New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!

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New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« on: 14 Jul 2010, 11:50 pm »
I have listened to music and always thought what I had was good enough, until someone pointed out the differences. I certainly hear the definition, clearity and details of  a good system compared to what I had before it was like a sheet was in front of the speakers.
   I currently have a Marantz SR5003 AVR, Panasonic BD-30 I use as a transport and speakers. The speakers I have are 2 way stand mounts that I purchased on someone advice that they usualy image better then floorstanders and since I already had 2 musicaly decent subs, this seemed the way to go. My main speakers are rear ported, the tweeters are B&G Neo3 and woofers are 6.5 propriety and although I'm not sure what brand they look like Acuton? These have great sound although I have been thinking of purchasing GR N3 speakers due to their reference quality and transmission line design that would fill my large room better, offer more low end extension  and play with lower distortion utilizing dual woofers in tandem. This seems better for 2 channel music listening as well and although will not go as low as subs and might not be necessary for music only, it will play cleaner!
   I was informed by some experienced and respected people to purchase a DAC, seperate Amps and MacMini for much better sound quality, however I was wondering if getting only a few things to add, will make what I have, sound just as good?
I have already tried playing standard Cds with a Sega Dreamcast in analog compared to my Panny BD30 in digital and I did hear a little difference in quality using the Dreamcast. Although I'm not sure if it's because it was a little more natural sounding, as things such as breathing, bass, drums and guitar  strings being plucked had a little more detail and dynamics?
  I did read a few articles about Berkley Recording Engineer Carl Beatty. He offered up some great suggestions on great recordings on specific things such as dynamics, placement, detail, soundstage, nuance and extension, for comparing analog and digital. This seems to help, although the recordings are excellent and articulate, but this is what I want! Thanks


Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jul 2010, 11:58 pm »
 I realized I posted in the incorrect section, I should have posted in the "Starting Block"! Sorry  :o


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Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jul 2010, 12:56 am »
If your speakers are BG ribbons and Accuton midbass drivers, you have a very good start on a great 2 channel audiophile system.  If they are diy speakers, you never know.  Crossovers, cabinets and proper porting mean everything. 
I would personally tell you to explore a good integrated amp.  They have come along way and you can get hard core audiophile performance inexpensively that way.  You then will need a good source.  Something to decode files (squeezebox) or a good cd/dvd player.  Get decent cables right from the getgo and you are on your way.
Good luck,

Ericus Rex

Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jul 2010, 01:04 am »
Timlub's idea about a very good integrated is good advice.  You don't HAVE to get separates.  I've been thinking about simplifying my sys as well by getting something along the lines of a Rogue Tempest tube integrated.  As for a DAC, I'm sure that would improve the sound of your CD player.  There is a Beresford dac for sale here on AC.  I've had one in my system for a couple of weeks and I have to admit that it is a fabulous DAC for the money.  It runs hi-rez files as well.  As for the mac mini; you can run good digital through your current computer.  No need to buy a dedicated Mac/PC for now.  All you would need is something along the lines of a Squeezebox running into the Beresford dac and get very good sounds directly off itunes on your HD.

Good luck and welcome to AC!


Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jul 2010, 01:19 am »
I have listened to music and always thought what I had was good enough, until someone pointed out the differences.

Isn't that how it goes for all of us? Music stands on its own. Until someone mentions sound quality you never notice it. But it makes a nice difference... up to a point. Audiophile hobby will entice you to go far beyond that point. Always keep music in your sights and you won't go off track. Well, not too much...

Sounds like you are already off to a great start. Your system is pretty balanced in quality and performance. If you make a big change to one component, you will feel a strong desire to bring all the rest of the gear up to the new part's level. That can be expensive and cause anxiety that can take away from the music enjoyment. That's to be avoided at all cost!! 

Think down the road a bit, consider what gear you would like to have in the future, then pick new gear that can work well with what you have while still allowing growth into your future system.

If possible, try to find a local audiophile club, or a group of guys who meet informally once in a while to listen to gear. AC and other forums are a good place to look for locals. They can introduce you to concepts and equipment that you may not have thought of. You can hear your speakers on someone else's super system. That will tell you a lot about your speakers. Maybe with great electronics they sound just fine. Then you might decide to upgrade your electronics first. It is an experimental approach that takes more discipline and more time than just ordering the hot fad item, or acting on a published review. But in the long run you will have more satisfaction if you get to hear WHY you should upgrade before you even start looking. Then you have a good reason and can act confidently. You can ask for advice on the forums and from your local friends and be miles ahead of the guy trying to build a system alone with a magazine and internet. If no locals, let AC be your local club. Use the personal message system to ask owners of equipment you're considering what they like and don't like.  I did that just today (thanks Nicksgems!) and bought something really cool! I feel more confident with Nick's advice.

You mention that you like to read articles, that is great. The more you understand the physics and science of high performance audio, the better you can judge the value of products for your personal needs.  It is a technical hobby, you really gain so much by understanding the engineering and compromises of the equipment you use, even if just on a superficial level. Learning new things about audio is the funnest part for me. I'm always reading and trying to learn new things. There is no shortage, it keeps going forever.

A great transmission line speaker is Acoustic Zen Adagio. But TL is a technical compromise to make louder bass come out of a smaller driver. If you understand how TL works and understand the compromise, then you can go listen to all the alternative approaches to strong bass with your own ears and make a wise decision. TL is very popular decision! Some designers are really good at it, it is a difficult art. There is tons of technical theory about audio online, and about 10x more opinion about what's "best."
Have fun!!


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Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #5 on: 15 Jul 2010, 03:41 am »
Spend some time listening to as much different stuff as you can, before making a decision on what you'd like to do next. Everyone has different tastes, and you won't really know what you like until you've heard it.

Also, be willing to listen to stuff outside your price range. At least you'll know more about what is out there and you might discover something about what your taste is. That will help you figure out if there is something similar but in your price range.

I listened to a lot of speakers before figuring out what sort I prefer.


Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #6 on: 15 Jul 2010, 04:28 am »
These are great suggestions and I know and amp is going to help in the sound quality. Good to hear about my speakers, it isn't DIY, but from a company called SLS. I also agree on trying out as much as possible, but addictions might develop. You have heard of nose and eye candy? Well this is ear candy! Seriously listening for yourself is so much better, especially if it's in your own environment. This is what's great about some of the I.D. companies that allow you to try out their products in your home, it also speaks volumes about the hospitality and quality that is in the product, very important in my book when I'm about to spend my hard earned coin.
Hooking up a computer to my components wouldn't be easy, although I do have and I-Phone 1st gen, I'm not so sure about the audiophile capabilities? Many references suggesting a DAC improved sound quality in these systems as well. Although I'm not sure on what type or connections I would use. I was reading about some product that would connect a DAC and Blue ray player for high resolution playback in analog, considering there's not much material out there? It would be cool for something that could write, upconvert, burn and play in one compact neat little box? I appreciate the suggestions, thanks.

Ericus Rex

Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #7 on: 15 Jul 2010, 12:10 pm »
With a Squeezebox or Transporter ( the connection between PC and System is wireless, so long as you have a wireless router system.  Now, the DAC in the transporter is high quality, but the lower priced models would benefit from a good external dac.  Plus, with the external dac you can connect your CD player and get better sound.  They also pick up internet radio stations including Pandora which is very convenient.

Big Red Machine

Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #8 on: 15 Jul 2010, 01:09 pm »
Learn to trust YOUR ears, not what others tell you they think sounds good, even when they are standing next to you and you are squinting in pain and they are tapping their foot! :thumb:


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Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #9 on: 15 Jul 2010, 01:13 pm »
I've heard the Outlaw Audio RR2150 is a very nice 2-channel receiver for the money. Probably worth checking out and it has a phono stage as well if you go that route someday.


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Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #10 on: 15 Jul 2010, 02:51 pm »
If Marantz AVR is digitally integrating your monitors and the subs, you are going to need a new way to integrate the subs if you get a separate DAC.  I suppose you can get a sub amp with adjustable low pass filter and volume control and run the monitors full but you may run into integration issues depending on the woofer characteristics of your monitors. 


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Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #11 on: 15 Jul 2010, 03:22 pm »
Buy what you really want up front.  Don't compromise based on budget.  It'll save you $$ in the long run.


Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #12 on: 17 Jul 2010, 04:32 pm »
Good info! I'm looking into i-Macs, S.B. and Wadia i170. The Wadia makes the most sense since I'm writingall this including my wonderful spelling from my iPhone! Still in all, if a well designed DAC such as Goldmund or Weise Dac 1  can control jitter enough as to not impede S.Q. and produce high quality from Blue Ray player. This saves me the need to buy only one thing.
   As far as not being able to use the D/A conversion with my Marantz, I have my eye on a Virture AmpOne with sub out. The only thing is to find and affordable, great performing DAC that will convert the High Rez from my player using HDMI? 


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Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #13 on: 17 Jul 2010, 05:17 pm »
If you want high rez DAC ask in The HiRez Music Circle .  I think ted b has a Weiss DAC but I don't believe it uses HDMI interface.  I don't know anything about Goldmund DAC but I am sure it's the best.  :wink:


Re: New to audiophile audio and need suggestions!
« Reply #14 on: 17 Jul 2010, 05:43 pm »
Thanks Woodsyi! I only read about the performance of these brands which certainly seem well above average, but after looking at the price of these. There is just no way, unless I win Lotto! I have read about Discless and High Rez using DVD/CD. The main thing seems to be the jitter effect with any transport, which of course is absent in any Music server. If and affordable DAC exists without jitter effecting S.Q. and one that can make the Transport I already have sound great, then this seems to make the most sense! Of course quality costs and thats understandable, but how much would a company make up in volume if a jack of all trades component was affordable and enough consumers cared about the advantage in S.Q.? Looked at the Beseford DAC as recommended as well as some Pro Audio types that would be of benefit for home audio use. Decisions...decisions...decisions?

   Once again, I appologize for starting this in the wrong thread, If this could be moved to the Starting Block, I wouldn't mind!