We are having a blizzard...

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Danny Richie

We are having a blizzard...
« on: 24 Dec 2009, 06:22 pm »
We got a lot of rain last night, and then it froze. Now we have 6 to 8 inches of snow on the ground. Internet access just went down and I am typing this message on my wife's lap top. I guess it is hitting off of something near by. It might be the neighbors. They may not have the high speed cable modem that I have but at least they have service.

So I can't see any new e-mails, can't respond to e-mails, can't ship out anything (dang UPS worldship software) and don't know if I'll see a UPS truck out in this anyway.

So hang in there. I'll get caught up as soon as I can.

And yes, we really are having a snow storm in North central Texas. Yep, really rare... It is all because of global warming.
« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2009, 04:44 pm by Danny »

Wind Chaser

Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #1 on: 24 Dec 2009, 10:51 pm »
2000 miles north, (South Okanagan BC interior, Canada) the sky is clear and the sun is shinning.  No snow anywhere in sight and it is a balmy 24F, about 10  - 20 degrees cooler than what it has been in recent days. :green:


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Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #2 on: 24 Dec 2009, 10:59 pm »
That G'D' global warming again,,, we are surely all doomed. The forecast calls for rain this sunday here in Vermont. Our ski areas will be the 1st to fall under the dreaded global warming and that'll mean no out-of-staters bloating up the highways,,,, Whoopie!

You get the snow, we get the rain,,, works for me Danny.  :thumb:


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Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #3 on: 24 Dec 2009, 11:54 pm »

We are sitting in about 14 inches of snow here. No global warming I see to worry about.  :wink:

One respected climatologist, Tim Ball, from the university of Manitoba - Canada, gives the analogy of man made climate change being a car that is having trouble running properly. Instead of looking at the engine - Sun activity, or the transmission - water vapor induced clouds, the scientists are all focusing on the rear lug nut holding the wheel on. THAT is how BAD man driven CO2 climate change science is.

This is the best video I have seen on the subject.


Hey, did I just hi-jack the thread.  :oops:   

Rocket_Free Thinking - not buying the propaganda_Ronny

Danny Richie

Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #4 on: 25 Dec 2009, 12:23 am »
New update:

I still have no internet access and using the lap top.

We now have 15" to 18" in the flat and level spots of the back yard and drifts up to 3 feet high.

Because the rain froze on the streets before the snow fell, there are cars all over the place on the sides of every road.
« Last Edit: 26 Dec 2009, 04:43 pm by Danny »


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Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #5 on: 25 Dec 2009, 12:36 am »
Danny, that beautiful No-Rez I got from you looks like it could double as insulation in a pinch.  How much do you have on hand?  It's kinda unwieldy to fashion into a jacket, but I'm thinking igloo...

S Clark

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Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #6 on: 25 Dec 2009, 12:43 am »
The city of Abilene is snowed in.  Basically everything into this town goes in and out on I-20, which is shut down.  It's a nice evening to sit by the fire while  listening to Segovia on my Neo 2X's. 
Merry Christmas to all at the Richie household and all of AC.  :xmas:

Danny Richie

Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #7 on: 25 Dec 2009, 12:46 am »
I really need to order some more of the No Rez. I am down to about 40 or 50 sheets.

So long as we have electricity we're fine. We have plenty of wood for the fire place too and we'll keep that going all the time. It alone will heat up most of the house. We will just be stuck here for a while.

Thanks Scott. A merry white Christmas to you too.


Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #8 on: 25 Dec 2009, 01:32 am »
The city of Abilene is snowed in.  Basically everything into this town goes in and out on I-20, which is shut down.  It's a nice evening to sit by the fire while  listening to Segovia on my Neo 2X's. 
Merry Christmas to all at the Richie household and all of AC.  :xmas:

Merry Christmas! I am enjoying Michael W. Smith "Its A Wonderful Christmas" on my OB/7's. :)


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Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #9 on: 25 Dec 2009, 09:03 pm »
Not much worse than snow over ice.  Well, one thing is worse...all those drivers getting their update on a winter driving lesson---drive fast, brake hard, slide slide off the road, blame the brakes.

The atmospheric scientist I listen to, Dr. Cliff Mass at the University of Washington, says:
My bottom line message is that anthropogenic global warming (AGW) IS a major problem, but one that has received considerable hype from both "sides." One side is convinced, for good reason, that AGW is a real problem, but is not afraid to dramatize the threat a bit or to see the "other side" in threatening terms. The other believes the whole business is some kind of false science inspired by some left wing conspiracy. Or they repeat ideas that don't hold water under examination: e.g., that since the earth has had climate cycles before, we can't pin changes on greenhouse gases. Or that since we can't forecast weather well next week, how can we predict climate change fifty years from now? Or that there can't be global warming caused by man because the earth's temperatures haven't changed much during the last 5-10 years.

It has been clear for a long time that no nation is willing to hurt its economic development in the short term for ameliorating a theoretical problem mainly in the future. Kyoto was pretty much of a joke in terms of doing anything serious and the agreement of last week (Copehagen) lacks concrete measures. Even people who are emotionally committed to doing something about AGW are unwilling to change their personal lives in a meaningful way. How many global warming activists are jetting across the world for seemingly endless meetings? I know some with vacation homes--the ultimate waste of resources. If such committed people won't sacrifice and are not a little hypocritical, how can we expect others to?

Lets be honest with ourselves...there is only a few ways left to proceed now:

1. Put large amount of resources into technological improvements in energy efficiency, new energy sources, removal of Co2 from the atmosphere, etc. Make it cost effective and NO SACRIFICE to reduce fossil fuel emission. Green industry can be a boon for everyone. The U.S. is very rich in solar and wind energy...we are just scratching the surface. And we and much of the world waste huge amounts of energy. Obama should make this a priority---a Manhattan Project like effort.

2. Take serious steps on adaption--making the changes necessary to reduce the impacts of global warming and to take advantage of the good things that go with it. And there will be good things. The Canadians and Russians are going see vast areas opening up to agriculture. Washington State wines will get even better (sorry Californians).

Wind Chaser

Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #10 on: 25 Dec 2009, 09:35 pm »
...all those drivers getting their update on a winter driving lesson---drive fast, brake hard, slide slide off the road, blame the brakes.

Ain't that the truth.  The funny thing is up in Canada where snow is an annual event, every year when the first snow fall hits, almost everyone continues to drive as if they had no understanding of what snow and ice is or how it affects traction.


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Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #11 on: 26 Dec 2009, 12:35 am »
Hey Danny,  I know how you feel, we are snowed in at Oklahoma City, 14 inches.  Came up here on Dec 14 for a ultrasound on my daughter, Dec 15 at 3:52pm we had our first grandson.  He is doing well just a little small, they are keeping him in the incubator until he gets to 4 lbs.  See ya later my friend.

Danny Richie

Re: We are having a blizzard...
« Reply #12 on: 26 Dec 2009, 04:41 pm »
Hey KS,

I have been pretty liberal to the topics here in my forum but you used some key words there that could start moderation by the powers that be. I don't even want to see the word Obama in my circle. Feel free to talk about the whether so long as politics stays out of it.

My personal thoughts are that one day we will look back on this Global warming deal as a bigger joke than the Y2K bug.

We just had the most snow in this area since 1987.

Steve, I hope all is well with the little one and that you can get home soon.

I still don't have Internet access and checking in here on the lap top. I can come to AC but can't get or receive e-mails at gr-research.com.