Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?

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Bob in St. Louis

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Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« on: 9 Apr 2009, 09:19 pm »
Hey guys,

A few hours ago I was told that tomorrow is my last day on the job. LAID OFF due to lack of work.  :|

I'm new at this "social networking" thing, but it seems I'm in need of a little of that right now.
Most of you know I'm a service consultant* in the service department of a Saab dealership. Knowing that, I'd kindly ask you fellas to keep your eyes and ears open for available job openings that are appropriate for my job skills.
Since Monday (the 13th) will be the first day of my new (unplanned, unforeseen, unexpected, unpaid) vacation, I'm not sure how desperate I should be. However, with the economy, not to mention the auto industry, in it's current state I'm being a little more proactive than I normally would.
Without listing my entire resume here, I've got 20 years in the auto repair business. More than half of which is 'pushing pencils', not 'turning wrenches'.

So...If you'd be so kind as to let me know if you hear of an opening, or send them my way, I'd be grateful.


* "Service Consultant" has several fancy names. What it boils down to is that I'm the guy you first see when you bring your vehicle in for service. I'm also the guy that notifies you of the estimate to repair. Put another way, I'm the only guy in the service department that doesn't get dirty.


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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Apr 2009, 09:25 pm »
DAMN, Bro!  Sorry to hear that!  Let me know what I can do to help.

It's happened to me before, when a strong, going company (we all thought) closed its doors without warning, mainly because the founder's son was pissing it away on casinos and drugs.

My wife often tells me when one door closes another opens.  I didn't use to believe it but lately I have seen some laid-off folks land on their feet and be happier.

I'll cover your bar tab when we eventually get to meet each other!

The Other Bob


Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #2 on: 9 Apr 2009, 09:34 pm »
If it's any consolation I've heard that more people are getting their cars repaired rather than buying new cars right now . Maybe you can catch on with an independent auto repair shop .

steve k

Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #3 on: 9 Apr 2009, 09:52 pm »
Sorry to hear that Bob. I've been out since Dec. 2 and its no fun living in the "New Economy". I've managed to pick up some freelance work but its been slow to come by. I have a friend who owns a service station. I'll ask him if he needs help. I know his business has picked up with the recession.
steve k


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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #4 on: 10 Apr 2009, 12:31 am »
PM sent with a possible lead.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #5 on: 10 Apr 2009, 11:16 am »
You fellas have kept my PM inbox 'humming'. Thank you very much for that. It's good to know there's something out there.

Soundbitten - Yes, I've heard that many times. Folks are keeping their cars longer, hence, repairing them as opposed to buying new. Not sure where they're going, but it's not to me.  :lol:
One of the technicians got the axe yesterday too. Which means there's now only two technicians repairing all of the Saab's in the eastern half of Missouri. Kinda hard to believe. I realize it's not the most popular brand, but jeez...you'd think there would be enough to keep more than two guys busy. The Saab techs will now utilize the Volvo service advisers. Likewise when a Saab customer comes in they'll be talking to a Volvo guy, which isn't going to make anybody happy, not the least of which...the all important customer.  :? People become very familiar and comfortable with the all important "face man". When that face changes, trust is lost. Not to mention that when that 'face' doesn't know the product well enough to answer questions, well, that's even worse.
But I understand and have no hard feelings.

My options are still wide open guys, so if you hear of anything... :notworthy:



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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #6 on: 10 Apr 2009, 12:34 pm »
Sorry to hear that Bob. 

While it's not the highest paying job in the world, I suspect that a lot of the quick-lube type places probably have a reasonable turnover.  Might be something to tide you over until something better comes along.  I'll keep my ears open for anything that comes up.



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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #7 on: 10 Apr 2009, 01:40 pm »
Sorry to hear that Bob,

Two weeks ago, I was in a Mercedes dealer here in Northern Virginia to get my mom's lease renewed.  While I was there (4 hour) at least 7 cars were sold/leased.  They told me that their business has actually increased over the last months.  I don't know if it's the area (we are not as bad here with all the Fed Gov jobs) or the brand but you may want to look for Mercedes, BMW or Lexus service centers for your next job.  I think more people in this area are turning to those brands that are known to be "dependable."  I don't know personally about Lexus but both Mercedes and BMW service centers that I use were busy whenever I was there (for scheduled services).  They also have great service where you feel like a VIP.  You are in a posh reception area with fresh gourmet coffee (self service)  and a valet comes to give you the key to your car.  Nice.  My Pontiac/GMC dealer service center, OTOH, provides good enough service but does not pamper you.  This is more like standing in a grocery line to pay, roll your cart out and load the bags in the trunk yourself.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #8 on: 10 Apr 2009, 01:49 pm »
Yes that's true Bryan. However, it'll be an act of desperation if I go to one of those. I've known too many people that have worked in that corner of the industry, and heard too many times about the sales tactics. Not my style. The reason for the turnover rate is either they've gotten fired because they haven't met their monthly quota of air filter and PCV sales too many times, or they've quit voluntarily due to finding their conscience. Many years ago I managed a store (national chain of exhaust/undercar stores) and was fired because my ratio of brake jobs sold that included replacing calipers, brake rotors, and brake hoses wasn't high enough. Too many of my tickets contained only the loss leader items, and didn't include enough of the high profit margin items.  :nono:
Screw that. I haven't seen enough money to buy my integrity.
Although I'm not saying there aren't the exceptions to norm though.

Thank you for the kind words Bryan. I appreciate you keeping your ears open for me.  :thumb:


p.s. Hey Woosyi. Interesting the Fed employees are buying luxury foriegn cars.
Yesterday I sat in my vehicle for lunch at the local burger joint. I was watching an excavator tear down the burger place next to it. I parked where I could watch 'the show' and happened to look over at the Jaguar dealer. The parking lot where the new cars are parked was darn near empty. Where there's generally not enough room to squeeze between the shiney new Jags, was now enough room to make a u-turn with a tractor trailer. That's the first sign a dealer will be closing soon. {Bryan, check out the west side of the Moore Jaguar dealer on Manchester Road next time you drive by. Take a spin through the new car parking lot. It's scary.}


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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #9 on: 10 Apr 2009, 01:52 pm »
Understand Bob.  It was just a thought for some temporary dough - not a long term solution.  I PM'd you a couple of things I found.



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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #10 on: 10 Apr 2009, 02:02 pm »
While you don't actually say as much, I take it you are open to relocation. Is that true? Does your wife still have a job to protect?

Grand Junction, Colorado is one of the places that has experienced the least impact from this downturn. I can't say it hasn't impacted our area but the only businesses that have gone under here are chains like Circuit City that collapsed as a whole.

We don't have much in the way of Euro car dealers but Ed Bozarth is a huge GM location and a new Hyundai dealer just opened here within the last 6 months. You might try contacting them. Just ler me know if you need me to get out my yellow pages.

And keep your chin up. At least you're still young. This kind of thing has happened to way too many 56 year old workers.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #11 on: 10 Apr 2009, 02:27 pm »
Hey Bryan, Good links you found there. Thanks for that. There's one that sounds great. I checked their website was impressed to see this comment:
"Digital Photos of all Needed Repairs to ensure Total Integrity".
YEA!!  aa

macrojack - I've been trying to get the wife to pack her bags and head west for several years. I'd do it in a heartbeat.
I could change my moniker to "Bob in CO" quicker than you could blink.  :lol:
But to no avail. She's "dug in" and doesn't want to move from her family.  :duh:



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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #12 on: 10 Apr 2009, 04:34 pm »
Bob - What would happen if ypou landed an attractive position somewhere? Do you think she might see the need to relocate if that's where the money is? Could be an opportunity in multiple ways.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #13 on: 10 Apr 2009, 04:59 pm »
True, but I'm pretty well at the top of my pay scale for this industry. And, a more attractive position really doesn't exist. I wouldn't dream of managing the service department of a dealership. I've always made more money, worked less hours, and dealt with less B.S. than my bosses. Plus, generally when things go south, you don't fire the team, you fire the coach. I've outlived many of my bosses. The last dealer I worked at had five service managers and four general manager come and go while I was there. Granted, there might be more money in a different locale, but for it to be attractive enough to move (read: much higher pay), probably means the cost of living in that area is higher. Maybe I'm wrong??
Of course I'd like to make more, wouldn't we all, but I'm pretty happy with where I'm at in life (well, with the exception of not having a job at the present time, but you know what I mean) and doing something with my life that is a large step up would mean starting over in a new industry. Something I'm not discounting mind you, but I have no idea what I'd do.



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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #14 on: 10 Apr 2009, 05:22 pm »
Don't forget you are a skilled and proven online forum moderator.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #15 on: 10 Apr 2009, 05:25 pm »
You're a funny guy.  :wink:


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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #16 on: 10 Apr 2009, 05:36 pm »

I am very sorry to hear this news. I will keep my eyes and ears open as well.


Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #17 on: 10 Apr 2009, 06:25 pm »
Thank you very much Rick. How's your situation?

An interesting, and very suprising thing happened a few minutes ago. Something that really caught me off guard and almost forced out a tear.
The four Volvo service advisors said they'd all be willing to give up one days worth of pay to keep me on board.  :o
It would need the company's owner and department managers approval of course, but WOW.
Personally, I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. Of course he'd be saving the payroll, but he'd still be paying my entire family's health insurance, paying into my retirement plan, and all those other little things.

Wow. Just...wow.


Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #18 on: 10 Apr 2009, 06:46 pm »
WOW is right  :o

Whether or not the boss accepts.....it's just a brilliantly human touch from those 4 Volvo guys.

Hope it works out however it transpires, Bob - I'm/we're pulling for you :thumb:

btw, my SAAB-only shop in NORCal hasn't been this busy in years he told me the other day.  So, SAAB's are being repaired....just not at typically higher dealer repair rates (I think dealers around here are $150.00 an hour vs. Indies $115 or so now).


Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you keep your ears and eyes open for me?
« Reply #19 on: 10 Apr 2009, 06:58 pm »
Yea, we're $115/hour here. That's actually a little low for the area. I've heard of dealers in STL being close to $130.

Thanks for the kind words John. {I still have that display unit for you}.
