Making offers to MSS Hi Fi -last Saturday of the month sale...?

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  • Posts: 413
This Saturday is the last Saturday of this month-August.This year-2011.
   MSS HiFi advertises a sale on this last Saturday where you make offers and,i would guess,hold your breath,and see where they go. Having never dealt with these people i am asking the collective brain trust here on some guidelines and advice on dealing with these people. There may be something i am interested in and wonder at what percentage markdown is the deal gonna fly or die? I will allow for for certain modicum of eccentricity within any framework of an independent business,but frankly,these guys seem  on the outer cusp-just an observation on my part and that may be why i ask for your comments.  Thanks! Just call me Crazy Eddie........


Look at what's going on over at Audio Aficionado.  There's a guy there that's out 20k.  This guy is a criminal. Deal with him at your own peril.


Yeah, that guy running MSS HiFi is a crook.  I don't recommend dealing with him at all even if it seems like a good deal.


I don't get it, what's the deal? I went to the site, but didn''t see anything too weird. Links? Just out of curiosity...


Yeah, I'd stay well away. Think there are some threads on Audio Asylum as well.


Personal account in the last year.  Cables purchased, no problem, amp purchased, nothing like advertised, tube drift had to send it in to fix, no help or response from careful and read fine print


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 413
Wow......Thanks guys. Yes,a quick glance at the web will put you off these guys as quick as can be. What i am interested in is in the way of an inexpensive tweak,not a 20,000 amp with a bikini model next to it.AND......the girls ain't that hot. I am going to give them a call on Saturday and see what gives....regardless of purchase withstanding i will report back to give a full report on the customer service vibe.As i know from "sales" experience,you have 99 great transactions and that bad 100th will haunt you into infinity.


I'd look around the forums a bit more. I don't get the impression that this is a 99 in 100 type of bad sales experience.

Here is what shows up when I did a search of MSS on Audio Asylum: