Hi from Karsten

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Hi from Karsten
« on: 1 May 2010, 12:16 am »
It has been a while since I have been around here. I just saw yesterday that my name and involvement in SP Tech was brought up here resently.

I just want to say that I have no regrets, and still consider Bob a close personal friend. His talent in speaker design is admireable, just a shame that production was more difficult than anticipated.

Anyway, I have full faith in, that Bob and the guys will pull through, which mean that speakers will be available. More people should have Bob´s speakers :)

I still pursue the quest for best possible sound quality, and has come a long way. I'll be happy to share, but with the usual disclaimers.

Aether Audio

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Re: Hi from Karsten
« Reply #1 on: 5 May 2010, 03:44 pm »

Thanks!  :thumb:

Yeah... things didn't turn out like anybody planned of foresaw.  Had you been able to even remotely anticipate your financial "train wreck" only 9-months into the start-up of SP Tech, I'm certain we would have done things differently. :duh:  "Could-a... should-a... would-a"  What's done is done and we just have to make the best of it.  It would have been nice to have a crystal ball so we could tell the future, but if we did I guess life wouldn't be as interesting and we probably wouldn't learn much along the way either.  I'm just thankful to God for your sake that you somehow managed to survive without loosing your home, business and everything.  Well... me too for that matter.  :o

Just so everyone knows your level of commitment, Karsten invested something like $250K before it was all done and over with.  Even though he almost went bankrupt, he still managed to help us out for a long time afterward.  As I said, it wasn't enough to ever really get us "out of the ditch" we were in, but he kept us alive long enough to where we managed to keep our equipment and shop to this day.  Had it not been for Karsten, SP Tech would probably still be in the old run down garage we were in and still be using home-made tools fabricated from junk-yard parts and/or purchased at garage sales.  We certainly wouldn't have built and shipped as many systems worldwide as we did.  As a result, Aether Audio probably wouldn't exist now either.

Nevertheless, with all that went wrong... we're still at it.  We've had to clean up some of the mess SP Tech created... and there's just a bit of that left to do yet.  We're turning the last bend on that process now though and building steam as we go.  Karsten has recovered a bit too, and wouldn't you know it... he's right back doing all he can to help us again.  The result is that now will we not only be able to complete the last 2 big Revelation Grand Master orders, we're already building a new enclosures as well.  Everybody that ever invested in a pair of SP Tech speakers will get them and before it's over, I'm gonna see to it as long as there's breath in me that Karsten gets every penny of his original investment back as well.  Just wait until the "new project" speaker gets reviewed... you'll see.  :wink:

Thanks Karsten and everyone, and...

Take care,  :D