A Which Salk ?

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Re: A Which Salk ?
« Reply #20 on: 12 Nov 2010, 10:00 pm »

Great room and incredible view.  I love the City and I still get down there to visit when I can.  I think that the room will require some treatment if you expect to get the best out of your existing speakers or anything in Jim's line.

As for the HT2-TLs on Response Audio's site, I'm happy to say that they're now spoken for and Bill and Jim did a great job of letting me know what I am getting and what I'll be missing without the Raal tweeter.  Frankly, given my roomsize and electronics, I am very happy with the LCY Pure ribbon and I believe I will have found audio nirvana.

So, I would just say, jump on it, the water is fine!!!  Good luck in your continuing search for great sound.  Dave


Re: A Which Salk ?
« Reply #21 on: 12 Nov 2010, 10:32 pm »
Hey Morgan!

I like the progression you have made in your choices of speakers.  Nice to see you alive and kickin.

Hardwood floors are one of the culprets you could deal with by simply decoupling the speakers from the floor.  There are some different types of rubber mats that might work.  There is a link here by Jim Salk to a company that sells Routing Mats that looked like a really good buy and very effective decoupler.  Getting my speaks off the floor helped in my very reflective room with hardwood floors. 

The gentleman suggesting the heavy curtains was dead on the money.  If they were placed such that they ran from the right and left walls on a curved track they could be used to soften the first reflaection off those walls and used as black out curtains on those rough Sunday mornings. 

I think Salk would be a good next speaker for you.
