so, was it fun???

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so, was it fun???
« on: 6 Mar 2004, 05:38 am »
Hope you folks what got together today had a whoopin' great time.
Sure sorry I couldn'a made it.  
First day on a new job made that a bad call on my part.
Maybe next time.

Am looking forward to seeing what toy's y'all play with, and similarly, what great music gets yer rocks off.  
Having turned off my radio somewhere around 1974, I have found new music by chance and 'survived by the kindnesses of others'.  (Thank you, Miss Scarlett!)

Just lemme know before next time!
(my luck, I'll be on jury duty...)




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so, was it fun???
« Reply #1 on: 6 Mar 2004, 06:06 am »
the session was great... steve was a great host and even treated my cables to some caig pro gold!  I received a crash course in vinyl and tubes.... and everyone seemed to like my integrated amp (makes me wonder why i'm considering replacing it with the bolder modified panny?  :roll: )... i'll let them comment on that some more...  Overall, it was a great experience and a pleasure to meet all of the guys.. see you all next month!


so, was it fun???
« Reply #2 on: 6 Mar 2004, 09:44 am »
Thanks for the response, V.!
Nothing wrong with integrated, my 0l' Bryston b-60 is the best bargain I've ever had.
Glad it worked out for you and I'll meet you NEXT time and we'lll compare notes.
Omigod, Jack Daniels has me by the neck, (or no, he looks like my wife!)
Hi ho, its too late too talk legibly.

Scott F.

so, was it fun???
« Reply #3 on: 6 Mar 2004, 01:16 pm »
HIya DF Vasu,

Well, you missed a great time.

We put the thumbscrews on Vasu and tried to convert him bigtime :lol: Don't know if we made a convert out of him but at least he got to hear some quality valves and vinyl (Steve uses VTL's with Maggies and has a VPI turntable)

He's right, we were all definately impressed with his Jungsdon class A integrated. Phenominal value at under 1K. Clean, lotsa slam, phenominal build quality, plus it comes with a remote. What more could you ask for :!:

Vasu, I'm not sure I'd look any further than your class A. If you are looking ot tweak it some, go see John at Musical Concepts and Musical Design out in St Charles. Looks like he's got a MOVING sale going on too.
He's usually is in on Saturdays if you were thinking about going out there.

Mark, Wille and myself brought some gear to play with. Mark brought the little 8 (?) watt Baby Sophia. It's a really nice little amp. Willie brought his PP45 amp.

I never thought I'd see the day when we all listened to a pair of Maggies driven by a 4 watt 45 amp. Know what? Even though it had limited volume, it sounded pretty darned good. Willie builds one fine sounding amp.

I think Steve is going to post some pics up here (once he figures out how to do it).


was it fun?
« Reply #4 on: 6 Mar 2004, 01:47 pm »
I want a picture of my little Sophia Baby sitting on that monster Jungsdon integrated.  Sort of a Remora trailing the Great White. Vasu, where did you get that great looking integrated? It is definitely a keeper.  Thanks, Steve, for hosting and it was great to meet everyone.  Hope to see you again soon.


so, was it fun???
« Reply #5 on: 7 Mar 2004, 12:56 am »
Steve I would like to say thank you for your great hospitalty. It was great to see everyone and meet  Vasu. Beer and big blue meters just seem to go together. Vasu I am really impressed with your intergrated. It sound great and has kick ass looks. I have not heard the Panny but for less than 1k how can you go wrong keeping the Jungsdon. I also have to take my hat off to Willie for bringing that hip looking great sounding amp. It has to be very sastisfying to be able to make your own stuff and have it sound good also. I look forward to meeting the other guys who did not make it. Hey Scott where and when is the next one?

Scott F.

so, was it fun???
« Reply #6 on: 7 Mar 2004, 03:54 am »
Hey Scott where and when is the next one?

Good question. Seems as if John Hillig is moving from his website.

I dunno, maybe over to Mike D's place? Mike has a full set of drums, several electric and acoustic guitars and a bass. Maybe if we tiume it right we can get Willie and Thom to come over and let the guys jam for us all. I think Mike is waiting for his Rogues to make it back. No doubt he'll want to wait for them to show up.

Sturg, we need to make another trip to your place too and we've yet to make it to Willies. As always, my place is open anytime. Should have my Shiva corner subs finished next weekend. Who knows, maybe by then I'll have made it by to see Rich about his Manleys :)

I'm open for anywhere. Lets put it out to everybody else to decide.

Suggestions guys :?:


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so, was it fun???
« Reply #7 on: 7 Mar 2004, 08:21 am »
Huh, there's an audiophile store here in St. Charles MO?  I guess I never bothered to look in the phone book  :wink:

I guess I should of asked off from work because I would of liked to hear all of those amps.  Next time...

steve k

I had a great time....
« Reply #8 on: 7 Mar 2004, 05:17 pm »
I'm glad everyone else did too. MikeD and Deadfish, you guys have got to make the next one, OK?? Hope you all got to see the pics by now. Marc, you got your wish--how does the Sophie look, riding bareback on the Chinese beast?

I sent the link around this morning and got some enthusiastic responses. Chris VenHaus has kindly offered to lend us a pair of his Pulsar IC's for our next meet and Bill at ResponseAudio has offered to play along. He has a nice selection of Chinese tube gear.

As for the next one, my vote is for Willie's place (with Mrs. Willie's approval of course)  :wink: Willie's Black Magic amp designs really float my boat! Scott, thanks for the help with the pics. I'll get the hang of this thing yet.

steve k