adding a small bit of wire off the negative amp post, plus a negative ion genera

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Just mentioning the sort of stuff that really pushed my setup to a nice plane.
Added these pigtails of wire to the negative terminal of the amp. (my wire are onder the knob, added the pigtail via bananas had laying around)
So the wire worked a bit, so added a ferrite, then even more wire. And an additional one on the bass panel (biwired) connector.
So the sound is richer, and clearer.
Some other are talking about using a negative ion generator and it makes the stereo sound better.
I odered one ten days ago, but mine is really moving slow, and not delivered yet.. other folks ordering from the same place already got theirs and they ordered several days AFTER I did. (Amazon)
Listening to a new to me box set of Bob Dylan Mono recordings. $60 locally, used. Spectacular sound.
He seems to be right here singing.
Between the cyrstals (crazy loon yes) and the pigtails (more crazy as a loon) I am wigging in outer space. But the stuff really does work for my setup.
Just much happier with the sound.


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I made mine with a 12" length of 16 ga high quality copper, nothing fancy just pure, on which I shunted a 100uH choke from Radio Shack.  After many, many experiments, this worked the best.  The choke was a suggestion from someone here instead of the wire loop, the wire loop of course originated with BudP, and then you said more iron is better, so I combined them all and darned if it didn't work better than any of the other configs.  All of the other attempts made a difference for better or worse, but this was the only one that sounded like the testimonials, dramatic improvements in imaging, timbre, and soundstaging.