I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....

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Here's a link to my system:


Here's what I've been thinking of doing:

    Get the (modded/stock) Monolithic HC-1b power supply upgrade + upgraded power tether and add a PS Audio power cable
    Upgrade the Technics arm to a Rega RB250 + Incognito
    After the arm, get a Blue Point Special or 10x5 cart
    Or should I get an entirely new phono preamp?  Break out the vinyl to an entirely analog system?  Add tubes (phono or amp)?

    I'm just not feeling the LPs these days.  I doesn't sound involving.  It's listenable, but kind of lifeless.  I want more presense out of vinyl playback.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2004, 04:37 pm »
I had the Monolithic combo for a while and I would describe it as extremely balanced, good prat, but utterly two dimensional and non involving.  However, I think you best bet is to start with your arm.  Rega 250 + wiring is a very good chose and good enough to stay with indefinitely.  I think it will allow you to reap further benefits and upgrades along the road.

As far as which phono I would replace the monolithic with, don't know yet as I am not sure I found it yet.  The Audio Experience Concerto phono I have is pretty damn involving and decent three dimensions.  I feel it could be a touch better but it is quite good for $400 and more enjoyable then the more expensive Monolithic combo I had prior.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2004, 05:39 pm »
I feel you dog.  ;-)

I'm just not feeling my system right now.  I mean, it sounds great.  I am really impressed by the sound. . But I'm not "feeling" it.  

I think I started down this slippery slope when I got rid of my last amplifier, and I think the only way to get back where I was, or beyond, is to change amplifiers.  

Sucks too b/c I thought I could be happy, and I really was.  Then I realized when I heard a friend's system that was very emotional, that I had missed my emotion in my system for a while.  I want it back.

I know it's OT, but I just want you to know you're not alone.


« Reply #3 on: 25 May 2004, 12:14 pm »
Hi Hantra,

You are addicted like the rest us  :( .  I've spent so much money on my system over the last 3 years.

I have 2 cdp's, 1 dac, 2 preamps, 2 poweramps but only one pair of speakers  :) .

Try to get your old amp back.  Was it the plinius that you were happy with?




Re: hi
« Reply #4 on: 25 May 2004, 01:13 pm »
Quote from: Rocket
Was it the plinius that you were happy with?

I have to be honest with you man. . . With that 8200 MkII in my system, I was as happy with my system as I have ever been with any system.  I got rid of it because I knew the preamp was getting in the way of my digital.  The Lynx card has so much gain, and it really needs to run through only one more gain stage.  

The amps I have now do so much more than the Plinius did.  They have better highs, lows, and may be a bit sweeter.  But I don't get the "love" from them like the old unit.   :lol:

We really ARE all insane!  

Sorry to hijack your thread dog.



I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #5 on: 25 May 2004, 01:35 pm »
I had the CI Audio VPP1 and then had it converted to the VPP2 (never released).

The sound was right on the RIAA curve, and I liked it for that, but it didn't convey any emotions.

Then I bought a Hagtech Cornet and I am very happy.  It is quiet, seems to convey emotion, but doesn't seem to color the sound in a noticeable way or overbearing way.

If you can solder, you can put one of these together for around $300 I think.

Highly recommended.

Later you can swap tubes to flavor.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2004, 04:23 pm »
What happens if I can't solder?  (Rather, I'm just not interested in doing it--my loss, I know...there seems to be lots of cool DIY stuff...)


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2004, 04:50 pm »
You can pay someone like Wayne at Bolder cable to make them for you...In fact I think Wayne was Authorized by Hagtech to make these.

They will cost you a bit more than the DIY route though.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #8 on: 26 May 2004, 01:12 am »
I feel your pain,
I have heard so many good things about the coronet. It will probably be one of my next frivolous expenditures. Ever since I started playing around with some tube monoblocks and a friends apogee d/a converter I really lost interest in my TT altogether. There was plenty to feel..Tons of feel. I have never heard my speakers sound so good. but.. since I had to give the dac back, I had to dismantle the set up I had going and upgraded my TT..the feel is almost back. I'm going to drop some money in a cart and see where that gets me..wait. What am I thinking? It is the apogee dac I originally wanted..maybe I should drop my money there first...but then again any upgrades to the source are always a good idea too.. :cry: I need more money.
Darn this hobby!!

nature boy

I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #9 on: 29 May 2004, 05:33 pm »

I was in the same place you are about two years ago, except my situation was with a Thorens turntable w/ a Sumiko Blue Point Special cartridge.  I spent some time on the Audio Asylum vinyl forum and talking to retailers who specialize in analog set ups.  

I decided to changed out my full stage preamp to a line stage preamp w/ separate phono preamp, purchased a new turntable, and added a new cartridge.   I prefer a very involved, dynamic sounding, slightly warm side of neutral sounding analog set up.

That said, I don't think your turntable is the problem.  You might consider the Rega RB250 w/ Incognito wiring and a Dynavector 10X5 cartridge to start.  I have a modified Rega RB300 with a Dynavector 10X4mkII cartridge -  a wonderful combination that really breathed life into my vinyl.  

The Monolithic pre has a solid reputation.  If the arm and cartridge change doesn't get you "all the way there", consider a Hagermann Coronet, Gram Slee Mk. V, or Dynavector P-75 phono preamp.  

I decided on the Dynavector P-75, because I will eventually upgrade my cartridge to a low output moving coil.  The Dynavector P-75 has settings for high and low output cartridges, including an enhanced phono setting for low output moving coil cartridges.

I heard the P-75 in the phono enhanced mode with a Nottingham Space Deck, Origin Live arm, and Dynavector DV XX1 cartridge.  It was simply the best analog reproduction I have ever heard.  

Keep in mind the P-75 is a small, unassuming little box with a $575 retail price.  

Hope my travels along the analog path are of some help.  I have pixs of the Dynavector P-75 in my gallery.


P.S. - Highly recommend Hollywood Sound (FL) - Larry Weinstein to deal with on analog set ups.  He did me right.


i think i agree with the nature boy
« Reply #10 on: 21 Jun 2004, 01:04 pm »
the technics isnt going to take you there.  modify it all you want, its still a tech dd.  an mmf5 or ??? from a'gon might do the job.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #11 on: 23 Jun 2004, 03:05 pm »
Here's the latest scoop:

I'm switching to balanced connectors from amp to pre/pro.  Music Direct's half off on PS Audio ICs was too good to pass up.  I got the Plus model, because I've tried my friend's Statements (sounded excellent) but they were far too rigid.

I just ordered the Sumiko headshell and Sumiko Blue Point Special Evo III cart from Needle Doctor.  After researching (to the point I couldn't make a decision), I went with the Evo 3.  It should arrive Friday or Monday (UPS).  I'll report back in when I've dialed the cart in and have listened for a few hours.  I'm anxious for my initial reactions, and then looking forward to hearing the changes as it breaks in.

I've talked to a number of knowledgable 'table types, and they think putting the Incognito Rega arm on the Tech deck is a good move.  Mainly because there's nothing to lose.  If I want to upgrade the table,  I can take the arm with me.  I feel pretty good about my upgrade path.

When I get to Chicago (July 6th), I get to set up my long-awaited analog listening room, and then the TT will go in there coupled to Upscale Audio's Prima Luna integrated KT-88 amp (blew me away at Kevin's house), all silver wire, Dan's modded power supply to my current Monolithic PS-1.

Hopefully it'll make me never want to leave the room.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #12 on: 23 Jun 2004, 03:11 pm »
Quote from: dogberry
I just ordered the Sumiko headshell and Sumiko Blue Point Special Evo III cart from Needle Doctor.  After researching (to the point I couldn't make a decision), I went with the Evo 3.  It should arrive Friday or Monday (UPS).  I'll report back ...

I'd be really interested to hear your results.  I was very interested in the BPS 3 but when I called Needledoctor 2 weeks ago, they'd never heard of it and only had the version 2 available.  I also asked around to the point of feeling like I was in a roulette wheel and decided to just make the call and go for it.  But, I bought a Dynavector 10x5.  I'm still breaking it in but I'm completely satisified with it so far.  (See Critic's Circle)

Keep us posted!



I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #13 on: 23 Jun 2004, 06:15 pm »
Yep, I almost went with the Dyna 10x5 or the Shure V15vxmr.  To tell you the truth, I really don't know why I picked the one over the others.  Perhaps the Evo 3 review was still fresh in my mind, or perhaps Sumiko was (headshell).  I think any of one of them would have been great.  

Wish they would have shipped USPS instead of UPS liked I asked them.  Grrrrrrrr. :x


hey doggie
« Reply #14 on: 24 Jun 2004, 02:52 am »
youre on a real upgrade rampage.  the sumiko headshells are really constructed beautifully and the premium wire and extra pin are very nice touches.  it would be interesting to hear an evo III. the sumiko shell wont do you any good on the rega arm though.  a sumiko mmt would be great for that.

there are a few that feel a technics is a great way to go but eventually youll find that a sota sapphire is a truly high end way to go for not that much money, albeit more than a technics but you get what you pay for, and you wouldnt be sorry.  

btw carlman, if needledikter didnt hear of the III, that means he didnt have one on stock, unless you didnt say bps evo III. i personally would like to hear the DV carts.  lots of good reports on those.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 180
First off, I didn't see a turntable listed in your system.
« Reply #15 on: 25 Oct 2005, 06:49 pm »
But based on a Technic's arm, I'm guessing you have a direct-drive Technics tt.  That's your problem.  Get a belt-drive.  I might suggest a Rega Planar with the straight arm.


I am just not feeling my vinyl playback these days....
« Reply #16 on: 25 Oct 2005, 07:07 pm »
So I give up, Dogberry!  How did it turn out, so far?

Totally know the feelings you started this post with.
I'm half-way thru a Cornet II with hopes I can enjoy all my old vinyl again.
My Bryston phono pre just wasn't cutting it any longer.

I swear, it only seems that we are happiest when we are changing things.  Almost no 'good vibes' we get from new gear last forever.

I've thought more than once about having my wife sneek up to the gear and insert a bad tube now and then just to have that 'new-and-improved' feeling when it gets fixed.

Right now, I'm resting on all the good reviews of the Cornet II and hoping for the best.

Best regards,