Hot Headphone Deals!!

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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #80 on: 7 Sep 2016, 03:59 pm »
Beyer T1 for $629 (new):
This kind of discount you wont will see in Seenheiser hp,
I was unaware T1 was in this low price.
I wonder if this low price is due it is first Gen?


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #81 on: 7 Sep 2016, 06:01 pm »
If you read down the ad there is a T1.2 priced at $1099 listed.  I have not heard the T1 except at noisy shows but it did sound good.  The price point at <$700 puts it in competition with some lesser sonic units and I doubt that tilting the driver makes a $400-500 difference in the T1.2.


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #82 on: 8 Sep 2016, 11:24 am »
I got one from Amazon more than a year ago for $766.  The T1 has been way up and down, and the T1 first gen. definitely has very angled drivers.
How so? The second gen is not angled?


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #83 on: 8 Sep 2016, 05:20 pm »
$600 is a realistic price for top hp as T1,K812,HD800 etc its what they worth, the rest is fat for the audiophool Euro&US market.

dB Cooper

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #84 on: 10 Sep 2016, 08:20 am »
Only megabuck headphone I have heard (I actually have to hear a product before making a judgment about it) that I thought was (possibly) worth the money was the Stax SR-009 (~$5200 plus electrostatic-capable amp). I'm sure not all are worth anything like their price. A good example is the T1... The design is basically identical to the DT series, with the drivers angled in the cups (which costs nothing to implement). So that leaves the entire cost difference to the drivers. Is the cost difference really justified? I guess it is if people buy it.

For all the disrespect it gets for its 'dark' presentation, the venerable HD650 still has one of the smoothest (peak and dip free) high ends out there. This must be one of the hardest things to get 'right', judging by the fact that so many headphones don't. A little treble boost and voilá, bye-bye darkness. To me, the 650/K712/DT990 range is right before the Law of Diminishing Returns starts to kick in (and does so big time as you cross the $1K threshold.) But the SR009 is my current 'Lottery' headphone.

Guy 13

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #85 on: 10 Sep 2016, 09:02 am »
Only megabuck headphone I have heard (I actually have to hear a product before making a judgment about it) that I thought was (possibly) worth the money was the Stax SR-009 (~$5200 plus electrostatic-capable amp). I'm sure not all are worth anything like their price. A good example is the T1... The design is basically identical to the DT series, with the drivers angled in the cups (which costs nothing to implement). So that leaves the entire cost difference to the drivers. Is the cost difference really justified? I guess it is if people buy it.

For all the disrespect it gets for its 'dark' presentation, the venerable HD650 still has one of the smoothest (peak and dip free) high ends out there. This must be one of the hardest things to get 'right', judging by the fact that so many headphones don't. A little treble boost and voilá, bye-bye darkness. To me, the 650/K712/DT990 range is right before the Law of Diminishing Returns starts to kick in (and does so big time as you cross the $1K threshold.) But the SR009 is my current 'Lottery' headphone.

I agree with you dB Cooper.
I am the owner of a dark sounding HD650
and was the owner (35 years ago) of a pair of Stax Lambda.
Winning the jack pot would change that I would buy the SR009.  :D

Guy 13
on planet Vietnam.


Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #86 on: 10 Sep 2016, 04:48 pm »
Focal Elear- $999. Done......


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #87 on: 3 Nov 2016, 10:39 am »
A bargain for $379 factory direct: EL84 OTC amp.

dB Cooper

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #88 on: 3 Nov 2016, 02:27 pm »
I agree with you dB Cooper.
I am the owner of a dark sounding HD650
and was the owner (35 years ago) of a pair of Stax Lambda.
Winning the jack pot would change that I would buy the SR009.  :D

Guy 13
on planet Vietnam.

It's easily 'cured' if your source accommodates EQ. Here's what I am currently running mine at:

This curve gently boosts the highs, flattens out the midbass 'hump', and gives be a little counteraction of the bass roll-off. Now back to your regularly scheduled Hot Headphone Deals....


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #89 on: 3 Nov 2016, 07:50 pm »
Hmm, Massdrop just announced their version of the Sennheiser HD6xx for $199...

dB Cooper

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #90 on: 4 Nov 2016, 02:53 am »
Compare that to the K7XX which is made in China. I think Massdrop is being a little deceitful by representing them as "$650 MSRP, which is the MSRP of the Austrian-made K712. Nothing against China per se, but it seems Massdrop is being a bit deceitful by implying that these are the Austrian-made K712's. I have heard that AKG is moving all their production to China and thus it would make sense that AKG might be releasing the K7XX essentially for QC testing purposes.

As far as the Sennheisers go, I have seen the HD650 at significant markdowns a few places recently, so I wonder if this classic may be reaching end of production. Between the discounting and Massdrop, I guess there goes my resale value....

dB Cooper

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #91 on: 4 Nov 2016, 05:03 am »
From everything I've heard, the K7xx is very similar to the K701, but not the equal of the K712.  Worse yet, a lot of buyers got K7xx's with rattling drivers, and went through lots of hassle and delay getting replacements.

That's why I think the K7XX is a QC test for AKG. Get some out into the field and see how they fare out there in the real world. BTW Massdrop refers to the K702 Anniversary specifically as the base for the 7XX (supposedly identical to the 712) claiming the lows have been "jacked up by 3dB [compared to the 701] to provide totally immersive sound imaging" (whatever the hell that means). Your report of QC issues doesn't inspire confidence, but it may support my theory that the 7XX is a QC trial run before shutting down the Austrian lines and pink-slipping all the workers there. Also may be noteworthy that the AKGs keep turning back up on Massdrop although always in relatively small production runs whereas the Sennheiser drop is rather large ( >5000 units IIRC.)


As much as I like to believe in miracles, I feel confident that the HD6xx will not be the quality equal of the HD650, although it hopefully will have a similar sound.  Again, not to be pessimistic, but the smoothness of sound of Sennheiser's 600 and 650 have a lot to do with the workmanship and materials in those earcups that dampen out resonances etc., and at $200 and built in Ireland for the HD6xx, they have to cut a few corners.  I hope to get one, so I'm switching to optimistic right now.

Good point. Probably won't be. One struggles to imagine how they could provide equivalent quality at < half the price.  However, Sennheiser must have long since amortized their R&D and tooling costs on these models. But if they were just giving you a better deal on the same headphone' it would be the same headphone- not one with cosmetic changes (any changes to a production line cost something to implement.) As Dale speculates, what non-cosmetic shortcuts have been taken? One place they could cut corners would be substituting conventional plastic in areas where carbon fiber is used in the 650 (noting your point about resonance control.)  Another easy 'cut' would be less fastidious driver matching. A lot of listeners wouldn't notice these effects unless they were severe.

It would be interesting to get a 7XX and a 6XX into Innerfidelity's lab and see how they compare on the dummy head to the 'real deal' products. Wonder if Tyll would be interested. Maybe I'll email him.

dB Cooper


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #93 on: 4 Nov 2016, 06:28 am »


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #94 on: 4 Nov 2016, 06:29 am »
The dirty little secret of the AKG lineup is that the K612pro is actually better than everything in the 700 family.


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #95 on: 4 Nov 2016, 02:56 pm »
There is no reason to risk a dubious purchase on a dynamic HP when you can buy a planar legit HE400S for $299.


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #96 on: 4 Nov 2016, 09:06 pm »
From everything I've heard, the K7xx is very similar to the K701, but not the equal of the K712.  Worse yet, a lot of buyers got K7xx's with rattling drivers, and went through lots of hassle and delay getting replacements.

As much as I like to believe in miracles, I feel confident that the HD6xx will not be the quality equal of the HD650, although it hopefully will have a similar sound.  Again, not to be pessimistic, but the smoothness of sound of Sennheiser's 600 and 650 have a lot to do with the workmanship and materials in those earcups that dampen out resonances etc., and at $200 and built in Ireland for the HD6xx, they have to cut a few corners.  I hope to get one, so I'm switching to optimistic right now.

You can find the HD600 or 650 on sale for around $200 several times a year. I've passed on them each time but was seriously tempted. The seller was making a profit in those scenarios, as well. Here, you have a group buy making one lump sum purchase so the profit is there for the manufacturer. Audio equipment is very well marked up. Most headphones probably cost very little to manufacture.

dB Cooper

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #97 on: 4 Nov 2016, 11:20 pm »
There is no reason to risk a dubious purchase on a dynamic HP when you can buy a planar legit HE400S for $299.
The dynamic driver refuses to die. It's still a valid design approach, enough so to make it hard to make a blanket statement that one or the other is 'better'. There are good and 'meh' examples of both.


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Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #98 on: 5 Nov 2016, 03:46 am »
There is no reason to risk a dubious purchase on a dynamic HP when you can buy a planar legit HE400S for $299.

Not sure what's "dubious." Innerfidelity says it measures the same as the stock 650. As for dynamic vs. planar, I own both types of headphones. There's nothing magic about an etched plastic sheet.

As for the HE400S, I agree that's a good-sounding set of headphones. However, the build quality is horrid. I sent mine back after a week because their cup paint couldn't withstand the "abuse" of being placed on a desk a few times a day. The Senns (I also have a pair of 600s) IMO sound better (though both are legitimately good-sounding headphones, with reasonably neutral balance - the Senns are a touch laid back, the HE400S's a touch aggressive - and a very spacious presentation) and are a whole lot more durably constructed and finished.

Can you give me an instance, like a screen capture, of the 600 or 650 selling from an authorized dealer, brand new, for $200?

I've never seen a 650 for $200, but earlier this year there was a sale at Adorama or B&H that had the 600 for 200 and the 650 for 250. But I've never seen a 650 sell for $200.

Russell Dawkins

Re: Hot Headphone Deals!!
« Reply #99 on: 5 Nov 2016, 05:51 am »
Anyone here heard the  iSK HD-9999?

It's getting some very strong reviews among recording professionals.