Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please

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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« on: 16 Apr 2004, 02:08 pm »
I can't take the wait.  I've read every review and post on every site I know of.  Tell me more!


Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #1 on: 16 Apr 2004, 03:47 pm »
Uh, they're really cool and you're gonna love them.  Does that help?   :wink:

All I can say to you is that they are worth the wait.  They are very striking in person, very handsome speakers.  I love the simplicity and look of the drivers against the cherry - which, to me is much better now that it's a bit darker.  The pair I had that UPS beat up looked a bit washed out.  These look very rich.  

The sound, well, you're gonna like that too.  Detail and musicality.  They strike a great balance and really excel at music.  They also kick some serious ass when it comes to home theater too!


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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #2 on: 16 Apr 2004, 04:09 pm »
I know, it was kind of a cheesy request.  I'm pretty anxious to get them.


Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #3 on: 16 Apr 2004, 04:45 pm »

When did you order? What finish? :wink:


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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #4 on: 16 Apr 2004, 04:56 pm »
I ordered Wednesday.  I got one of the demo pairs from the Montreal show, so my only choice was light cherry.  I also ordered a Nemesis and pair of Epiphony bookshelves.  I'm overbudget but my wife was cool with it as long as i gave her money to landscape the yard.

I should be getting everything in about three weeks.


Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #5 on: 16 Apr 2004, 11:17 pm »
They're great!!!

I am so happy with these speakers and they seem to get better each month.  As with other odyssey gear they appear to have a long break in time, but my Lorelei and extreme monos are awesome.

The wait is a pain I know but worth it!



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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #6 on: 17 Apr 2004, 07:53 am »
Yours will have already had some playing miles on them Pugs so they should shine right outta the gates. Mine took about 8 hours. After 2 days, I was gushing and told Klaus that these Lorelei's were unbelievable. Klaus laughed and said "give them time, they'll get better". It's been over 5 months now and I swear they're still growing in body n'soul. I do believe I got some tremendous synergy going on here. When you get them, find out were you're gonna like them the best, then get them cones on the base. BIG difference. :o I waited like 2 months, hell, they sounded damn good w/o them. But when I finally applied them,,, WOW, the intensity of the Lorelei's like shot right threw my brain. Wanted to kick myself for waiting so long. :nono: Now when it comes to home theater, you are in for the time of your life. Flicks in Dobly Digital literally come to life with the Nemisis taking the lead. It's now that I truely appreciate my rear Lorelei's. And truely sad at the same time cuz I hardly never watch movies, can't bare to tear myself away from the music. :banghead: Pugs, have you decided how you will be placing your bookshelf rears? I would suggest them being at the same level as your Lorelei's. My preference anywho. :lol: OK, this enough talk for ya Pugs? I can always make a nother pot of coffee,,,,, Regards, Robin

Captain Humble

Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #7 on: 17 Apr 2004, 02:03 pm »
I can't take the wait. I've read every review and post on every site I know of. Tell me more!

Well Pugs, I did exactly the same thing when I was waiting for mine. I read the reviews on Audio Review until they were burned into the screen on my monitor and kept looking at that dinky little picture on the Odysessy web site wondering what they would look like, how they would sound in my room and if Klaus would ever actually ship the damn things.:banghead:

Satfrat and bytme weren't there to hold my hand because they hadn't even ordered theirs yet. But now that they have them, they've confirmed my impression.  The Loreleis offer great bang for the buck and quite frankly I'm amazed that they haven't garnered more of a buzz on A/C.

I assume that you'll take delivery any day now and I look forward to hearing your impressions. :D


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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #8 on: 17 Apr 2004, 04:16 pm »
Capt. Humble held my hand,,,, :lol:, in fact I PM'd him regularly pumping him for info on the Lorelei's for the same reason as you are, there was so very little to actually know about them. Such as the Scan-Speak 7" 8545 driver or the 1" 9700 tweeter. I PM'd everyone that I knew had even seen them, Marbles, ZZZone, DR. Photo, TheChosenOne and of course the Captain. I was afraid that the Lorelei's (2 pairs) would overpower a 11' x 17' room preventing me from blasting them at >90db. No such fears were ever realized. With 150wpc @ 8ohms, I can max out my Butlers with no so much as a hiccup from the Lorelei's.(so long as the material isn't TOO demanding :D) I've gotten 112db out of them which is really excess with an extra dabble of excess. :lol: Because I already had my Velodyne subwoofer, I play all my speakers at small and have the crossover in my Sunfire processor set at 40hz so I'm getting the best of both worlds in bass. BUT when watching movies/TV, everything is set at large PLUS I'm able to play the sub also. Don't need no Buttbuster effects in my setup.   :rotflmao: The Lorelei's just sound better set at large when doing dialog w/sound effects. This is all just personal preference here, ymmv. If I hadn't already had my Velodyne tho, I never would have had the need to go looking for one with the Lorelei's, nice tight and well defined bass as low as you really need to go. I'm quite excited that in May at NY Stereophile, ot only will I be meeting Klaus but will be able to hear the Lorelei's in an Odessey system so I can judge where I am from a synergy point of view. With all the Bybees & Z-Sleeves that I have complementing my audio signal, I bet I'm not far off. I have a tremendous projecting soundstage that reeks dynamics with these Lorelei's. That one of the reasons I got them as I wasn't looking for accuracy as much as I was speaker depth with the perception of sitting in the middle of an empty concert hall. What really surprised me tho was the center imaging that the Lorelei's will project with very little toe-in. And I mean very little! I need to stick my head between the Lorelei's to know that my Nemisis isn't active. This still baffles me. :o A lot of times, I'll shut off the Nemisis when listnning to instrumentals because of the better quality of the Lorelei's but then there are times when I like the Nemisis on for the 5.1 effects from the DPL2. As I've said before, the Nemisis does blend in quite nicely with the Lorelei's and with multiple vocals becomes a must to have on so's to create a more believable soundstage presense. OK, my morning pot of coffee is done and so am I. As it was with Chazz and Byteme, I'll be looking foreward to the arrival of your Lorelei's as much as you Pugs so's to hear of your reactions. Being a relative inexperienced (highend) audiophile, I aways enjoy comfirmation that I'm actually hearing what I think I am. I have a ton of opinions but very few facts to really fall behind. And one opinion that I feel very strongly about is I was lucky to have picked such a pleasing loudspeaker with my lack of experience or without actually having heard them. Very fortunate indeed!  :mrgreen: Regards, Robin


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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #9 on: 17 Apr 2004, 05:12 pm »
Thanks you you all for holding my hand through these difficult times.  It's going to be about two weeks until they're shipped becase Klaus has to go back to Montreal to get them.

It's time for my morning pot of coffee so I can read all of these posts five more times.

BTW- Is there any type of music that they really excell at more than others?  I like a lot of different styles.  My NHTs are really good at jazz and stuff like Sade and Erykah Badu.  They suck for rock.


Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #10 on: 17 Apr 2004, 05:37 pm »
Hey pugs that's how get to update my systems, whenever I upgrade my wife gets something so far it's cost me a fur coat (Stratos with cap upgrade) diamond ring (Tempest & Jolida JD-100), diamond earrings and cocktail ring (Hitachi big screen HDTV). My Stratos is currently in for the Extreme Stereo upgrade (she doesn't Know about that) Klaus said I should have it next week, this is the first time in my adult life I've looked forward to Monday. 8)


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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #11 on: 17 Apr 2004, 07:02 pm »
I pretty much have to get something for my wife for every audio purchase.  I did buy her a new Honda Pilot this year, so that gave me some leverage.


Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #12 on: 17 Apr 2004, 08:06 pm »
klaus always ships on schedule- :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:


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Will somebody talk about the Lorelei's please
« Reply #13 on: 18 Apr 2004, 12:06 am »
Don't call before 12:00 noon, can be contacted in the wee midnite hours, has a schedule that he can call his own,,,,, Klaus is my kind of man. :lol: I get up at 12:30pm, work from 2:30-10:30pm, I'm up all night, and I'm the King of Procrastination. If I had a head of hair and talked german, we could be brothers. Naww, gotta give Klaus more credit than that. :opps:  Pugs, I haven't found any forms of music that the Lorelei's will sound bad with. And I listen to most everything. Rob Babcock's Encylopedia Metallicus along with Nathan's Audiocircle Metal Sampler both kick MAJOR BUTT on the Lorelei's. Smooth jazz and classical are my favorites along with percussion. It's all good coming thru the Lorelei's. These babies have a way of disappearing leaving you with not 1,2,3,or 4 drivers that can be singled out individually but instead just a wall of soundstage presense. This Lorelei trait was enhanced when I recently did some room treatment using Golden Sound Acoustic Discs, 8th Nerve Responses, and especially the most recent addition of Furutech's RWL-1 Tuning Panels that were placed at the first reflection points of the walls and ceiling of my main 3 speakers. Incredible dispersion can be had with a little well placed room treatment that will only enhance what is already there with the Lorelei's. The only thing that can f*ck up the Lorelei's is UPS!!!! :o :o :o And they can f*ck them up GOOD! :evil: Pray that you will be spared Pugs. :angel: :D Regards, Robin