New to room treatments with questions...

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New to room treatments with questions...
« on: 26 Jan 2010, 12:59 am »
Sorry if I'm not going about this the right way. 

I spent a part of this past Saturday with a friend that knows a thing or two more than I do with Room EQ Wizard.  We experimented with room treatment placement and got a few things figured out.  However, I have a 36Hz peak that I get no matter what speakers or sub I play in my room.  I'm wondering if there are any room treatment tricks that can help this?

The peak is about 10db and doesn't affect too much of my music, but I can hear it from time to time and it's not something I'm used to hearing.  I used to run an EQ'd sub for music, but a recent upgrade to a new preamp has caused me to go sans sub for music.  I'd like to stay sans sub if at all possible.

Any suggestions or information needed to help me?


Nyal Mellor

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Re: New to room treatments with questions...
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2010, 03:08 am »
Move the listening position, it must be in a peak due to a room mode at 36Hz


Re: New to room treatments with questions...
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jan 2010, 04:06 am »
Move the listening position, it must be in a peak due to a room mode at 36Hz

I've already moved my listening position as far as I could and optimized speaker placement.  My gear is in my living room, so I'm limited.  I was hoping for some genius for this issue, but I suspected that there is no magical fix.   

Nyal Mellor

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Re: New to room treatments with questions...
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jan 2010, 09:29 pm »
Then the options is limited to parametric EQ or use or custom built helmholtz resonators


Re: New to room treatments with questions...
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jan 2010, 04:51 pm »
I didn't want to start a new thread, but I'm going to be treating my room over the next couple of months and I'm certain I'll have questions or need/want opinions from others that have experience with treating their rooms.

I spent last Saturday with a friend measuring my room and playing with room treatment placement.  We have determined where and how many panels to put into the room to start.  However, one thing I did about 4 months ago was to pull my couch (listening position) off my rear wall about 14" instead of being tight to the wall.  This made a HUGE improvement in my bass response. 

My wife and I are going to have a custom table made for behind the couch.  Since this table will not be accessible but from the top, I was wondering if it would be beneficial to turn the bottom of the table into a large bass trap something like this:

The table will end up being about 14" wide, 32" tall, and 6' long.  I don't know if it would work or not, but the space below the table top will be wasted anyway.


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Re: New to room treatments with questions...
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jan 2010, 05:00 pm »
The table could certainly help some behind the couch.

As for your peak, I assume you've just tried moving front to back. Have you tried side to side to verify that it's not a width mode?  Could also be a combination of a couple lesser tangential and oblique modes that treating some corners might help.



Re: New to room treatments with questions...
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jan 2010, 05:28 pm »
The table could certainly help some behind the couch.

As for your peak, I assume you've just tried moving front to back. Have you tried side to side to verify that it's not a width mode?  Could also be a combination of a couple lesser tangential and oblique modes that treating some corners might help.


My problem is that this is my living room and I'm really limited in any further movement of my gear or listening position.  I've thought about any ways to change the room and I just can't.  All that's left for me is what I could possibly do with treatments.  I have some very cool ideas that I'm going to implement very soon and I'm just trying to make the most of what I can do.

What's funny is that I was thinking about possibly putting up some panels on our cathedral ceiling and I was showing my wife some pics I found here on AC and she says: "I'd let you do something like that".  I said: "REALLY??"  :o  Now once my walls are treated, I may look into the ceiling if it makes sense.

My room is a mess right now as I'm reorganizing my audio rack to accommodate some new amps I'll be receiving next week.  I'll take some pictures of my room and post them up in my gallery.  I think it'll help people see what I'm dealing with in my room.