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Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #60 on: 2 Sep 2012, 02:46 am »
Here's some interesting info.  Just keep in mind this is a guitar amp site.



  Not sure how this will translate to HiFi use but interesting find indeed. :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #61 on: 2 Sep 2012, 02:59 am »
Buddy, I tried the new GL 12AX7 vs. the new TungSol vs. the new Mullard vs the Sovtek LPS...of the bunch I liked the TS the best. The Mullard sounded 'fuzzy' compared to the TS, the GL sounded 'heavy' in the lower freq. which resulted in a 'thumpy' sound. The LPS is on the lean side.
The TS had the best balance across the freqs. with a great 3D soundstage. All the tubes were cryoed except the Mullard. Results obtained in my CAT pre line stage.
I found the results matched those in the pre line stage when tried in my Jolida amp.

In the phono stage I use the LPS, but since I rarely play vinyl, did not experiment with all the tubes in that position. I can always bring them over for you to try in your AN.

    Martin, I didn't know you've tried all those 12AX7s!  :o That is a very good info. So, you like the TungSol best in your system.

    Anyway, yes it would be great if you could bring them over so I can try them in my system, if you have 4 of each would be nice. I'll PM you. :D

    BTW... I have something to show you when come up here. :wink:

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #62 on: 18 Oct 2012, 05:27 am »

  So, yesterday fellow AC member mjosef/Martin came over with his collections of 12AX7 tubes for me to try in my system. And here they are....

From left to right: Ei Gold Elite, Chinese "B" version(?), Mullard, Genalex Gold Lion, Sovtek LPS and Tung-Sol.

   All are current production with the exception of the Ei Gold Elite of which are my own and I've been using them for about 10 years and have been out of production for a while now.

   The shootout was done with each pair in my Audio Note M1 preamp in it's phono stage of which use four 12AX7 tubes and the output/line stage use one 12AU7 per channel. Since Martin/mjosef only have a pair of each brand shown here, so I put each pair in the last section of the phono stage of the Audio Note M1.

  Music: Corinne Bailey Rae "Like A Star" UK press LP.

    First I want to point out that this is not by any mean a long term or any scientific comparison . Each pair of tube where giving about 5-7mins to warm up before listening, using a same track of music on the LP. And this is based solely in my own system. All tubes got sometime on them already according to Martin.

    So, what is the verdict? Ranking them from the least favorite....

5th place: The Mullard. Yes, the Mullard... the sound was just flat. No drive at all. The overall sound like I put the signal into a dynamic compressor than to my amp. We both agreed on this and it didn't take long. And to be fair I event put them back again at the end to make sure we weren't hearing things, and we both still feel the same after.

4th place: Sovtek LPS. The sound was clean but very lean. I believe these pair are cyro'ed also.... well maybe cyro made them sound cooler :lol: Good detail but the leanest just didn't right to me. The high sound a bit splashy to me.

3rd place: Chinese "B" version. A surprise of the day I would say. The cheapest of the group here. Similar to the Sovtek LPS but I feel they do have more body to the sound. Also I noticed the the gain is a bit lower with these than other tubes here, actually matched the gain of my system better. The detail is good, the bass is tight and as quiet as other tubes here.  Well, it it pointless to compare them to my now 10 years old Ei Gold Elite but yes they do sound better. If I were tight on the budget... I actually do right now...I think I can live with these in my system.

2nd place: Tung-Sol. Unfortunately I didn't take much note on this one but. I would say they were a tad leaner than the 1st place but with better high than the 3rd place.

1st place: Genalex Gold Lion. Why it got to be the most expensive of the group! Damn! :duh: Yes, I like these best. Fuller sound but with all the detail. With great depth, 3D like to the sound. I can almost see the lips of the singer. Good drive, tight bass and sweet but natural high.  Overall it is just more life to the sound. These might not be a good a good match in an already very tubey and dark sounding system, like old vintage tube amps and etc.

   There you go guys. The Genalex Gold Lion sound best in "my" system. Sadly it just happen to be the most expensive one. But I have to say the Chinese "B" version was a surprised.  So, that is the sound shootout part but I have no idea about the long term reliability part but all of the tube here were quiet enough for me with through my system with 94dB single driver speaker.

    A very big thanks to Martin/mjosef for bringing all those 12AX7s over. It was a very rare opportunity for me... or anyone for that matter... to have a chance to try different brands of 12AX7 tube in my own system. :D I'm sure Martin will chime in about the result. But I think we are both agreed on these finding. BTW... Martin have heard my system more times than anyone I know here on AC locally so he know my system well.

   Anyway, now I think I pretty have some idea of which 12AX7 tube I want to buy when I want to replace those Ei Gold Elite.

Take care
Buddy :thumb:


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #63 on: 18 Oct 2012, 12:55 pm »
My experience is that none of the current production 12AX7's sound as good as the better NOS 12AX7's.  They also seem to not last all that long before they start sounding off.

Telefunkens are the gold standard in 12AX7's, they sound incredible and are long lasting.  I have good success with Raytheon Black Plates, and the military version of the Mullard (CV 4004) box plates.  I'm not so keen on the 60's/70's Amperex tubes.   NOS Tung Sols are also a nice 12AX7.

In general, the 17mm versions seem to sound better than the 14mm versions.  I also agree that the circuit topology makes a big difference.  In my case, I have a Conrad Johnson clone preamp (line stage) that uses four 12AX7's.  It sounds wonderful.  I strongly prefer it's sound to most 6DJ8 types.  The 6DJ8 can sound great, BUT, that tube is a major pain in the ass.  They are ALL microphonic, and they were designed as a RF tube for TV sets, not audio.  To me, it's a lot easier to get the 12AX7 to sound good than a 6DJ8, and chances are a wider amount of tubes will be acceptable for use.   The 6H30 is a nice tube, but it is getting up there in price.

Quiet Earth

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Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #64 on: 18 Oct 2012, 02:05 pm »
I completely agree with you on the Gold Lion. It is the best new production tube that I have ever used. The cryo tubes are terrible IMO. I use the Gold Lions in my phono stage, and not only do they sound fantastic, they are dead quiet too. FWIW, they are not too warm in an all tube system. They are just right.

My experience is that none of the current production 12AX7's sound as good as the better NOS 12AX7's.  They also seem to not last all that long before they start sounding off.

Before I tried these Gold Lions I would have agreed with you, although  I have not tried all of the NOS types or the legendary "unobtainable" 12AX7s.  I have certainly had my share of crappy new production 12AX7s though. I am really hoping these tubes don't crap out on me early like all of those cryo'd tubes I bought. I have only been using mine for about a month, so time will tell. If they make it a few more months I am going to order a back up set.


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Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #65 on: 18 Oct 2012, 02:40 pm »
..I have not tried all of the NOS types or the legendary "unobtainable" 12AX7s.   I have certainly had my share of crappy new production 12AX7s though. I am really hoping these tubes don't crap out on me early like all of those cryo'd tubes I bought. I have only been using mine for about a month, so time will tell. If they make it a few more months I am going to order a back up set.

I am one of those lucky 12AX7 users. No new production for sure. I have been using day-in day-out 4 of 50-year-young Telefunken ECC83 "unobtainable" vintage tubes for many years now. They have ribbed plates with an embossed numbered diamond at its bottom. The number inside the diamond might be its stock patch number back then, I think. Those are not NOS for sure but working since day one 50 years back.

They are all still working fine on my phonostages. Quiet, fast, transparent & extremely melodious. I know many tube fans hate the sound of 12AX7s, maybe new productions. But for my vintage Telefunkens, I love them big bigtime. Surprised to find out tubes made back then can still be so durable & fine sounding.


Ericus Rex

Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #66 on: 18 Oct 2012, 04:23 pm »
The next shootout should be the GL 12AX7 you liked against the new JJ ECC803s which I've heard good things about (non gold-pin version is $15):


...and the Pavane 12AX7:


This shootout would be very interesting.


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #67 on: 18 Oct 2012, 04:33 pm »
Can't really disagree on Buddy's take. The new GL had the best balance for Buddy's system preference.
I am now trying the GL's in my midrange tube amp( 250Hz and up), and am liking the sound.  I normally use Amperex which still remains the best for my taste in this position.

Buddy wanted to hear how the new reissues tubes sound like and that is what was done. It was not a New vs. NOS shootout.  :thumb:

The next shootout should be the GL 12AX7 you liked against the new JJ ECC803s which I've heard good things about
Yeah, I am curious about the JJ and will likely on my next order pick up a pair to compare.

medium jim

Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #68 on: 18 Oct 2012, 04:36 pm »
Keep in mind that the gain of a given tube will have a significant musical effect in a typical audio circuit with gain and having overall loop feedback.

In such a circuit the overall closed loop gain of the circuit is set by the feedback loop. To simplify, the amount of feedback will be the difference between the open loop gain of the tube used and the closed loop gain of the circuit.

Thus, in this typical circuit, the amount of feedback will be essentially set by the open loop gain of the tube selected.  A high gain tube will provide higher feedback, a low gain tube less feedback.

In general, low feedback tends to produce a more mellow, less aggressive sound, if done well, a very pleasant overall presentation.  However lower feedback means higher harmonic distortion, and poorer control of the wanted audio signal.  Not enough feedback results in mud, boomy bass, and poor transparency.

At the other extreme, a very high gain tube used in a typical line circuit will provide higher feedback.  This results in more clarity and transparency, but too much feedback can produce a very grainy, hot, bright, and fatiguing musical presentation, likely from transient intermodulation distortion as the excess feedback overloads the loop.

In general, you need to know a bit about the circuit design in trying to select appropriate tube for it.  What is a great high gain tube in one circuit may overload a different one.  A nice musical low gain tube in one circuit, may sound like mud in a different application.

There is more than magic involved with tube selection (although some of it still seems to have some magic aspects).

To sum up, the great sounding tube in one circuit can easily be a terrible sounding one in a different one and some of these issues can be reduced if you know what tube gain your circuit would actually like to see.


Frank Van Alstine


Your last paragraph is so correct and that is all I was saying and is why I suggested alternative tubes to the 12AX7, i.e., 5751 and 12AT7 which have lower gain factors, but are proper replacements or substitutes for the ECC83/12AX7.   Most modern made examples of the 12AX7 are lower gain than NOS by as much as 30% in some instances.   

I will still stand on the fact that a great tube will always be better than one that is made today.  That said, you do need to match the tube for the appication or circuit.   Don't be afraid to experiment and try some NOS or gently used 12AX7's, 7025's, 5751's or even a 12AT7 when it calls for a 12AX7....it might find something amazing.   Isn't that what tube rolling is all about anyway?!



Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #69 on: 19 Oct 2012, 02:08 am »
Can't really disagree on Buddy's take. The new GL had the best balance for Buddy's system preference.
I am now trying the GL's in my midrange tube amp( 250Hz and up), and am liking the sound.  I normally use Amperex which still remains the best for my taste in this position.

Buddy wanted to hear how the new reissues tubes sound like and that is what was done. It was not a New vs. NOS shootout.  :thumb:
Yeah, I am curious about the JJ and will likely on my next order pick up a pair to compare.


    Martin, it was good to have a second pair ears during the process, and since you know my system well that makes it even better. The differences between some of the tubes here are remarkable  and easy to hear. And look like we both agreed on the result here. :D

I completely agree with you on the Gold Lion. It is the best new production tube that I have ever used. The cryo tubes are terrible IMO. I use the Gold Lions in my phono stage, and not only do they sound fantastic, they are dead quiet too. FWIW, they are not too warm in an all tube system. They are just right.

Before I tried these Gold Lions I would have agreed with you, although  I have not tried all of the NOS types or the legendary "unobtainable" 12AX7s.  I have certainly had my share of crappy new production 12AX7s though. I am really hoping these tubes don't crap out on me early like all of those cryo'd tubes I bought. I have only been using mine for about a month, so time will tell. If they make it a few more months I am going to order a back up set.

    The Gold Lion really set itself apart from the rest... as of right now it is the "Goldilocks Tube" for the Audio Note M1 phono stage in my system.

    As for the reliability this is something I want to find out too. I know that new production tube have a bad rap, but I feel that the last couple of years things might have improved a bit. Still please keep us posted on your Gold Lion on this.

The next shootout should be the GL 12AX7 you liked against the new JJ ECC803s which I've heard good things about (non gold-pin version is $15):


...and the Pavane 12AX7:


This shootout would be very interesting.

    Well, that would be interesting for sure. Talking about the JJ long plate version. I do have a pair of the ECC802s/12AU7 of which I tried them in the line stage of my pre, I didn't like them that much and it is a bit noisy.

   I know it is pointless to mention the ECC802s here. Let's stay on 12AX7.  But with that I hope the ECC803s is quieter and sound good. Well, if I ever have a chance to try a pair I will let you know.... maybe Martin/mjosef will ad a pair to his collection soon :lol:

   Again, thanks Martin/mjosef for making this shootout possible. :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:

Quiet Earth

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Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #70 on: 19 Oct 2012, 02:42 am »

    As for the reliability this is something I want to find out too. I know that new production tube have a bad rap, but I feel that the last couple of years things might have improved a bit. Still please keep us posted on your Gold Lion on this.

I really want these Gold Lions to hold up. I have been playing records almost everyday since I bought these tubes. I will keep you posted on their health no matter what happens to them, good or bad.  :thumb:

Ericus Rex

Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #71 on: 19 Oct 2012, 12:11 pm »
Hey Buddy,

If we can find a pair of the JJ ECC803s I would be happy to send you my pair of Pavane's to complete the lineup.  Just don't keep 'em too long!  Any other tube brands we should include for Round 2?  The only other new production 12AX7s have already been tried in Round 1.

P.S. I have no expectation that the Pavanes will win.  I know those GL tubes are wicked good!  I am merely curious about all good new production tubes.


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #72 on: 19 Oct 2012, 02:08 pm »
I just bought a Slyvania 12ax7 from Dan Pure which is excellent.  I don't know terribly much about it, but its supposed to have a cult following and I liked it better then some really nice Telefunkens, Amperexs, Baldwin Organ Pulls, GEs, and other great NOS 12ax7s.  I'm using it in a Melody AN211 integrated amplifier and loving it.  Its a bold, developed, resolved and dimensional sound.


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #73 on: 19 Oct 2012, 02:29 pm »
Thank you for the tube comparison. I just noticed that in Buddy's picture of the tubes, the Mullard reissue, GL reissue and the Sovtek seem to look identical inside. I wonder if they may not even come from the same Russian factory. What do people think accounts for the differences in their sound?

Quiet Earth

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Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #74 on: 19 Oct 2012, 03:03 pm »
That's a good question. Beats me.....  :dunno:


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #75 on: 19 Oct 2012, 03:48 pm »
Hey Buddy,

If we can find a pair of the JJ ECC803s I would be happy to send you my pair of Pavane's to complete the lineup.  Just don't keep 'em too long!  Any other tube brands we should include for Round 2?  The only other new production 12AX7s have already been tried in Round 1.

P.S. I have no expectation that the Pavanes will win.  I know those GL tubes are wicked good!  I am merely curious about all good new production tubes.


     12AX7 Shootout Part Deux? :lol:

    Thank you for the offer. I looked at the Psvane 12AX7 and I have to say that it look like a "dressed up" version of the 12AX7B. But looks can be deceiving.

     It will be interesting but I'm not the one with all the tubes. So, it will be up to Martin/mjosef also on this. Well, maybe someday.... so Martin and I might take up that offer :D

Thank you for the tube comparison. I just noticed that in Buddy's picture of the tubes, the Mullard reissue, GL reissue and the Sovtek seem to look identical inside. I wonder if they may not even come from the same Russian factory. What do people think accounts for the differences in their sound?

     Ah! Yes, I did mentioned to Martin when I was taking picture of those tubes. The plates and spacers of those Russian made all look the same... with the exception of the Tung-Sol. If I remembered correctly there are a few differences between them like getter. But they sure don't sound alike. So, lilkely there are other differences inside also.

     Actually, I think those names are now own by New Sensor. So, it is likely were made in the same factory in Russia. Strange isn't it? 

    Another point I forgot to mention was that the Gold Lion seem heavier in my hand. But that could just be my imagination.

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


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Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #76 on: 20 Oct 2012, 03:04 pm »
A comparison between the Russian Voshkod, Gold Lions and JJ Tesla ECC 803S tubes sounds in order.

How did the old Ei gold pins stack up? 
I had some Ei regular pins and preferred the Sovtek LPS but the Ei may have been a bit long in the tooth.

Ericus Rex

Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #77 on: 21 Oct 2012, 12:29 am »
1st place: Genalex Gold Lion. Why it got to be the most expensive of the group! Damn! :duh: Yes, I like these best. Fuller sound but with all the detail. With great depth, 3D like to the sound. I can almost see the lips of the singer. Good drive, tight bass and sweet but natural high.  Overall it is just more life to the sound. These might not be a good a good match in an already very tubey and dark sounding system, like old vintage tube amps and etc.

   There you go guys. The Genalex Gold Lion sound best in "my" system. Sadly it just happen to be the most expensive one. 

This tube is currently 1/2 price here:


Good deals on other tubes as well!


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #78 on: 21 Oct 2012, 12:41 am »
Thanks! Just grabbed a pair for the Rogue!


Re: 12AX7s
« Reply #79 on: 24 Oct 2012, 12:36 am »

This tube is currently 1/2 price here:


Good deals on other tubes as well!


    Well, look  like I'm too late, the GL are sold out. Than again I don't think they do matched set anyway of which I do prefer. I can match them with my tester but that mean I will have to buy more than I need to make sure I have a good match set.

    Anyway, I'm interested in other tube but haven't heard back from them regarding paying through PayPal and warranty.

    I think roscoeiii got the last set of those GL  :lol:

Take care,
Buddy  :thumb: