should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?

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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #140 on: 13 Jan 2012, 10:51 pm »
RClark, you are a rascal.


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #141 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:16 pm »
Macrojack, wait a minute. Washers and dryers used to cost 300-500 dollars. But now these little machines just can't do the job like the 1200 per unit machines. Who does 16 loads of laundry at one time? It's the spin doctors, again, trying to part us with our money.


And BTW, review = marketing.

Go on CRAIGSLIST and you'll find them for a whole lot less! People practically giving them away.

Someone once told me that if you have a dead-done appliance you want to get rid of, place it out on your curb with a sign. But not a "FREE" sign, because people will know it's worthless. Put a price on the sign and they'll think it's actually worth something and steal it from you. And if someone actually wants to buy it, then you'll end up making yourself a little bit of money in the process.


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #142 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:17 pm »
I'd like to put a further stamp on it. A rapper's brain and voice are one of the main instruments, removing the need for fancy drum fills and guitar solos and the like. Given that, there are several hip hop albums that I would place as some of the greatest albums of all time, regardless of genre. Period.

I don't particularly agree with the last statement, but nonetheless you make my point.  You enjoy hip hop yet it doesn't impinge on your ability to judge the sound quality of components.  Just like having years of experience listening to live music of all types and a multitude of stereo systems both large and small, expensive and cheap, doesn't impinge on my ability to judge the sound quality of components.  I'll bet money, marbles or chalk your raw hearing acuity is much better than mine, however when judging components I have the experience of having listened to a system costing 1/2 million dollars (for example).  Everyone brings something to the table, there's no reason to pass any tests beyond having good, common sense. 


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #143 on: 13 Jan 2012, 11:38 pm »
I dont worry too much about rap.....I dont like it so I dont listen to it....

I have the perspective of being a father of 15yr olds and under....for the last 30 yrs.
My son is 30....daughter is 15. I have found that if you leave kids to listen to what they want, soon enough they grow out of it......or maybe not. I've lived through Marilyn Manson (SP?) and the goth with the boy, and I'm living with Lady Gag Gag right now with the daughter. They have access through the net to a lot more music than I ever had. But I notice now that my son and I still dont have much to talk about in terms of music, I'm sure my daughter and I will be the same one day.

The problem with young people isnt that they dont know music, its more that they just dont seem to mature. The rap is still here, they still listen, so they must see something that I dont. Seems to me that when I was listening to Boston and Queen
etc in the day, it was cool.....but 10 yrs later my tastes had evolved. Theirs seem to stay more stagnant.....they need more of the same. Not just music either, look at video games.....we had em, but I just dont recall standing in line for the latest and greatest games release date, when I was all growed up.. Look how many over 30s are still bobbing their heads to the rap and shootin them up on COD......we just wernt like that in my 30s. But as they say "Whatever floats your boat"

So I say there is a peak age to should have to be 50....and be growed up. Gone through a evolution of music and gear. And hang around with other growed ups.

Kay....grab your sticks.....I'm ready for my beating.....I'm in the balcony.


Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #144 on: 14 Jan 2012, 12:48 am »
How can you possibly claim to know what the 20 and 30-somethings know as a group?

I've met a lot of younger people in this age that are very knowledgeable.  My music editor is 35 and he has a wider range of music knowledge of anyone I've ever met.


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #145 on: 14 Jan 2012, 01:13 am »
My music editor is 35 and he has a wider range of music knowledge of anyone I've ever met.

That's because you've never met Barret Eugene Hansen, AKA Dr. Demento. He has well over a quarter million pieces of vinyl, a degree from Rutgers (music) and he has written a lot of magazine articles.
His shows and public appearances display an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of recorded music in general, from the earliest Edison cylinder recordings onward. One of the benefits of having lived longer.


Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #146 on: 14 Jan 2012, 01:25 am »
Except now were talking music knowledge and not systems. With some training, I would trust my ears far more than his. Clean up to 18 k and rolls off from there.

And I would probably never listen to his polka music anyway  :lol:


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #147 on: 14 Jan 2012, 01:29 am »
Except now were talking music knowledge and not systems. With some training, I would trust my ears far more than his. Clean up to 18 k and rolls off from there.

And I would probably never listen to his polka music anyway  :lol:

What we should do is lock you in a room and blast you with Polka music, so you'd appreciate it more.
Some of that really profane Polka with the nasty beat. :icon_twisted:


Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #148 on: 14 Jan 2012, 01:32 am »
If you give me booze I'll tolerate just about anything  :icon_lol:


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #149 on: 14 Jan 2012, 01:33 am »
What's so damned bad about polka??????  Millions of Pecker Packer fans eat that stuff up!    :lol:


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #150 on: 14 Jan 2012, 01:36 am »
How can you possibly claim to know what the 20 and 30-somethings know as a group?

I've met a lot of younger people in this age that are very knowledgeable.  My music editor is 35 and he has a wider range of music knowledge of anyone I've ever met.

Your in you would meet the exceptions.....go to a trade/tech school for your lunch one day....the future aint so bright...... :lol:

Mike Nomad

Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #151 on: 14 Jan 2012, 05:17 pm »
I don't have Eric Clapton's "I shot the sheriff", and there is no naysaying coming from here. I also don't care if you did college radio.

I stated that I do not like RAP, nor will I listen to it EVER, nor do I think its a valuable genre to the world at large.

I do find it amusing that because I blast your favorite music, you spin doctor it all and turn on me in a personal shot. None of my comments are directed at anyone. I'm entitled to my opinion, and if you don't like it, that's fine with me, but when you find little (childish) cartoon characters to help you get your dirt in, then it just reinforces my opinions of the thinking of people that defend this music.


Not sure if (or why) the above is meant entirely for me...My previous post you are referencing wasn't directed at you. It was directed at the thread, in general, and at D.D. in specific.

Bless Your Heart, this post is directed at you.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -- Voltaire

While I don't know for certain if that idea is a founding principle of AC, I'd like to think so.

I'll close with "a (childish) cartoon character to help me get my dirt in" : Wayner, you need to lighten up.

Have a Grateful Day  :D
« Last Edit: 15 Jan 2012, 03:56 am by Mike Nomad »


Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #152 on: 15 Jan 2012, 03:42 am »
I happen to appreciate Wayner and will continue to read his posts no matter how old he gets.
For what its worth, when I bought my speakers I had a gentleman come in and test them. While standing eleven feet away from the speakers and using a tone cd I was able to hear (and it hurt) up to 18k I had to leave the room at that point so he could test 20k. Now this guy didn't believe me so I turned around with my back to the speaker (still 11' away) and I told him when he muted every time (42 yrs old then). We are all different and as long as these reviewers make money for the magazines, they will be writing articles. Don't blame them for wanting to make a buck and someone is willing to pay them for their work.
I'll end this with I am of the same mind set as Billy Joel when it comes to "wrap".



Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #153 on: 15 Jan 2012, 04:18 am »
I like Wayner.  Somebody doesn't?


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #154 on: 15 Jan 2012, 06:37 am »
RClark, you are a rascal. wasn't in the band Jim...  :jester:


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #155 on: 15 Jan 2012, 03:23 pm »
Except now were talking music knowledge and not systems. With some training, I would trust my ears far more than his.

Again you make my argument for me.  You need more training, that would take time, and then you would be....older!  You're really making this all too easy.   8) 


Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #156 on: 15 Jan 2012, 08:48 pm »
 :D How does one become a paid audio reviewer? I want that gig  :thumb:

Scott F.

Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #157 on: 16 Jan 2012, 03:31 am »
What's so damned bad about polka??????  Millions of Pecker Packer fans eat that stuff up!    :lol:

Did somebody mention Polka?

believe it or not, I've got this one on vinyl AUTOGRAPHED by Father Perkovich himself !!!  :thumb:

....oh the stuff we collect as vinyl-holics :duh:


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #158 on: 23 Jan 2012, 02:06 pm »
Yes, there should be an age limit (5 years older than me or 40, whichever is greater).  Seriously, I don't think we want all reviewers (just like all people in general) to be just like us or alike.  Diversity enriches us folks.

I'm into AARP territory (so is Sharon Stone, so there  :thumb: ).  With age comes experience and set opinions, with youth comes "knowing it all".  But by age 70 there should be mandatory retirement (until the youth pill is invented).

Ideally AC members would pay for a rotating panel from our more knowledgable members to come to test blind facilities with a variety of home-like rooms and an assortment of current/popular gear.  Each member would have a bio posted.  The pay would place them under some sort of financial obligation to be honest.

And personally I love the blind shoot-outs of compariable pieces.


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Re: should there be a peak age for audio reviewers?
« Reply #159 on: 23 Jan 2012, 04:12 pm »
:D How does one become a paid audio reviewer? I want that gig  :thumb:

Apparently, these days you start an Ezine and sell adds.  I know of only a couple print rags still struggling along, but I have dozens of Ezines bookmarked.  Sitting next to John Atkinson while we both reviewed the Wilson Audio Sasha and then reading his blog the same day was a pretty kewl experience, but realizing he was writing for Stereophile and I was making a post on AC brought to focus the clear disparity in our roles there.  Nevertheless, I was thinking about the small investment it takes to get published on the web and how little sweat equity it takes to start up an Ezine, at least compared to more tangible businesses like a magazine, for example.