Aether Audio Update 04/04/10

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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #20 on: 6 Apr 2010, 08:23 pm »
Well, I haven't gone through the threads other than finding the early one I sent.  I guess it's just me; I knew Karsten was very involved from the day I spoke and emailed with him.  Bob may have told me, too; dunno.  Karsten was designing the external crossovers (lots of threads about how he liked the Mundorf stuff, etc.) when I first communicated with him...that alone told me he was committed.  If I was told then that he owned nearly 50% of the Company it wouldn't have surprised me....he was Bob's Denmark tech and main sales guy as far as I cared. 


Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #21 on: 6 Apr 2010, 08:37 pm »
We were told that Bob owned the company and than Karsten was a dealer. This was not true.


Aether Audio

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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #22 on: 6 Apr 2010, 09:23 pm »

I guess I have to apologize for not making it a point to directly disclose Karsten's involvement.  There was never any intent to somehow "hide" the fact whatsoever.  I've sent so many e-mails and had so many phone discussions with folks along the way where the subject was openly discussed, I guess I just took it for granted that it was common knowledge.  Actually... now that I think back... I did mention Karsten's ownership back in one of the threads where I was whining about the financial situation with SP Tech.  I also mentioned Mike Patterson too, which was the other owner and my very ORIGINAL partner back before Karsten came along.  I remember because I was complaining about how Mike bailed on me when the going got tough and that Karsten could no longer support us.

In reality and from any practical standpoint though it really didn't make any difference when it came to the components used in the final product.  Karsten could have raved all he wanted about this or that capacitor, wire or whatever, but it only ends up in the speaker if I've tested AND listened to it myself.

When it came to the Mundorf stuff... I easily heard the improvements myself.  Now... when it came to their top of the line silver-gold caps and what not, I could hear they were better too.  The only two questions where whether or not the cost was justified and where in the world I'd find room in the speakers for them as they were so huge.  I still can't answer the first question, but Ted B surely can... and he isn't/never was any form of investor of SP Tech.  When it came to the second question, there was only one answer.  We couldn't include them internally, so we had to build an external box.  Well, that would definitely increase the cost of the product considerably more, so we simply made it an upgrade option.  As far as the Mundorf silver-gold wire was concerened... it was and is the best I've ever hear.  That's why to this day I use it inside the Black Boxes.

Oh... and the fact is true that Karsten was/is a dealer as well.  Besides investing in SP Tech back in 2004, prior to that and to this day he runs a small dealership called StudioSound.  While he and I may both have unintentionally omitted the fact that he was an investor, I know for a fact that there was never any effort made to hide the fact or to purposely avoid disclosure thereof.  As I said, almost everybody I know personally that have been customers for any length of time and that I have an ongoing relationship with has known for as far back as I can remember, and for those that don't I guess the subject never came up... or they would.  In fact, I can't see any reason why I or he would want to keep such a thing a secret... there's nothing to be gained from it.  All my our sales here in the states pretty mcuh depended on my relationship with the customer and those from Denamrk pretty much depended on him.  About the only contribution that he could make was his comments on setting up the speakers and his experience experimenting with tweaking parts - and the parts he used were never included in any of the standard offerings. So...

But whatever.  If it was improtant to any of you guys I apologize.  Seeing that he was "over there" and I'm "over here," it didn't seem to me to be a significant issue.  Just like Mike Patterson... out-a sight... out-a mind.  If I had though for a moment that any of this info might be important, I woud have posted it and made it a "sticky" at the top of the circle.

Again, I apologize and hope this makes sense.  With so much going on, so many responsibilities and for the longest time... so much duress, the idea of Karsten being an issue to you guys one way or the other never even crossed my mind.  He was an issue to me as he was my only "saftey net" for the longest time and the only one I had to turn to for financial help when the wolves were at the door.  He saved the day just enough a few times to keep us from being evicted from out of the shop or to help in whatever fire needed to be put out at the moment, but it was never enough to really get us up and on solid ground.  Beyond those issues, I never saw him as being significant to any of you guys... and that's the truth.  :oops:



Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #23 on: 6 Apr 2010, 09:30 pm »
Wayner works for Van alstine, of course he is biased, as we all are in some ways.
But he makes it clear that he is a Van Alstine rep and that he IS biased.
This way no one is felt that they were duped. He is open and transparent about it.

It looks like this guy Karsten was posting as and end user and not a rep of the company.

This just looks real bad, and for all to see.
This thread won't end well.


Aether Audio

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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #24 on: 6 Apr 2010, 09:44 pm »

It looks like this guy Karsten was posting as and end user and not a rep of the company.

No...everybody that followed our circle for any length of time would have known he was a dealer, it's just that they might not have known he was an investor as well.  Either way, if folks are wont to find nefarious intentions - they will - one way or the other.  Those that know me personally will testify to the contrary for those that care.  For those that don't and prefer to remain suspicious, it won't matter if they do testify anyway.  In the end it's all a moot point as SP Tech is long gone.

As far as Aether Audio goes... let's clear the air on this matter once and for all.  My wife and I are the only owners, now... and most likely forever.  I've learned the hard way - no more legal partners.  From here on out, should matters and business increase to the level where such arrangments would normally be considered, they will be done through purchase contracts, loans and other similar agreements.  It's a philosophical thing.  I just wish I knew then what I know now. NO MORE PARTNERS!!!



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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #25 on: 6 Apr 2010, 09:47 pm »
Karsten posting as an end user?????  What the heck have you been reading???  He helped develop most of the crossover ideas, clearly had his dealer signatures, Bob mnetioned him earlier last year as being financially involved (more than just a tech help and dealer) and if you were at all interested in SP Tech you knew straight away that Karsten was very involved in the Company.  End user????????  C'mon guys!


Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #26 on: 6 Apr 2010, 10:29 pm »
This post has evolved into a dispute by one person who seems to have been screwed by a manufacturer.
The manufacturer admitted he was(is) screwing him.
Why the support? I understand owning the speakers may put you in a sensitive position, but cmon , the guy screwed someone.
All the religion in the world can't fix that.
Will no one support the guy who got screwed?



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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #27 on: 6 Apr 2010, 11:11 pm »

This thread won't end well.


It didn't start out all that great to begin with.

This post has evolved into a dispute by one person who seems to have been screwed by a manufacturer.

One person's patience ran out.  Had he possessed more patience, he probably would have realised the agreed to remuneration, but that is only speculation. It is clear that Bobs' business acumen is less than optimal. He has admitted to this numerous times. He is also not one to hide the "dirty laundry". It is here for everyone to see and it will color their decision to consider the products offered going forward in the future. Prospective customers will have to weigh whether the engineering, implementation, and end results justify the purchase decision. 

Aether Audio

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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #28 on: 7 Apr 2010, 01:09 am »

This post has evolved into a dispute by one person who seems to have been screwed by a manufacturer.
The manufacturer admitted he was(is) screwing him.
Why the support? I understand owning the speakers may put you in a sensitive position, but cmon , the guy screwed someone...

The "guy" screwed someone?

cor·po·ra·tion kawr-puh-rey-shuhn
–noun association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members.

Notice the "liabilities distinct from those of its members" part?  If anybody screwed anybody it was the "company" (SP Technology) - not "Bob."  In fact, "Bob" has been, is and will continue to do all he can to see to it that nobody gets screwed... except those who choose to "screw themselves."

You must understand... I am under no legal obligation to service the liabilities of the corporation now that it is insolvent.

All the religion in the world can't fix that.

Well... it all depends on how you look at it.  Although I am under no legal obligation, I AM under a moral obligation.  Seeing that the government of man cannot impose this on me, then it must be coming from somewhere else, eh?

The fact is, this obligation is self-imposed and originates from the base of my personal philosophy, and that philosophy has a "meta-physical," "spiritual" or "whatever you wanna call it" foundation.  Most would just call it "religion."  If then, being "driven" by this religion I am ultimately able to either provide the product or the equivalent remuneration to the customer who has otherwise been "screwed" by the corporation, then I guess "religion" CAN "fix it."

But what if the individual that originally suffered loss as a result of the corporation's failure to meet its liabilities, walks away and relinquishes any and all claims thereof?  Then I guess "religion" nor anything else can "fix it."  That then is not the fault of either the religion or the person exercising it in their attempt to remedy the situation.

Will no one support the guy who got screwed?

The attempt to do so had begun even before the offense had "officially" taken place, and it began as the result of one individual's self-imposed sense of moral obligation to his comapny's customers.

Now I ask, what type of "support" serves the individual best?  Sympathy from others is a nice jesture and appropriate when one suffers some form of personal loss, but does it bring the "dead back to life?"  The greater good and the most powerful form of support is to return that which was lost.

Regardless of my former partner's equal culpability in this matter, ONLY I HAD AND DO HAVE THE POWER TO ULTIMATELY MAKE RIGHT THE WRONG.  But... he who was wronged... WOULD NOT HAVE IT!!!  Unfortunately, it appears "sympathy" is now the only recourse.  In retrospect, maybe that was all that was ever truly desired in the first place.

In any case, I find it interesting that now since the old company has long folded and yet I continue to work with the same committment as before (except with no legal obligation to do so), that folks seem to take issue???  What I intend for the good of others seems to be branded as something bad?  One person comes out of nowhere and makes claims of having been screwed after how many months have passed?  The facts are then revealed that this person refused to ultimately accept any recompense should it be forthcoming, for the losses suffered... and yet somehow I am the bad guy? 

Maybe it would be better that Jim, Gene, Abe, Kuan Ju, Par, Brett and Roger just take their losses and go on like Mike is so willing to do?  Maybe I should have saved myself the grief and just allow a handfull of guys to blame and hate me the rest of their lives?  After all... I'll probably never see them again anyway.  Screw 'em!

If I were to let certain folks get to me that seem hell bent to make matters worse by cursing the darkness, then I'd likely never even attampt to light this candle.  But let all the opinions be damned... the gentlemen above showed faith in me even though they were actually dealing with a "corporation," and by God's strength I'll see to it their faith is ultimately rewarded.  Now for those to the contrary... go pound sand.

« Last Edit: 7 Apr 2010, 03:36 pm by Aether Audio »

Aether Audio

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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #29 on: 7 Apr 2010, 03:41 pm »

OK… back to what this thread was intended for.  Oh, and below for the naysayers… the "evidence" that Bob's words and commitment aren't just a bunch of "hot air."  All save one should be pleased to hear the following.

1. Jim, we still have to figure out the form and finish of what you will be getting.

2. Gene, you already have your speakers but I placed you in the list above because you received them well after SP Tech was officially insolvent.

3. Abe, after this new production batch ships (before 04/12/10), your speakers will be packed.  Believe it or not, packing the TP 3.0s takes at least a full day as we have no packing materials that have already been cut to size. Besides that, we are out of Styrofoam so it will take the better part of another day just to get the old beater van up and running and then go get it (big 4 x 8 sheets that won't fit in my car).

4. Kuan Ju, your Minis are fixed and look pretty nice over-all.  I could pack and ship them at the same time I'm working on packing Abe's if you want?  It will be a few more days after that before I have your Black Boxes done, The cells are built but I have to mount them in the chassis, which includes drilling the end panels and mounting the binding posts/soldering them up.  Then I'll have to pack them.  Probably should just go ahead and ship the Minis first and then follow up with sending the BBs after.

5. Par, your piano white Mini enclosures are finished.  Now we have to build the crossovers, install everything, test and box them up.  This will still take some time, but by far the worst is over.  I'm sure by now you've given up… but I haven't.

6. Brett & Roger, as you know… your Revelation Grand Masters are the biggest and most difficult by far.  While no new progress has been made on the enclosure front, I have made significant progress on the electro-acoustic front.  Specifically, I have found the tweeter and a waveguide modification that is the BOMB.  Testing was done in the little 6-inch waveguide used in the Minis.  Considering the results obtained there, the thought of inclusion of this same tweeter in the huge elliptical waveguide we're using in the Rev GMs… is literally SCARY!!!  Hang on, you know I'm sick to death over all of this, but they WILL get done.

Now you guys… we have much more reason to be optimistic.  With the income that will be generated from this new project in cooperation with the company that will be marketing them, we will for once have the steady income needed to empower us to make steady progress.  All we EVER needed was a source of relatively reliable income/working capital – and now we will have it.  Gessh… the future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.  Oh… and "Bob" did it all on his own with some help from above – no investors to "save the day."  So, you tell me… who's in control?  See, I told ya to have faith.  :wink:

Take care,


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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #30 on: 8 Apr 2010, 04:25 pm »
Hi all.

I would like to add my two cents worth to this thread. As medium term member of AC (4 years) and long time lurker, I am very, very dissapointed in the tone this thread has taken.

It is a huge pity that mcullinan aired his personal grievance with SP Tech (Bob Smith) in such a manner. Whether he is right or wrong, in my opinion this is not the forum for such disputes.

It also disappointed me that others then jumped aboard to "sink the boots in". Robin, why add such a negative post when someone's livelyhood is at stake? I have read hundreds of posts from AC members on SP Tech then Aether Audio's circle over many years and I have not heard of even one that has put up money for an order, then had Bob reneg on the deal. Also why have a crack at ted_b? He put his money on the line - and judging by his system, a very considerable amount, then was put on the waiting list, and in due course received his goods.

Robin, there is no need to "feel bad" on my behalf for yes I am one of the ones that has "faith" in Bob's ability to follow through. Just so you know, I have made progress payments of $14,000 towards a pair of Revelation's. I have never met Bob and have only ever corresponded with him with email. However, via his post's and those others have made about him, I feel I know him very well. I believe through many years of experience, I am a good judge of character and have absolutely no doubt I will receive my speakers.

Mike, I don't understand why you are being so "self righteous" about Karsten's involvement in Bob's business. Were you duped into buying Bob's speakers by Karsten's glowing endorsement? If so, I am sorry you feel misled. For my part, I have followed SP Techs threads from well before the "Mundorf Discoveries" and have always had the impression that Karsten had a strong involvement in Bob's business, and accordingly gave the appropriate consideration to his post's. As a future owner of Bob's speakers I feel no shock/horror in finding out Karsten had a financial interest. In making a decision to purchase, sight unseen (I live in Australia), I put my faith in "OWNER" feedback, particularly those that had experience with many other brands of speakers. People such as lonewolfny42, ted_b, konut, Goosepond etc.etc.

Bob, don't let negativity get you down. From what I can gather, it is not coming from past, present or future owners of your product.

I trust that the good news you gave us with your initial post, does fully come to fruition. We audio fanatics can't afford to lose people of your caliber.



Aether Audio

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Re: Aether Audio Update 04/04/10
« Reply #31 on: 12 Apr 2010, 06:46 pm »

Thanks my friend.  :thumb: It's good to know that not everybody has given up on me.

Just to show my appreciation to the guys that got put on hold... I'm gonna throw in some "freebees" to help ease the pain a little.

Abe - yo're gonna get some Black Boxes with yor TP3s - for free. :wink:

Kuan Ju - Let me know how long you need the umbilicals to be that go from your BBs (when I get them done) to your speakers, and I'll make you some.  Would Mundorf silver-gold ribbon suffice?  :eyebrows:

Gary J. (in the UK) - Same as Kuan Ju above.  Just let me know how long you need them to be and they are yours... no charge. Oh, and I got the extra brackets that you wanted too. :wink:

John F. - Your satin black TP Minis will have the silver-gold wiring inside as we discussed... but at no charge.  You already have the BBs, but let me know how long you need your umbilicals to be and we'll fix you up with some Mundorf silver-gold ones... on my dime.  8)

Mark A. - I'm paying for the replacement voilce-coils for your TP 2.1s and doing the tweaking (and replacing some caps with better ones... and another new network tweak on top of all that) to bring them back into spec... at no charge.  As long as you can handle the shipping back to you... I'm good.  :green:

Par (in Sweden) - your Minis are in white piano finish as you had originally wanted - not the satin white that you changed your mind to after you went and bought a different pair of speakers from being tired of waiting.  :roll:  All the goodies that you originally wanted short of an external crossover will be in them too.  Based on those, had we delivered in a timely fashion you would have had a significant balance left.  As long as you can cover shipping back across the pond... there's now no balance due. :D

Roger & Brett - it's gonna be a while, but I'm throwing in everything I can think of.  With this new tweeter/waveguide "discovery" I've just made, let's just say a 500Hz crossover isn't going to be a problem.  By the way, have you looked at the new prices for the Rev GMs?  :o :eyebrows:

Also, my email is still screwy, so you guys that need to respond... just PM me here on the AC server for now.  I'll be standing by.  In the mean time... you guys are the best!!! :thumb:

Take care,