Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.

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Danny Richie

Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« on: 22 Jan 2004, 12:24 am »
Garland man uses retro technology to make music ring true

04:57 PM CST on Monday, January 19, 2004

By MICHAEL E. YOUNG / The Dallas Morning News

In the rarefied world of high-end audio, where the fanciest designs compete with Ferraris and Porsches in price, Gary Dodd's stuff comes much closer to the cars he favors – vintage Hondas.

From his modest home in Garland, Mr. Dodd creates musical devices built around the vacuum tube, the glowing glass bottles that were largely shoved from audio by transistors and silicon wafers and other designs. But to Mr. Dodd and a growing niche in this tiny world, nothing that has come after the vacuum tube sounds nearly as good.

"There's always a lot of new things out there, but they're just modern," says Mr. Dodd, who masks his passions with his easygoing ways but nonetheless tells you exactly what he thinks. "Nobody has come up with anything really magical that didn't come from the '30s or '40s. Nothing else sounds like tubes. They make music sound like music."

And though he wasn't born until the mid-'50s himself, he's always found his inspiration in early designs.

"We were never real well-to-do when I was a kid, so I'd just go to a junkyard and find some old radios, and I'd pull the parts out and make things," he says.

"I found it fascinating. I've always built my own stereo stuff."

Instead of using circuit boards, Mr. Dodd wires his amplifiers, which power the loudspeakers, and pre-amps – basically the control center of an audio system – by hand, wielding his soldering iron like a surgeon.

Given his early fascination with sound, and his 20-plus years in electronic engineering, designing audio equipment is almost intuitive now. And though he has no qualms about running his products through a thicket of test equipment, only one thing determines the designs he pursues – the way they sound making music.

"I have a buddy who was boasting once about his new $8,000 350-watt-per-channel digital amplifier, and he brought it over to show me. All I had in the house was one of my eight-watts-per-channel amps and it was running when he came in," Mr. Dodd says.

"He sat and listened for a few minutes and he said, 'My amp doesn't do that.' We plugged his in and after listening to it for 15 minutes, he said, 'Mine really does suck.' "

Mr. Dodd's gear wouldn't seem cheap to the average person. His least expensive offering is a $450 pre-amp, and his priciest offering so far – a pair of red-lacquer 120-watt amplifiers – wowed the crowd at the Vacuum State of the Art Conference in Washington a few months back. Price: $4,500.

But in an arena where CD players can cost $25,000, speakers $80,000 and more per pair, and even a turntable, another technological marvel that simply refuses to go away, $70,000, Mr. Dodd's pricing places him in the bargain basement. His no-frills manufacturing operation makes that possible.

"I build my stuff right here in my house, in the garage on a bench. The house is the warehouse," he says. "I really don't make any money out of it yet, but it's fun, a hobby that I've turned into a business."

And like his designs, his business continues to evolve. His first customers came to him by word of mouth. Danny Richie, who builds loudspeakers near Wichita Falls, first met Mr. Dodd when he drove up from Garland to listen to Mr. Richie's product line.

"He asked me what I was using for electronics and he brought up some of his stuff and it blew away what I was using," Mr. Richie says.

Mr. Richie bought a pair of amplifiers, Mr. Dodd a pair of speakers.

"The stuff he does is right up there with the best," Mr. Richie says. "He's the kind of guy that if it doesn't sound great, he isn't going to build it."

Friends since that first meeting, Mr. Richie and Mr. Dodd use each other as sounding boards for new designs. Occasionally they'll work together on the same project. "Danny does all the design work for people and he calls me when he gets swamped and I go up there for the weekend and put things together," Mr. Dodd says.

And for the past three years, Mr. Richie's GR Research has provided Dodd Audio its Internet presence, a situation that soon will change.

"I get tons of e-mail through the GR Research site, and a lot of people call me up and say, 'Danny said to call you for this.' Just about everything is through Danny," Mr. Dodd says. "People call him because they don't know how to get me.

"But now everyone says I need a Web site and my own Internet forum and that makes me a little nervous."

A good Web site will put his designs before many more potential buyers. But if it generates a lot of business, Mr. Dodd wonders how he'll keep up.

"I'm a little nervous about that part. I do this on basically a zero budget," he says.

"He needs a little more presence," Mr. Richie says, "and Gary isn't a marketer. But since we've been friends, I've tried to promote him, because he's a unique person in the market. I don't see his honesty a lot in this business."

That honesty – and his growing reputation – wins Mr. Dodd a loyal following, though.

An Asian audiophile who had heard about Mr. Dodd's designs asked whether he'd build a headphone amplifier for his very expensive headphones. No problem, Mr. Dodd replied. Send me the headphones and I'll build the amp.

"I sent the amp and the headphones back to him and he called me up a few days later and said, 'I'm mad at you.' I thought, 'Uh-oh.' And he said, 'These are so revealing that now I need a new CD player.' "

Another customer wanted Mr. Dodd to build an amplifier with huge tubes used only by the U.S. Navy between 1920 and 1930.

"It's a really pretty tube, but it's really hard to find," Mr. Dodd said. "We use one tube per channel and I'll be able to get 160 watts from each one."

Best of all to Mr. Dodd, the huge tubes provide much more power than other tube types, so they'll handle just about any loudspeakers.

"I have a couple of designs like that that are higher power," Mr. Dodd said, "but I can't offer them as a product you'd have in average folks' homes because the voltage could be lethal."

Most of his customers, though, are looking for less exotic designs, and products that will last.

Chris Seaman, formerly of Carrollton and now in St. Petersburg, Fla., was interested in Mr. Richie's speakers when he met Mr. Dodd.

"I'm the one who pestered him into building his basic pre-amp – I think I have the first one," Mr. Seaman says.

It might be Mr. Dodd's least expensive piece, but that doesn't lessen his commitment to it, Mr. Seaman says.

"The thing with Gary, his whole motivation is that he does this because he really likes it. It's a real passion and a commitment to craftsmanship," he says. "He wouldn't compromise on what he does to meet a price point or to mass-market something. That's such a rare quality."

Some in audio seek out those no-compromise designs and find the best of it in vintage gear, Mr. Seaman says. Mr. Dodd's amps and pre-amps are direct descendants.

"I can't think of any companies today that do what Gary does," Mr. Seaman says. "You look back at the Harmon-Kardon Citations and the Dynaco designs and they're still great. Gary's little eight-watt amp, that'll still be around in 30 years."



Dodd makes the Dallas morning news
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jan 2004, 06:34 am »
It's good to see Gary getting some good press and exposure.  He seems like a real humble guy who''s not a publicity hound, and like Danny takes great pride in his work.  I had the opportunity to demo his $450.00 preamp which I liked a great deal but at the time was not able to afford it.  (I still may end up buying it someday)  I ultimately purchased the cayin ta-30 integrated for around the same price, give or take $100.00 but come to think of it I should have asked Gary what he might have been able to do for around the same money.  Does Gary have any plans on coming out with an integrated tube amp anytime in the near future? It would be a nice addition as well as a good seller I'm sure.



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Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jan 2004, 06:46 pm »
Congratuations to Mr. Dodd!  The article was well-written and according to what Danny says about him, he's an honest guy who deserves good publicity.  Mr. Dodd's biggest future problem will be keeping up with the order backlog.
Speaking of nothing improving since the tube days, when I was about 17, I bought an H.H. Scott integrated tube amp kit and assembled it.  That got me into solder-slinging and hi-fi.  I still have it and will re-cap it some day (I'm practicing on a similar Scott integrated that I bought off eBay).  I've read posts on the Scott forum where people are saying those over-engineered Scott amps hold their own with the modern very expensive amps.  I't great to see great designs stand the test of time.


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jan 2004, 03:51 pm »
Congrats Gary!

Great read.

I hope to see your artwork (otherwise known as electronics) up on a web page soon with all the info on your current line of products, or current list of what you're willing to make for someone?

Both Gary and Danny were great in Vegas, and really nice to my wife and I.
I'd trust either of them to do exactly what they say they'll do when they say it, and their product to perform the way they say they do.

A lot of people consider online companies risky so I like to point out ones that are no risk at all.

Lifetime warr. on Gary's gear too. Hard to beat that!

Good luck with the swamp of orders you should be getting Gary.
I still don't know if I can do tubes out in AZ here, but it'd be from you if I did.


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Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jan 2004, 04:34 am »

Thanks, oh BTW you will know sooner than you think, cause i'm going to send you a pair of 120 watt mono's to play with, so there!


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #5 on: 26 Jan 2004, 03:17 am »

Nice write-up.  Kudos Gary.

And AZ, you must be living right.


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Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #6 on: 26 Jan 2004, 03:39 am »
Quote from: gld

Thanks, oh BTW you will know sooner than you think, cause i'm going to send you a pair of 120 watt mono's to play with, so there!

Wow, what a guy! Gary is too much!


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #7 on: 26 Jan 2004, 10:32 pm »
I didn't see your post Gary till today!!

I NEVER expected you to say you're just gonna send me those 120W monoblock amps!?!?!?
That's just beyond awesome! You're a freakin' REALLY great guy!!

I really appreciate the offer and holy crap does it kill me to write this... but I really think it'd be best if you didn't send 'em to me.
Trust me, I had to break half of my fingers just to type that!

I write this whole big long post now just because I think you deserve to know exactly where I'm coming from and why I'm doing what I'm doing (and so you won't be pissed at me for turning down your outstanding offer)...

The main reason by far is that I don't have a worthy DAC or preamp to even hook the amps to.

The two things I'd want to get BEFORE I picked new amps -having sold my eARTWo digital amp recently which I did really love without knowing what I was going to replace them with.

BTW-  nice to see you post here audiojerry -who basically called me a liar for selling my eARTwo and not knowing what I was going to replace it with.

Then the lesser reasons are my budget (not large despite the outstanding prices on Gary's gear) and living w/ tube life and tube heat/effi. in AZ (despite Gary telling me how long the tubes typically last and how low cost the ones he uses are to replace).

I have been torn about getting a sepp. pure 2-chan. only system -in addition to a decent but nothing special HT system.

1) that's a lot of gear in the room no matter what, but that's not a big issue really.

2) the 2-chan. system was looking to either be Gary Dodd's 120W tube monoblocks or possibly Ric S.'s 250W ICEpower digital amp -which doesn't actually exist yet -if ever.

These two amps should both be killer yet TOTALLY diff. in almost every way.

I think I'd probably like almost everything about the sound of both amps yet would find things I liked 'better' about both of them, but if I had to bet (having just been in Vegas recently hehe) I'd probably pick Gary's amps to have the best 'sound' which is the important part right?

It would be like... 'Would you like your fav. ice cream or your fav. pizza'? They're both awesome and taste great but really are SO diff. no one really even thinks about a question like that.

If Gary's tube amps were digital I'd probably flip over 'em. If a digital amp sounded like a killer tube amp I'd probably flip over it.

Beyond those diametrically opposed amp choices I'd need an awesome DAC...

I was looking at the Ack dAck!, SN TubeDAC, or Mensa DI/O... all of which seem to be no-brainer giant killers and all ~$550-700 range (when you factor in PS upgrades or replacement batteries), but are also argued to death about which is better, so the only thing I know is that they for sure sound diff. and that only one has a trial period so I couldn't compare them to eachother.

So which would I prefer PLUS which would sound better with Gary's tube amps?

The variables begin to add up.

Then I'd need a killer preamp and was looking at Gary Dodd's $450 tubed pre, but Gary and Danny of course rec. Gary's $1,400 ref. preamp which should sound even better plus comes w/ a remote (and getting up to change volume all the time doesn't seem like I'd be that happy with long term).

I guess I'm just a digital kid born with a plastic remote in my hand (I woulda prefered 'rich w/ a silver spoon' but whatta ya' gonna do 'eh?)

I'd need it to have a pass-through for the HT and not sure if Gary's smaller preamp has that?
I'm sure he could add it if I really wanted it, but if it wasn't standard I wouldn't expect that it would be free of course.

So I was looking at a total of about $2,000-$4,000+ -and probably more like the $4K+ as long as I was going to go 'all out' to get a really World Class system.

Plus cable/cord costs as I wouldn't want to skimp on something that could degrade what I paid so much money for in the first place to create.
That's still cheap compared to what people 'could' spend if they wanted to, but right now the only thing I have to connect to Gary's monoblocks would be the Outlaw Audio pre/pro.

It's a good sounding pre/pro. Very nice esp. for $800, but worthy of being mated to killer tube monoblocks?
No.... I don't think so.

I had it connected to my digital eARTwo and really was very happy with the sound, but I knew there was no doubt the Outlaw was not good enough for that amp, and holding it back.

I'm sure I'd get a totally diff. sound from Gary's amps and would probably be really happy too (probably much happier based on all the tube amp systems I heard at the CES), but not happy enough for the cost of the amps while being held back so much by a sub par line level being fed to them.

So the Outlaw's weakness lead me to look at those DAC's and preamps I listed above.

At the same time as all this was bouncing around my brain John Mayer of Newform Research declared the $300 6X100W Pannie XR45 slimline be a 'Krell killer' and just outstanding for the cost.
Then the Sony's S-Master digital amp Recs. started getting major talk too. Both 100% digital path solutions (though each totally diff. dig. amp designs).

For the price I bought the Pannie XR25 (not the XR45 John M. actually raved about) just for the bedroom, but I tried it in my main system and while I found it lacking the liquid 'you are there' sound that the eARTwo/Outlaw combo did pretty well -MAN!.... for it's crappy build quality and tiny, tiny size... it was really way too close to ignore. Dynamics, bass depth/control, and detail were wild.
It just wasn't 'real' like tube amps seem to get right.

I didn't think I could justify spending way more money to get a 'worthy' DAC and preamp for the eARTwo so I decided to sell it (plus I knew I didn't need 250W x 2 on the GR Alphas at all).

If this is what a piece of crap little mass market 100% digital Rec. sounds like... it sounded like the death of anaglog to me once someone who actually cared about sound quality took a stab at something like this.

So then I tried the Sony 2000ES Rec. It was supose to be $800, but I got it for $500 so it seemed like a no-brainer at the very least for the HT section of my system.

I thought initially it sounded a little better than the Pannie, but it was built just as cheaply (which is just sickening for Sony's 'Elevated Standard' line? Man, I hate Sony!), had too low gain, and too high noise (which are extra bad together).

The Pannie has zero noise at any volume and I've got 20-30db of headroom on the volume when the Alphas are playing pretty damn loud.

After several weeks with the Sony I found I just wasn't listening to much music anymore, and several CDs were just killing my ears with something screwed up on the top end.

On the stuff that wasn't sticking pins in my ears on the top end... I was pretty happy with the sound even after coming back from the CES and having heard tens of thousands of dollars worth of gear -with much of it not blowing me away at all.

Anyway... I put the Pannie back in and it never spiked my ears on the highs so I took the Sony back (nice looking face though. Sony sure knows how to sucker people w/ looks! hehe).

So the Pannie was meant to just be a stop-gap filler till I decided what the heck I was gonna do for my 'real' system..., but now Wayne at Boulder Cable is modding the XR45 (which on it's own is supose to be an upgraded/better sounding version of the same spec XR25 I have).

Several people here are already given it rave reviews having some great quality gear already.

I'm really not thrilled, but also not terribly unhappy with the sound of my stock XR25. I think I can believe that the better stock XR45 could actually be pretty stunning if tweaked out.

The XR25/45 will do 100W x 6 and works great for HT, TV, video games, etc.., and can be set to 200W x 2 in a bi-amp 'Party' mode (seems crazy but it works by sending the same stereo signal to the main and surround amps) -though the Alphas don't seem to need more than100W to get REALLY loud and with outstanding dynamics.

I hooked up the Outlaw w/ my cheapo 150W x 2 Audiosource amp I use for my subs  (which actually cost a bit more than the Pannie itself -wild!) and the Pannie actually turned itself on any started laughing in this crazy evil robotic way. It was freaky! heh
Cleary the Pannie hammered that combo beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The weak link easily being the crappy solid state amp whereas the Outlaw was easily the weak link mated to the digital eARTwo, and I'm SURE a weak link mated to Gary's tube monoblocks.

The Outlaw/eARTwo was better than the stock Pannie, but really wasn't able to laugh at it at all.
In fact when the Outlaw/eARTwo said 'See... I'm clearly better sounding'... the Pannie replied -'Yeah... but not WAY better and you are over 10 times more money right?'
The Outlaw/eARTwo couldn't think of a reply.

(C'mon... don't you guys have electronics that talk to eachother? hehe).

I just ordered the XR45 for $280 and am looking to get it modded which will probably make it more like $1,000+.
That seems REALLY crazy given the actual unit's cost and the Best Buy looking quality of the Rec... but damn, it's the real deal IMO, and really is still 2-4 times cheaper than the conventional 2-chan solution I was looking into... on top of it also being an HT solution, AND being one tiny, cool running,  black, slimline DVD player-sized box (and a cheap but fairly logical remote my wife and I can use for both the Rec. and our DVD player).

This might not be the sound that many people (including myself) feel is the absolute best sound quality there is, but it's really good (IMO) and really cheap (beyond opinion).

So I guess that's where I'm at now personally.

Man, I'd LOVE to live with Gary's awesome tube amps and preamp and a killer DAC but I just don't think it's the direction I can go with right now.

I REALLY appreciate the offer and chances are you'll now be getting PM'ed up the Yin/Yang with people asking for that offer instead so I hope you're not ticked at me.

If I were not the cheapskate that I am, or living in the hottest major city in the America... I'd probably buy your monoblocks without even hearing them based on the things you, Danny and I talked about in Vegas and because of the 'labor of love' and 'not in it for the money' way you do business.

That's super rare.

Thanks again Gary!
If this modded dig. Rec doesn't work out for me then I think tubes will be my only hope and you're the man I'll call!!


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jan 2004, 12:52 am »
Great article! Nice to see Gary getting some recognition for his great looking and sounding amps. They really are a steal for the price. Sure would be nice to see one of the internet mags do a review on one of his amps. Anything like that in the works  :?:

The Monkey Man

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« Reply #9 on: 28 Jan 2004, 03:37 am »
You deserve it Gary.  I saw the article in the paper - a very nice writeup.  I saw / heard your amps for the first time at the 2003DIY event that Danny hosted.  Let me just say that it shows (and sounds) that you take pride in your work and you are a true craftsman.  Forging a such a finely tuned vaccuum tube masterpeice is no small feat I'm sure!

Mark Wortham

PS:  I think we're neighbors!


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #10 on: 28 Jan 2004, 03:49 am »
I've had the good fortune to hear Gary's monoblocks on both Danny's Alphas and Diluceos.  They were extremely musical, sweet and maintained detail, air, and soundstage.  Compared to very good solid state monoblocks, they provided a more 3 dimensional sound with good extension top and bottom.  They're a great deal.


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Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #11 on: 31 Jan 2004, 03:57 am »
Hey man I didn't mean to scare you off! I wanted to send you the amps to enjoy while you did one of your awsome reviews, I love reading them as do many others as well I'm sure. I'd really like to read about my stuff and
your good at it. Besides I'm not forcing you its, free and the review will be awsome!

Danny Richie

« Reply #12 on: 1 Feb 2004, 01:11 am »
Hey Ryan,

I spoke with Gary yesterday about him sending you those amps.

He is not looking for you to buy them, unless you think you have to keep them.

He just want's you to review them. I don't blame him. You appear to be a very good reviewer and writer.


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #13 on: 2 Feb 2004, 07:11 pm »
I'd really love to hear them.

I don't have a good enough quality preamp/dac combo to really do them justice.
I was suprised though at how good my eARTwo/Outlaw combo did manage to sound and certainly your amps would be a very diff. sound.

I was looking at that dAck! and also one of your preamps.

You're such a great guy. I didn't want to waste your time/money to ship those to me.
If you were just some faceless company I'd say hell yeah.

I'm very sure they'd be plenty of power for the Alphas to play VERY loud so that's not an issue at all.

I do also think I might not be able to send them back!

I know Teri said I can get them if I want them which is a very dangerous thing for her to say to me! hehe


Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #14 on: 2 Feb 2004, 11:24 pm »
BTW.... Gary, you didn't 'scare me off at all. I just felt like you were offing me too good a deal and felt like I'd be taking advantage of you for you to bother to send me your amps just so I could play with them.

I really think personally I'm going to go with this cheap full digital Rec. instead of a sepp. amps, pre and DAC.
I don't expect to get the best sound in the world, but I think it'll be very good for how cheap it'll be.

I could also probably take them over to Eric K.'s house in town here to test them out.

He's got a $34K CD/SACD player/DAC/pre and Rowland's $16K 302 ICEpower digital amp and one of the few pairs of $10K RM/X's that exist.

For the price your amps should get stomped on, but I bet you wouldn't feel the least bit worried about that actually happening (and I'd bet it wouldn't happen either and would be very interested to hear just what does happen).

I'm gonna go hear his system this weekend probably.
I heard his system ~6months ago, but now I think every single thing about it is changed so 'last time' doesn't count anymore.

I bet it wouldn't take much arm twisting from me to get him to put your amps in the mix and see what we hear.

Maybe I could get him to bring his player/DAC/pre over to my place to hear the Alphas and your monoblocks there too?

That would seem more worth while than what I thought would have happened w/ me just having a nice, but not great budget pre/pro here to feed your amps.

PM me ok?

Thanks Gary! (and Danny too).


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Dodd Audio makes the Dallas morning news.
« Reply #15 on: 3 Feb 2004, 05:58 am »

That would be very cool if you can take the amps over to Eric's place.

I have been talking with Gary about possibly getting his 120 watt monos to run with RM 40's.  I am hesitant b/c I am not sure they will be able to drive the speaker full range like I want.

If the amps sound good on the RM/X's at Eric's that would probably be enough for me to pull the trigger.

Please let me know what happens.
