Beats by Dre review

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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #20 on: 8 Sep 2014, 07:06 am »
Isn't it the first rule of audiophile-ism to not buy Monster, Bose, and anything like that?

No self-respecting audiophile buys Beats...


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #21 on: 8 Sep 2014, 12:37 pm »
I will not support that brand. Many others will not support that brand. We gave you several reasons why you should not support that brand. I don't care if you are the king guru on headphones. Your opinion doesn't override ours. I can't stop you from buying it. I will not buy it. Others will not buy it.

As I said, I can spend $20 + $10 = $30 on some headphones that are equally plastically, come in the same gay colors, and sound good (to me). But, I will not buy them in those colors. I don't want to be "hip". I hate things that come in multiple colors. It takes away from the product. I like having choices, but I would rather just accept the fact that this electronic piece comes in silver even though it comes in black. Even if they came in black, I don't want Beats. Other people don't want Beats.

Now, dump this thread in the trash.


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #22 on: 8 Sep 2014, 01:25 pm »
Settle down, he's not trying to make you buy them.


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #23 on: 8 Sep 2014, 01:43 pm »
Your personal diatribe here is an insult to the intelligence of other members, who prefer to think for themselves.

People that live in glass houses should not throw stones...

As Steve Martin used to say, "Well, excuuUUUUUuuse me!"


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #24 on: 8 Sep 2014, 04:23 pm »
I thought "Beats" was just a company that swindled another company "Monster" and made alot of money off Monster engineered headphones. They made them hip and sold them to a bunch of younger generation guys, who got suckered into buying them for too much $$$. They also used much of that money to buy another successful company "MOG" and when Apple saw this, they bought Beats.

I don't think Beats or Dr Dre did very much, but have great lawyers and marketing to steal ideas and get young sucker kids to give them money??


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #25 on: 8 Sep 2014, 04:43 pm »
That means YOU attacked "DB Cooper" first, and have the nerve to accuse others of the same thing.

Quote from: Beats Representative and local AudioCircle salesman dalethorn
I'm just another worker who's trying to the serve the company.

"Sorry for the rub"


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #26 on: 8 Sep 2014, 05:00 pm »

Christian Massey, 21, was fatally shot for his Dr. Dre Beats headphones during a robbery attempt Saturday in Philadelphia. According to NBC Philadelphia, Christian Massey was shot in an alley as children played nearby on Lebanon Avenue sidewalk. The fact that children were nearby didn’t deter the gunman.

The armed man first demanded Massey’s Dr. Dre Beats headphones. Massey did not comply and tried to run, witnesses say. The suspect shot five rounds, striking and killing Massey. The headphones lay near Massey’s lifeless body. He had purchased them for about $300 on Black Friday. Source: NBC Philadelphia

We live among savages who have no qualms about taking what’s not theirs. If you have any information about the shooting and the suspect, please call the Philadelphia Police Department.

I never heard ANYBODY getting shot over ANY other headphone.

That second to last line 100% correctly describes society.

Hey, guess what thieves are also stealing besides high-end smartphones—high-end headphones often used with high-end smartphones! One of the hot theft targets in the city these days, besides smartphones, are pretty much any variation of the colorful Beats by Dr. Dre headphones. Will Bloomberg blame the victims for this crime trend, too?

The Post today points out that the pricey headphones are "the new rage among bandits" because they are a status symbol. According to a police source, "They’re very hot among thieves. It’s like, 'I see it. I want it. I can have it. I’m taking it for me, or my sister needs a pair.'"

In north Brooklyn alone there have been dozens of Beats stolen in the past four months. Still, getting exact numbers on how many Beats have been lifted is tricky, as police suspect their thefts are underreported (since they are untraceable and are rarely insured). Anecdotal evidence and police sources, however, show a growing problem that has even spread into "trendy" neighborhoods like Brooklyn Heights. That's where, on April 17, a teen had his Beats stolen—and was punched in the face for the trouble.

This is why we like to wear cheap-looking, non-ostentatious headphones when we're walking around or riding the subway. Clearly, what the world now needs are the headphone equivalent of SNL's classic Chameleon XLE:


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #27 on: 8 Sep 2014, 10:04 pm »
With regard to Apple, now buying Beats, I think the company does not have anyone that can touch Steve Jobs as far as how much the company can be an innovator. If they think the Dr and Jimmy Iovine can do this, good luck. Apple had good marketing with Jobs, but they also had great products that were innovative. I don't know how many older Apple products brought on lawsuits, but I know Beats brought two lawsuits with them...maybe more.

Apple sees $$$, so I guess they will deal with the lawsuits. and also another one by Bose
I think Monster also has one, not sure.


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #28 on: 9 Sep 2014, 08:08 am »
First you say --

In the meantime I think the right thing to do here is stay focused on the actual product, which objectively is actually better than similar items from Beyer and Sennheiser.

Then.....  :scratch:

It's true that the rap/thug/gangsta culture instilled hate and disrespect for police into a lot of urban young people, and the result came out clearly in the St. Louis shooting.  The young man, initially described as "an unarmed boy", or "a good boy on his way to college", was a heckuva lot different from reality.  But the liberal establishment has dug themselves into deep bunkers on police brutality issues, so just mentioning these things can get you shunned by family and friends.

So I don't know what's most important to people - probably just the stuff they see on the news.  But until someone faces the fact that a lot of urban youth have an irrational understanding of police responsibility and authority, the festering wound keeps festering.

Never mind that South Central L.A. and their sympathizers held a figurative gun to the authorities' heads in 1992, demanding a second trial for the 4 police officers, until their own brand of lynching was held up in court.  Federal re-trials for extreme civil-rights murderers and such in the 1960's?  I'm all for it.  But re-trials of officers who were already tried in open court with all evidence presented 100 times over and fully broadcast on national TV?  I'm against that - it makes a joke of the criminal justice system.

Two years later, with fear of more uprisings, the L.A. court made a special deal to give Simpson a racially favorable jury in the criminal trial, and an opposite jury in the civil trial.  Totally predictable, and a total setup.  And predictably, a couple years later, Simpson shot himself in the foot figuratively, much like the guy from 1992.

So how do you stop the record companies from distributing harmful material to underage people?  Put stickers on the records?  What a joke that is.  If the older teens have it, everyone will get access to it.  Society's normal barriers to indecency have been abandoned on the altar of "free speech", while *real* free speech is ridiculed by the media as "conspiracy" talk.

I could completely disagree with you on all these issues but you're taking this into heavy political debate that will get this thing dumped into the garbage. I thought you've been here long enough to know this.  :nono:


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #29 on: 9 Sep 2014, 12:06 pm »
What can't I post?

Everybody on this site is expected to behave like an adult and to take responsibility for the words they post. You are expected to adhere to the standards of the community, and to listen to the opinions of others about what You post. Here are some specific items that are not allowed:
Politics and religionWe've tried it, it doesn't work. Please go somewhere else to talk about these topics.

No politics please.  It's about headphones.


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #30 on: 9 Sep 2014, 01:35 pm »
Actually, no.  I was responding to the other guy who was continually beating up on Beats and Dre for political reasons, which had nothing to do with headphones.  Now why don't you go correct him first?

Milford backed out, mix4 fix said sorry for the rub - then you posted that long political rant which is what I responded to.


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #31 on: 9 Sep 2014, 03:33 pm »
As long as it relates to the subject, you should discuss related information. If Dr. Dre beat up beat up someone prior to this, are we just supposed to forget about it just because it was settle out of court? Are we to forget because he endorsed a product? Don't forget, most of these rappers committed crimes before they got famous.


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #32 on: 9 Sep 2014, 03:57 pm »
Actually, no.  I tried to cut the thing off well before that but the other guy wouldn't let it go, and nobody said anything then.  You can't be selective like that - you should have stopped the Beats and Dre bashing back then.

I'm not a monitor so as I was living my life, all of that occurred. Whatever.


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #33 on: 10 Sep 2014, 05:04 am »
Beyer is one of those brands I know little about, and that I don't pay attention too anyways.

But, we can't do anything about Hitler. He's gone. Those evil Germans made the first car, the first freeway system, and the MP3 so that's not going to prevent me from driving my Ford on I95 listening to music.

But, Dr. Dre is a person we can rally against.

Guy 13

Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #34 on: 10 Sep 2014, 07:26 am »
Beyer is one of those brands I know little about, and that I don't pay attention too anyways.

But, we can't do anything about Hitler. He's gone. Those evil Germans made the first car, the first freeway system, and the MP3 so that's not going to prevent me from driving my Ford on I95 listening to music.

But, Dr. Dre is a person we can rally against.

NO POLITICS ! :nono:

Guy 13


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #35 on: 10 Sep 2014, 09:51 pm »
I suspect that most of us reading or responding on this thread are not the target demographic that the Beats by Dr.Dre brand wishes to reach.
Even if we were to totally boycott any of Apple's future Beats offerings we could not significantly impact Apples plans or the worth of the Beats brand in the marketplace.
 We can rant about what we may see as wrong with the situation but the purchase of Beats by Apple legitimizes the Beats brand in many peoples eyes and will potentially broaden its appeal for purchase by a wider market.
 Essentially, for those that subscribe to it, if Apple makes it, it has to be good.


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #36 on: 11 Sep 2014, 12:09 am »
I suspect that most of us reading or responding on this thread are not the target demographic that the Beats by Dr.Dre brand wishes to reach.
Even if we were to totally boycott any of Apple's future Beats offerings we could not significantly impact Apples plans or the worth of the Beats brand in the marketplace.
 We can rant about what we may see as wrong with the situation but the purchase of Beats by Apple legitimizes the Beats brand in many peoples eyes and will potentially broaden its appeal for purchase by a wider market.
 Essentially, for those that subscribe to it, if Apple makes it, it has to be good.

Now you show up. I was trying to describe those headphones. If $20 can get you something halfway decent, why should we spend $200 on something doesn't give you $200 worth of product? I'm all about good value. I love in when people like Klaus can bring budget systems to an Audio Fest and excel over those overpriced systems.

You are right. We are not Beat's typical buyers. But, that doesn't seam to hinder us being sold too in this thread.

You are right again. Us boycotting will not hurt them. But, it doesn't mean stop having personal ethics. I will not buy them. You probably will not buy them. We can sure as hell be vocal about it to our family, friends, and even to fellow audiophile enthusiasts. You don't just vote at the ballot box, you vote with your wallet.

Back to those headphones, I wasn't really fond of the "wire things" (let alone them being red). But, you can't complain for $20.

I like my $20 ones as well. Of course, I don't overthink headphones. Sometimes, I just listen to mixes on YouTube or other websites and I just want to enjoy the music and not care if it is a low-resolution MP3.


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #37 on: 11 Sep 2014, 04:34 am »
Sometimes, I just listen to mixes on YouTube or other websites and I just want to enjoy the music and not care if it is a low-resolution MP3.

So true :thumb:

Just the other day I was trying to estimate time listening on my sub $50 headphones, vs. expensive ones, vs. speakers... the ratio is probably 75-5-20, respectively...


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Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #38 on: 11 Sep 2014, 04:53 am »
So true :thumb:

Just the other day I was trying to estimate time listening on my sub $50 headphones, vs. expensive ones, vs. speakers... the ratio is probably 75-5-20, respectively...

I got it beat (pun intended).

My mom bought some JVCs that were heavily discounted (clearance section) for $5 ($4.97?). One for her and one for me (gift). After I returned home, I told her to go get the others (not because they are great but I wanted spare(s)). She didn't want to go out so she said she would just give me the other set (probably still in the packaging).

Free headphones > all


Re: Beats by Dre review
« Reply #39 on: 11 Sep 2014, 05:00 am »
And Dre is not a "leader" any more than he is a headphone designer; his contribution to the original Beats' development was reportedly saying, "That's the sh!t" when they brought him the second or third prototype.

Sorry but whatever his faults you don't get to be a billion dollar music producer/business man by being a 'figure head'. And listening to demos until you go 'that's the shit' is part of what a producer *does*. That sure as hell is what his partner, mega producer Jimmy Iovine is known for as well. Hell that was his job on American Idol basically. I may not care for the headphones but I'm not about to take credit away from he or Dre. I mean, I think Apple is a cult for overhyped products but that doesn't take anything away from the brilliance of Jobs.

And the 'target demographic' for Beats is pretty much everybody. I see all kinds of people with the damn things. From hipsters to teen girls to baggy pants to middle age gut busters.

Beats and Apple were made for each other. Now that they are linked it just makes it easier for me to ignore them both.