Upgrade path recommendations

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Upgrade path recommendations
« on: 8 Feb 2010, 04:20 pm »
Hi everybody.  I'm enjoying my vinyl setup a lot.  I'd like some imput on how to make it even better.  Here's what I have:

Rega P5 with outboard power supply
Sumiko Blupoint evo special
Balanced Audio Vkp3 internal phono board

So what's the weak link?  The Rega is stock.  I haven't even adjusted the vta for the Sumiko.  Would a new cartridge, phono stage or tweaks to the tt (platter or subplatter etc) yield the most bang for the buck?  What cartridges do you recommend for the rb700 ARM?   



Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 8 Feb 2010, 04:40 pm »
I think you said it yourself - adjusting the cartridge properly.


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #2 on: 9 Feb 2010, 12:46 am »
I have a P5 with the TTPS and it really surprised me on how good it sounds especially with no fiddling. I'm using the Dyna 10X5 with 2, 2mm spacers, stock felt mat and I don't think I could get it better. So with that said make sure that cartridge is at least  level in the arm. When set correctly it is very quiet with no groove noise. The RB700 is a pretty nice arm that has much better sounding wire than the RB300. When set correctly the right channel just comes into focus, it is always that right channel, at least it is to me. The last table I had that sounded this good was my Merrill Heirloom II and a Sumiko FT4 or a Grado Sig Reference Arm. I should have never sold it. I also thought at the time I could attain better sound. Mistake!

The only tweak I'm using is the Heavyweight. I have been told not to change anything because it will mess with the synergy of the table. Others think different.

Oh, I'm using a cardboard setup template from Vinyl Engine, and a digital scale for

« Last Edit: 13 Feb 2010, 04:13 pm by bacobits1 »


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #3 on: 9 Feb 2010, 02:15 am »
Nice setup.  The obvious (and probably cheapest) upgrade is the cartridge.  There are a number of cartridges from Shelter, Soundsmith or even Grado that would probably be a step up from the Sumiko.

Optimize your current setup for VTA, overhang and azimuth, make sure your cartridge loading is set right on the preamp and then listen and decide for yourself.  I'd say there's nothing wrong with either the preamp or the table/arm.
« Last Edit: 9 Feb 2010, 05:09 pm by baldrick »

Ericus Rex

Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #4 on: 9 Feb 2010, 01:14 pm »
The cheapest option that 'might' yield amazing results would be proper arm/cartridge setup.  And if you've got a friend who knows how to do this that one would only cost you a beer.  After that a new cartridge.  In my experience catridges sound very different from each other and turntables sound the least different from each other.  YMMV

Good luck

Scott F.

Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #5 on: 9 Feb 2010, 03:37 pm »
When you say upgrade, what are you looking for out of your table? Are you looking for more detail, firmer bass, treble extension, air, placement, quieter background?

Without knowing exactly what you are looking for, let me take a stab at a couple of things in general.

Getting your cartridge aligned is always a good thing. Everything comes into better focus because you have less alignment distortion. VTA and VTF adjustment will also help even out the sound. Without that your reproduction could be slanted either to the bass or treble side of the spectrum. There are several Rega VTA adjusters on the market if you need one, that or use the Rega shims. A $25 Shure VTF gauge will do you just fine unless you want to invest in the future. Of course, if you have variable loading in your pre, dial that in to your ears and cart.

If your P5 has the glass platter, I'd try a couple of different platter mats. I'd look at a felt mat and also a sorbothane or rubber mat like the Herbies.

I'm not sure what your table is sitting on. In order to get the quietest background you really need the table to be isolated. You can go a couple of different ways. My preference is mass, something like the TNT-Audio Sandbox. Be forewarned, these things are heavy. Under the sandbox I would experiment with both coupling (spikes) and isolation/absorption (tender feet). You won't know which works best in you room until you try both. So much varies based on the construction of your house.

The Heavyweight mod is cheap and yields very good results. The bass gets tighter and a bit more pronounced. Tracking improves significantly and background noise goes down slightly. Well worthy $150 tweak.

You can always look at rewiring the Rega arm. You will pick up a reasonable amount of resolution by going with one of the rewire kits. This assumes you have the RB300 as opposed to the newer RB700.

The cartridge you are using has an elliptical stylus. Some really enjoy that sound. If you are looking for more detail and inner resolution, look at cartridges that use a Line Contact stylus profile. On the 'reasonable' side, the Dynavector 20XH does a fine job. The Music Maker from the Cartridge Man takes things to a whole new level. It is big, bold and dynamic along with pulling tons of detail from the grooves. The downfall is the price. It is over double the cost of the DV20. It is worth every penny though.

...just my $0.02  :thumb:


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #6 on: 9 Feb 2010, 05:02 pm »
The weakest link in my opinion (having owned one and given it away) is the Sumiko cartridge. I found it to be tonally all over the place.
 I would leave the table alone. Though good quality wiring and connectors would be required for the arm so you can hear what your cart is doing.
 Maybe an Ortofon 2M Black for cartridge upgrade. Not expensive, Shibata diamond and moving magnet means it will sound infinitely beter than what you have on there at the moment. :thumb:


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Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #7 on: 9 Feb 2010, 08:31 pm »
Hi everybody.  I'm enjoying my vinyl setup a lot.  I'd like some imput on how to make it even better.  Here's what I have:

Rega P5 with outboard power supply
Sumiko Blupoint evo special
Balanced Audio Vkp3 internal phono board

So what's the weak link?  The Rega is stock. I haven't even adjusted the vta for the Sumiko.  Would a new cartridge, phono stage or tweaks to the tt (platter or subplatter etc) yield the most bang for the buck?  What cartridges do you recommend for the rb700 ARM?   


I would definitely make sure the cartridge is aligned properly. The weakest link by far on the P5 is the subplatter. The counterweight would/will not influence the performance of the turntable as much as the subplatter. Don't rewire the RB-700. The internal wiring and terminations are just fine on the RB-700 and not worth the risk of damaging the tonearm. I currently own a P5 and a P3 and have owned many Rega turntables over the years. The wiring would be "icing on the cake" but something I personally would avoid.

The synergy of the Rega turntable really only becomes comprimised when you swap out the feet to which it sits on. Heavy cutting boards and cones also do more damage to the synergy of the table than anything else.
A light, low mass platform (IE. Neuance), or a Rega wall mount are excellent. Listen and enjoy your turntable for a while to become familiar with it before changing anything.  :D


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #8 on: 12 Feb 2010, 02:44 am »
Thanks everybody for your very helpful comments.  Since I can't afford the Benz Glider and my dealer doesn't sell Dynavector, he suggested I give the Benz Ace a try.  So I have one on order.  I'll have him install to make sure it's done right.  But I'm still not certain about the VTA on the TT.  Does anyone know if this cartridge will require a spacer, and if so, is 2mm the right size?  Cheers.



Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #9 on: 12 Feb 2010, 02:49 am »
You can't adjust VTA on a Rega unless you shim the tonearm.

Ask your dealer to make sure the VTA is within the acceptable range.

Then make sure your preamp cartridge loading is correct.  Even a good cartridge will sound like crap if it's loaded incorrectly.


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #10 on: 13 Feb 2010, 03:39 pm »
I hear vast differances in the wire coming from the tone arm,carefull selection of interconnect wire will yield surprising results.they need special capacitance and resistance characteristics to work properly too.


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Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #11 on: 13 Feb 2010, 05:06 pm »

   I would say your cart is the weakest link to. The Bluepoint Evo is not the most highy regarded cart. For a vinyl system the cart. and speakers have the most influence on the sound of your system. I dont know what your budget is or if your preamp has low output capabilities. I would go for a Denon DL-103r it is the best bang for the buck cart. out there IMHO. But it is low output....... 8)


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #12 on: 13 Feb 2010, 06:24 pm »
I would definitely make sure the cartridge is aligned properly. The weakest link by far on the P5 is the subplatter. The counterweight would/will not influence the performance of the turntable as much as the subplatter. Don't rewire the RB-700. The internal wiring and terminations are just fine on the RB-700 and not worth the risk of damaging the tonearm. I currently own a P5 and a P3 and have owned many Rega turntables over the years. The wiring would be "icing on the cake" but something I personally would avoid.

The synergy of the Rega turntable really only becomes compromised when you swap out the feet to which it sits on. Heavy cutting boards and cones also do more damage to the synergy of the table than anything else.
A light, low mass platform (IE. Neuance), or a Rega wall mount are excellent. Listen and enjoy your turntable for a while to become familiar with it before changing anything.  :D

I think there's your man with the right plan for improvement  :thumb: ...especially on the recommendation on the isolation for the Rega and subplatter replacement.

The Sumiko's are all ellipticals....Sumiko specifies them that way so that you need not adjust them to a gnats hair of tolerance to enjoy them (like line styli, shibata's, micoridge etc).  The widely mentioned VTA adjustment is mostly a secondary improvement in enjoying vinyl...especially with elliptical styli.

Getting the VTF (vertical tracking force) and azimuth is usually more beneficial to get right (tho, again, with ellipticals getting azimuth perfect isn't that necessary)

The subplatter and improving isolation seem to be the right direction if you're staying with this table.  You'll only know if the cartridge doesn't strike your fancy when you improve the underlying issues.

Do remember that although the Sumiko HOMC's are specified at 47K inputs....they probably would sound a lot better at lower loading values like 1K (it would take a little sting out of their treble, for instance)

« Last Edit: 14 Feb 2010, 05:42 am by TheChairGuy »


Re: Upgrade path recommendations
« Reply #13 on: 14 Feb 2010, 01:32 am »
Do remember that although the Sumiko HOMC's are specified at 47K inputs....they probably would sound a lot better at lower loading values like 1K (it would take a little sting out of their treble, for instance)
It's essential to get the loading right or you can't really judge whether or not the cartridge is the weakest link.
I mentioned in an earlier post that the weakest link in your particular chain is the cartridge and it's probably true, but before you fork over cash un-necessarily adjust the cartridge loading until you get it right.  Then let your ears be the judge.

It's stupid how so many cartridge manufacturers specify a 47K ohm loading when 75% of the time that particular amount of loading is incorrect.