Consonance Turandot CD Player

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Consonance Turandot CD Player
« on: 22 Apr 2011, 07:46 pm »
Looking at picking up one of these.  The price is right.  Any one out there heard one or own one?  Was wondering how it fares against the Cambridge Audio 840 C. 

There's not not much written about it.  The one guy who (I know of) owns one reckons it is better that his the BAT VK 5D did (which is pretty high praise).


Re: Consonance Turandot CD Player
« Reply #1 on: 23 Apr 2011, 02:21 pm »
Well, after some initial listening, I can state that this is one outstanding CD player. 

It easily betters the Cambridge 840C, which is something I did not think it would do.  The sound from this is VERY smooth, with no noticeable hardness or shrill sound one sometimes notices from the CD source. 

There are a ton of CD players out there.  With all the choices available, its not always easy to find the right combination of price/performance for one's system.  When one does come across a player that exceeds expectations, its always a bonus.