![/list:u]'s he doing ? Looks good to me. Thanks ! :) [/list:u]


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #15 on: 28 Oct 2004, 03:11 pm »
Ah, very nice. Carl, have you just tapped into the end fins of the heatsink to screw the front and back panels on?


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #16 on: 28 Oct 2004, 03:38 pm »
Everything is tapped, screwed, and battoned down.  Shipping was a bit higher than expected so Hugh did a little extra to save me some work.  I really apprecatiated that.  It's amazing how costs add up, though.  I figured what I thought it would cost and I was off by a few hundred.  I don't understand how that happens....

In any case, I've got some tweaks to do to improve upon an already excellent design.  Hugh's work was as neat and tidy as could be... so, I'm following suit on that in my work.  Chris will have ERS, some dampening in the top panel, Cardas connectors, and Auric cable from the outputs.  I'll do some comparisons to my amp and see if some further tweaks make any difference.  (ccc wire, rca jacks, etc.)



Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #17 on: 28 Oct 2004, 09:01 pm »
Look very nice. Well done.
Is that the new AKSA case Hugh mention? Look pretty nice.
Don't mind I ask a few questions. What is the 2nd LED for? How tall is the new n+ power caps? It look a lot taller than the one it replace. Will be a problem with my case.



Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #18 on: 28 Oct 2004, 09:07 pm »
Quote from: Carlman
In any case, I've got some tweaks to do to improve upon an already excellent design. Hugh's work was as neat and tidy as could be... so, I'm following suit on that in my work. Chris will have ERS, some dampening in the top panel, Cardas connectors, and Auric cable from the outputs. I'll do some comparisons to my amp and see if some further tweaks make any difference. (ccc wire, rca jacks, etc.)

What, Silver WBT NextGen's aren't being installed? :lol:


Building an AKSA.....
« Reply #19 on: 28 Oct 2004, 09:56 pm »
Quote from: SamL
Is that the new AKSA case Hugh mention? Look pretty nice.
Don't mind I ask a few questions. What is the 2nd LED for? How tall is the new n+ power caps? It look a lot taller than the one it replace. Will be a problem with my case.

That is indeed Hugh's bespoke kit case.  And it is quite nice.  Certainly extremely well laid out which makes it very easy to stuff the good bits into it. Word of warning though (and I've already discussed this privately with Hugh) is that the front fascia is (to my mind) merely functional. A thing of beauty it isn't. Mainly due to the combination of aluminium plate and powdercoat finish - I would recommend getting it re-finished in baked enamel or replacing it. So I've replaced mine with a 20mm thick piece of oiled Jarrah (a red coloured Australian hardwood).  Hugh and I spent a bit of time discussing the panel and reckon a cast and machined piece of shaped aluminium would make a very effective and demonstrative front panel. The rest of the case is just fine - neat, simple and functional. Overall, I'd recommend it over a 3U case any day.

The 2nd LED is for the other channel. There is 1 LED for each channel of the Nirvana Plus power supply.  The new PS board includes points on each half of the PS for dropper resistors for the LED and for wires to the LED.

As for the Nirvana Plus PS size wise. It is substantially wider (10mm?) and longer (20mm+?) than the original PS but not much taller. Couple of mm is all. And the N+ PS board is a huge aesthetic leap over the original PS board too.