New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes

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New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« on: 9 Aug 2010, 02:37 am »
My new AvaStar Preamp (with remote) and Double Ultra+ 550 amplifier arrived last Wednesday. I had been using a Wyred4Sound STI-1000 integrated amplifier. So, I'm moving from about a $2500 integrated to separates that cost about twice that much. It's comparing apples to oranges therefore to say that the Van Alstine equipment easily bettered the Wyred4Sound in every respect.

My first impressions were purity and clarity, effortless detail, more controlled and better defined bass, and no grain or etching (as may sometimes account for an impression of more detail). The extra bass detail gives the feeling of deeper bass as well, but I haven't measured it (my Radio Shack SPL meter is not very accurate below about 200 Hz anyway).

The Van Alstine equipment also benefited very clearly from the acoustic panels that I bought recently. I had tried them with the Wyred4Sound but it seemed to dull the sound too much. With the Van Alstine amp and pre-amp it's an entirely different story. The Van Alstines provide a much more clean conduit for all of information on the original recording. Removing the spurious back and side wall reflections provides a big benefit because there's so much more musical information coming from the speakers that getting rid of the room sound doesn't diminish the vitality of the music. With the Wyred4Sound (remember, apples and oranges), the room reflections added a little zip (artificial as it might be) to music.

The reflections also added cloying distortion, however. I made that discovery just this evening. Despite all of the good things the Van Alstine equipment was doing, I was still finding the sound too aggressive and in-your (my)-face. I was fairly grumpy about it, and finally I started brainstorming. I had the wall behind the speakers covered with panels and the walls directly to the side covered. The only possible reflection point was a window along the left wall that has a book shelf in front of it with the tops of books above the level of the bottom sash by about a 5 inches. I always figured it was unlikely to be a significant reflection point. Out of frustration and willingness to try anything, I grabbed a 2'x2' panel and put it in the window. SHAZAM! The problem was solved. Suddenly I wasn't nudging the volume down and puzzling over why so many recording seemed to have this slight resonance in certain mid-range instruments. Soundstage depth improved, and I've been listening for three hours without the slightest fatigue.

One stupid 4 square feet of window. Who would have thought?

I now have the best stereo I've ever owned.

Thanks, Frank!  :thumb:

P.S. I forgot to mention how real and textured cymbals sound now. They sounded fine before, but now they are palpable (you can hear the subtleties of how they are being played). And this is not due to any brightness or treble emphasis. Just clean, musical sound.


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Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #1 on: 9 Aug 2010, 03:00 am »
Thanks for the impressions nzr. Frank will be happy to hear he has another satisfied customer.  :thumb:

Now you get to go back and re-acquaint yourself with all your musical library, a bonus at no additional expense. Enjoy & 'Power to the Speakers' !  8)


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #2 on: 9 Aug 2010, 06:34 am »
I'm always amazed by the reflective surfaces people leave untreated. The most common seem to be mirrors to the side of the speakers, coffee tables between the speakers and listening chair, televisions between the speakers and windows behind the speakers. Sound reflecting off glass definately does not sound good!


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #3 on: 9 Aug 2010, 08:48 am »
Nice write-up zoo. Yes, the Salk/ribbon AVA combo and cymbals is outstanding. :thumb:


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #4 on: 9 Aug 2010, 12:41 pm »
Thank you for the review,  newzooreview.

May I ask which kind of acoustic panels you're using (brand/model number..etc)?


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #5 on: 9 Aug 2010, 01:53 pm »
I'm always amazed by the reflective surfaces people leave untreated. The most common seem to be mirrors to the side of the speakers, coffee tables between the speakers and listening chair, televisions between the speakers and windows behind the speakers. Sound reflecting off glass definately does not sound good!

Yeah, until this room I'd never had a window located where it could reflect anything directly from the speaker. My previous speakers were at a different height and were single driver, so it wasn't until I got the Salks and the AVA equipment that the issue was so readily detectable. I'm sure if I had stumbled on it before, the earlier iterations of my system would have sounded better as well (but not as good as the sound I currently have).


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #6 on: 9 Aug 2010, 02:01 pm »
Thank you for the review,  newzooreview.

May I ask which kind of acoustic panels you're using (brand/model number..etc)?

I got the standard 2" and 4" thick panels in ivory from ATS Acoustics ( in 24x24 and 48x24 lengths. The placement is described in my Systems description:

2" ATS Acoustics panels on wall behind speakers •
4" panels in the corners •
2" panels to the sides of speakers •
2" panel in window that is 1st reflection point for left speaker •
(right speaker doesn't have a significant reflection point due to room geometry)

Essentially treat the wall behind the speakers, treat the first reflection points on the side walls. Since my speakers are only 2 feet from the side walls, I also put panels directly to their sides. Ceilings can be an issue too but I haven't done that (probably won't since mounting is a hassle and I rent). I bought $400 worth of panels and started moving them around. If I hadn't I never would have gotten the benefit from the equipment.


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #7 on: 18 Sep 2010, 03:42 pm »
In good conscience I need to finish the story. My enthusiasm on the day that I treated the reflection from the window on the left side wall quickly diminished. Over the few days following I was able to do some extended listening, and the cloying, in-your-face nature of the sound that was annoying me was still there.  The window treatment did not relieve what I was hearing, it just muted things overall, giving the initial impression that the issue was resolved. During my more careful and lengthy listening sessions, I found myself constantly turning the volume down and switching to the mellowest possible recordings. I finally decided that despite my strong desire to like the new equipment, I wasn't. I returned it, and about 10 days after receiving the return, AVA refunded my money.

Thanks to everyone here for the support and good discussion leading me to try the AVA equipment. Happy listening.  :thumb:


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Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #8 on: 18 Sep 2010, 04:43 pm »
nzr, just curious - did you have an opportunity to try any variations of the combination ? ie the AvaStar pre section with your W4S for power section, or the W4S pre section with the Ultra amp ? If so was their a particular piece that contributed more to the undesired nature of the sound ?

In any case, sorry it wasn't what you were looking for soundwise. As is so often noted, this is not a one size fits all hobby. Best wishes for success in your continued search for 'that' sound. Please keep us posted.


Re: New AvaStar & 550 Double Ultra+ Listening Notes
« Reply #9 on: 19 Sep 2010, 12:42 am »
nzr, just curious - did you have an opportunity to try any variations of the combination ? ie the AvaStar pre section with your W4S for power section, or the W4S pre section with the Ultra amp ? If so was their a particular piece that contributed more to the undesired nature of the sound ?

In any case, sorry it wasn't what you were looking for soundwise. As is so often noted, this is not a one size fits all hobby. Best wishes for success in your continued search for 'that' sound. Please keep us posted.

The W4S integrated amp would have let me try the AvaStar in HT bypass mode controlling the amp modules, but the W4S preamp section would still be in the signal path. In the integrated it's an active preamp section (vs. the buffered passive in their stand-alone preamp). So, I didn't look into it since the extra circuitry in the path would have left me with another variable in the mix—it may have given me more questions than answers.