Suddenly you are no longer able to play!!! The worst loss I've ever had.

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  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
This past January a problem I was having in a minimal way-Peripheral Neuropathy-jumped me from behind and now I'm dealing with not being able to play Drums anymore, something I've done everyday for 43 years.
 I've lost the ability in my hands to have any kind of hand control so that I could even play passably. I've practiced everyday for the last 43 years, when I became homeless one of the things I had in my backpack were a pair of Regal Tip 5A's with a Nylon tip, they were my preferred stick throughout my career. I've thrown them in total joy into audiences after a performance and lately I've started throwing them in disgust with tears in my eyes because I no longer have the co-ordination in my hands and legs to play anywhere near my worst day playing my drums.
 I used to go to parties in my 20's and 30's even where somewhere during the evening and only if the host asked me too I would go in their kitchen and play the various pots and pans they had with my hand like bongo's or Conga. I loved the nice brass pots, great tones you could get.....and wonderful new friends following the impromptu performance.
 This is something I never thought would happen, never, I figured I'd be in a home with sticks and headphones playing on my way out but it won't happen. Have any of you folks had to deal with this kind of loss?? How did you handle it?
 I never give up so I'll keep trying until my hands can't hold the sticks at all....what would you guys do?
  I gave my youngest a lesson way, way back, its a great pic....

Now he's a bit older, turns 13 tomorrow....

 Time sure does go quick, doesn't it.....


Hi again Ed,
Have you ever dabbled in marimbas, vibraphones etc?

Me and notes never really got along very well, that's why I play drums, right?!

But I've always been fascinated by the more melodic percussion instruments

Maybe there's a side of you that can express itself in a less physically demanding way, that can keep the juices flowing.

I feel for you - all the best.



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  • To whom more was given more will be required.
    • Never go to a psychiatrist, adopt a straycat or dog. On the street they live only two years average.
I feel for this loss. I always wish to play some instrument, as keyboards or guitar. but no way.


  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Thanks guys for your support!! The doctors told me of a really great therapy to keep my hands going as long as possible, and hopefully it will slow things down or stop the progression, its a radical new treatment method called VIDEOGAMES!!! Using the controller on my PS3 system, or any system, will actually help the situation-man this is the first time I wish I was still married so I could say "Hon, sorry the lawn will have to wait until my two hours of videogame therapy are done"!!! Smoke would have come out of my ex-wife's ears for a week...LOL... :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: so anyway I have started and wake up every morning drag myself to my recliner and play videogames for a few hours or more or less, its a flexible therapy. I'm excellent at racing games but still suck at First person shooters-my co-ordination just isn't there to aim!!!! (I actually suck at aiming, to the point of my littleist one even saying "Dad you suck at shooters" and that is just a completely foreign term for him to utter, he's the kindest kid I've ever met so I must really blow at aiming. Anyway....I'm not giving up. "Galaxy Quest" the movie has a great line...hahaha..."Never Give Up, Never Surrender"!!! LOL :)


I know what you mean about not being able to play.  I own a few old Martins and couple of Bourgeois Snakehead slope 'D' but when Basel Joint arthritis got into my thumbs it pretty much killed my playing.  One of the worst things I ever went through.


I'm sorry to hear about your condition, eclein.  That must be really awful.  Although I'm glad to hear that you can help it out by playing video games!  Ha!  And here I was worrying that I would GET such a condition from doing that.  Actually I've experienced a LOT less hand pain by moving from playing FPS on a computer with a keyboard\mouse to doing it on Xbox with a handheld controller.  Good product design there.

I hope you can get some relief for this.  Good luck!