Apple Computer's Running in 64 Bit Mode ... Sounds Way Better!

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Bill Allen

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 12
    • Bauls Audio
Not sure if this has ever been discussed on this forum but I recently received one of the best computer audio tips of all time from my friend Gary. If you have an Apple computer with a Core2Duo processor, run Snow Leopard in 64 Bit mode and its like adding jet fuel to your computer. These instructions are for a Mac Mini but I believe they will work with any Apple Core2Duo computer. (I added some clarification tips in a comment at the bottom of the article if you are new to Terminal scripts like I was.)

There was an absolutely huge change in sound quality with my system. My music server is a dedicated early 2009 Mac Mini Mini with SSD and 4 GB of Ram, playback is via iTunes to Amarra to a Pace Car USB. If you own a newer Apple computer you have to give this a try, best free tweak ever, an explosion of sound! One of the main features of the 64 Bit architecture is its more efficient use of RAM. I have the current maximum of 4 GB installed but the sky's the limit in 64 Bit mode. With Amarra working like a memory player the more RAM the better and I have to say I am curious what even more RAM would sound like. 8 GB is now available on eBay for $260.

When you shut off your computer it reverts back to 32 Bit mode so its easy to compare the sound. (Unless you load the script for permanent 64 Bit mode) Simply hold down the 6 & 4 key when starting your computer to boot into 64 Bit mode.

Here is a pictorial I made to open up and Mod a Mac Mini.

Bill Allen

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 12
    • Bauls Audio
Finally found another thread discussing 64 Bit mode with Apple computers.

No more limping along in 32 bit mode for me.


I finally got this working.  I realized that all I had to do was hold the 6 and 4 keys during boot.  I had a newer Mac Mini I guess.  I also set the default to 64-bit, so we'll see if that works.

SQ is definitely better.  I'm noticing more of the venue echoes and the vocalists sound more 3-D.

Highly recommended, particularly for Overdrive Owners.

Steve N.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 18
Been using this for awhile with positive improvement on my Mac Pro. I started a thread on Computer Audiophile a few months ago and got zero feedback. I hear exactly what you've said Steve. Vocals are more real and I hear into the space of the recording better, more ambience, reverb tails etc..


Bill, do I have to follow the somewhat complicated instructions (at least for me) in the link you provided to permanently set my MacBook (late 2009 version) to 64bit mode or is there an easier way?  I tried holding down 6 and 4 on start-up but it didn't seem to work.  Am I missing something?


Sorry guys, I am new to Mac and Amarra here !   (I just bought my first apple Ipad and hopping to use it to control my PC running XXhighend with WIN7).  Steve, with this Mac 64bit setup and Amarra,  does it sounds even better than XXhighend 9z.2 ?   I think xxhighend with the OverDrive is already sooo good !   

 Thanks. :)

I finally got this working.  I realized that all I had to do was hold the 6 and 4 keys during boot.  I had a newer Mac Mini I guess.  I also set the default to 64-bit, so we'll see if that works.

SQ is definitely better.  I'm noticing more of the venue echoes and the vocalists sound more 3-D.

Highly recommended, particularly for Overdrive Owners.

Steve N.


Bill, do I have to follow the somewhat complicated instructions (at least for me) in the link you provided to permanently set my MacBook (late 2009 version) to 64bit mode or is there an easier way?  I tried holding down 6 and 4 on start-up but it didn't seem to work.  Am I missing something?

If you check profiler under software and it does not show 64-bit, then you dont have it set.  Make sure that you continually hold down 6 and 4 until it completes boot.

If this does not work, then you need to do all of the steps.  dont miss any key strokes and read all of the feedbacks on Bill's link.

Steve N.


Sorry guys, I am new to Mac and Amarra here !   (I just bought my first apple Ipad and hopping to use it to control my PC running XXhighend with WIN7).  Steve, with this Mac 64bit setup and Amarra,  does it sounds even better than XXhighend 9z.2 ?   I think xxhighend with the OverDrive is already sooo good !   

 Thanks. :)

Hard to say. If you are not running in 64-bit mode on the PC, then this is probably better.

Steve N.


Bill, thanks for this helpful thread and your links above.  Great stuff. 

Just one question about your Mini mods.  Will a second hard drive not fit into the Mini case, thus obviating the need to secure an eSata cable for external connection?

BTW, go here to identify your Mac Mini model:


I believe Bill, like myself has a RAID array outboard.  This will not fit.

Steve N.


Re: Apple Computer's Running in 64 Bit Mode ... Sounds Way Better!
« Reply #10 on: 18 Jul 2010, 09:29 pm »
Bill, thanks for this helpful thread and your links above.  Great stuff. 

Just one question about your Mini mods.  Will a second hard drive not fit into the Mini case, thus obviating the need to secure an eSata cable for external connection?

BTW, go here to identify your Mac Mini model:

Perhaps, this is relevant. Optical drive can be replaced with a second hard drive using mcetech caddy.


Re: Apple Computer's Running in 64 Bit Mode ... Sounds Way Better!
« Reply #11 on: 18 Jul 2010, 11:42 pm »
Aiy, thanks indir!  Saved me headaches and searching galore.