Woe is Me

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Woe is Me
« on: 2 Jan 2004, 09:37 pm »
Well, I finally got around to upgrading the diodes in my QDS-15 cdp. The difference was not subtle-it was Enormous! The left channel is dead! After taking it over to my friend's place this morn. ,(he has scopes and other test equip. which I do not have and he knows how to use them), we discovered that the left output of the dac chip has failed-basically shorted to ground. I have ordered 3 new chips, (just in case), but the problem is how to/where to get the new chip installed. It is a Burr Brown 1728 ssop, and it is very tiny. No soldering iron here! Up here ,(near Toronto Can.), I don't know of any shops with the equip. to do the job. My friend works for a computer service company,(actually he's the V.P), and says that they do work with sop chips and maybe they will be able to do the work for me. I was extremely carefull when swapping out the diodes, and according to our testing this was not the cause of the chip failure. I am quite confused, not to mention even more upset about the whole situation :cry:  Anyway I'll stop my blubbering now.


Woe is Me
« Reply #1 on: 2 Jan 2004, 09:51 pm »

Very sorry to hear that, I have had similar things happen and I can feel your pain. :(

Did you have a grounded wrist strap on while working on the board? Perhaps the chip received some static. No idea, but it's what came to mind while reading your post.

Hopefully you can get it repaired. Isn't the QDS-15 the same as the Norh CD1-?

mike g


Woe is Me
« Reply #2 on: 2 Jan 2004, 11:03 pm »
Yes the QDS-15 and CD-1 are one and the same. No I didn't have a wrist strap :nono: I've always pretty much shrugged off the wrist strap thing, but I have come to pretty much the same conclusion. I did make sure that I grounded myself out to the case b4 I touched/removed the board. I was working on a wooden table ,(the kitchen table-my wife is pretty much used to my audio problem, as she puts it), but I do have another lesson under my belt. I think a shot or 3 of some nice single malt is in order tonight.


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Woe is Me
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jan 2004, 07:14 am »
Sorry to hear this Mark.  This was one of the reason I did not publicly tell people to update the diodes in their CD1.  However, once the diodes is updated, the CD1 is in another league all together.  This was the reason I have no desired to change out the CD1 for any thing else yet.  A friend of mine aquired a Sony SACD 777ES a few months ago, and my mod CD1 basically beat this unit accross the board.


Woe is Me
« Reply #4 on: 3 Jan 2004, 02:21 pm »
Well, that's reassuring and gives me all the more determination to get this problem resolved. Thanks. :)