which software to rip a CD to flac on a mac with Lion?

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I've tried XLD and RIP, but while they download no window appears when the application is opened.

Anyone use these with Lion?  Am I correct in assuming they are not compatible with Lion?


Phil (new to mac stuff)

dB Cooper

Re: which software to rip a CD to flac on a mac with Lion?
« Reply #1 on: 3 Oct 2011, 01:27 am »
XLD is a little... inscrutable I guess would be the right word. I use it now for all my CD rips. Documentation is basically nonexistent, but here is what I have observed and/or figured out:

As you noted, no window opens when you open XLD. You have to select a task from the File menu first. A window will open when the task starts. BUT...

All settings are made, or changed, from the Preferences for the app. So if I want a FLAC copy of my disc on my external HD, and a 320K VBR copy on my laptop HD, I have to open the app Preferences and change the settings for format, bit rate, destination and so forth there, then change them back the next time I want to change anything. Like if the next disc is a comedy record, I am not likely to listen to that as critically as I might to Miles Davis' Kind Of Blue'. So I'm likely to go with a lower bit rate, then change everything back the next time etc etc etc.

I would prefer that a window open that allows me to choose the original source, final destination and file parameters, from a dropdown menu on a case by case basis for each operation without imposing those parameters on the next operation unless I change them in Prefs. Amadeus Pro will actually do this but has no support for CD error correction or VBR output AFAIK.

Wasn't familiar with Rip, looked it up and will try that. Looks like I can at least bypass all that Prefs drudgery. I don't know how much development effort we can expect to see from ripping app developers now that Apple seems to be hinting that they consider optical media to be the new floppy.

AFAIK, XLD is Lion compatible, but I am going Luddite on the update for the time being. My Snow Leopard install is running great (knock wood). Hope this helps!