Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice

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Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #60 on: 6 Mar 2012, 06:47 am »
Renn man,

A few questions, do you play vinyl? Also a price point would help. The wyred4sound stuff (especially the DAC2 part preamp/DAC $1499 new) has a lot of permutations depending what you want. Since you have a SS amp consider a tube pre to get the best of both worlds. The Rogue Audio Metis for $1095 new is a hell of a buy. Belcanto also has a few pieces that act like a pre/dac with ins/outs.

I am glad you liked the Tritons, I thought you would (the sound for you and the narrow size for the wife).



Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #61 on: 6 Mar 2012, 06:54 am »
Renn man,

A few questions, do you play vinyl? Also a price point would help. The wyred4sound stuff (especially the DAC2 part preamp/DAC $1499 new) has a lot of permutations depending what you want. Since you have a SS amp consider a tube pre to get the best of both worlds. The Rogue Audio Metis for $1095 new is a hell of a buy. Belcanto also has a few pieces that act like a pre/dac with ins/outs.

I am glad you liked the Tritons, I thought you would (the sound for you and the narrow size for the wife).


Hi John!

Yes, vinyl is in my future. One of my short term goals was to get into a reasonably-priced table added to the equation, but I haven't really gotten serious about a purchase yet as I haven't done any research. I love the idea of a tube preamp; are you maybe suggesting getting a tube preamp and also a dac for my digital sources?


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Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #62 on: 6 Mar 2012, 07:10 am »
Yes but I am beat. I have already done some research and I'll post some more tomorrow, but I do need some dollar amounts with the wish list. Now must have or later. I have an Audible Illusion M3A tube pre. some other names with specifics after I know some dollar amounts are beside the Rogue tube , wyred4 sound SS, belcanto a bit higher, Quicksilver makes a good linestage (you can always add an inexpensive phonostage later), nad and parasound. Also some pre also have some surround control stuff too. Post your wish stuff or send me a PM



Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #63 on: 11 Mar 2012, 07:32 pm »
Well, I finally pulled the trigger and purchased the Goldenear Triton 2's after one last listening session at the store. Brought them home and and hooked them up last night. Man, I am so happy with these speakers. Even connected to my meager Yamaha A/V receiver they sound fabulous! The built-in subs really make a significant difference with respect to frequency balance in our media room. My speaker dilemma is finally resolved, and I am excited to be moving forward with the system!

Next purchase will be a preamp in hopes of successfully pairing it with my Yamaha PC2002M amplifier. I'm looking to stay at $1000 or lower. Would love to get a tube preamp with the expectation that it might contribute to a more 'musical' listening experience. Also on my wish-list for a pre: Half-decent phono stage built-in...

Here's what I've been considering so far based on price and reviews:

Rogue Audio Metis
Emotiva USP-1
Anthem TLP-1 (I don't think they make these anymore, correct?)

Any others to add to this short list? Another question I have would be whether I should ditch the separates idea and go with a decent integrated, instead? Have any of you had any experience with the Yamaha AS-2000? I have a contact that can get me one for $1000 new... I know it's not tube-based, but I've read that it sounds very musical... Has anyone else heard one?


Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #64 on: 11 Mar 2012, 07:57 pm »
Do you need a remote for your pre? If not, maybe a Mapleshade preamp? Or an Audible Illusions?

IIRC, the Emotiva amps are more highly regarded than their preamps.

You might also want to think about a Peachtree Decco or Nova (or iDecco/iNova if you are an iPod person) units used without the amp section. Solid Sabre chip DAC, the tube option. Great styling. 


Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #65 on: 11 Mar 2012, 09:29 pm »
Do you need a remote for your pre? If not, maybe a Mapleshade preamp? Or an Audible Illusions?

IIRC, the Emotiva amps are more highly regarded than their preamps.

You might also want to think about a Peachtree Decco or Nova (or iDecco/iNova if you are an iPod person) units used without the amp section. Solid Sabre chip DAC, the tube option. Great styling.

A remote would be great, however it wouldn't necessarily be a deal breaker. More concerned with sound quality overall within my budget... I'll look up the options you mentioned in the meantime. Thanks!


Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #66 on: 14 Mar 2012, 11:23 pm »
RenMan,  I would suggest taking a look at Their used McIntosh equipment: amps, preamps,tuners,& receivers that are rated B1 are pristine & have been gone thru by their techs. [ thats where I purchased my amp & tuner/preamp]. Good luck to you, its a great hobby. my gal just told me to tell you that the hobby never ends $$$$.


Re: Complete newbie needing guidance/purchase advice
« Reply #67 on: 15 Mar 2012, 02:25 am »
RenMan,  I would suggest taking a look at Their used McIntosh equipment: amps, preamps,tuners,& receivers that are rated B1 are pristine & have been gone thru by their techs. [ thats where I purchased my amp & tuner/preamp]. Good luck to you, its a great hobby. my gal just told me to tell you that the hobby never ends $$$$.

Thanks for the link, frank111! I'll check it out.

In the meantime, have any of you had experience with the Parasound P3? It has balanced outs, which I could use with my Yamaha, and it is in my price range.