Semi-newbie with an itch for an OTL

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Semi-newbie with an itch for an OTL
« on: 22 Dec 2012, 05:53 pm »

Got into tube amps about 2 yrs ago now....started with my dads old Heathkit AA-32.  Relegated that gem to my workout room, then bought a nice Quicksilver GLA.

Great amp and waaaay overpowered for my Klipsch CHorus IIs.....and a tad noisy too but to be expected.

But last week a buddy bought a Transcendent T16 OTL and my God, what a sound!  He hooked it up to his LaScalas.  Unreal - incredibly realistic and insanely hard hitting bass.  I can not get over how dark the background is....just black..with those speakers!

Anybody on this site make this switch (form AB to Class A) with speakers similar to mine ?  Any impressions  / tips etc. you wish to convey?  I would greatly appreciate it.

Might now be looking for a T16 of my own !!!!!

thanks alot.