Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?

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Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« on: 29 Nov 2003, 05:13 am »
The old saying goes- "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" :nono:

I'm getting the itch to look into buying the RMXs again, but don't want to ruin a good thing. My RM40s are sounding sensational with deep and articulate bass.  They are also integrating very well in my room with the 7'4" ceiling.  

Does anyone think the RM/Xs can screw things up with the bottom mounted, side firing woofers and top mounted FST?  I would really regret purchasing the RM/Xs if they created some nasty room modes or integration problems.  I'm thinking if I'm getting good bass now with the 40s, it can only get better with the RM/X.  The RM/Xs are just too incredible of a design to pass up.

All opinions are welcome. :idea:



Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #1 on: 29 Nov 2003, 06:48 am »
Well if you own the RM 40's you're well aware of how tunable the speakers are.   If your speakers have to be very close to walls then maybe.  Also a couple of tube traps can save the day.  I have a feeling Brian is going to have to raise his price on those too if they keep selling.


Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #2 on: 29 Nov 2003, 02:58 pm »
They shouldn't create any bass problems, in fact they should diminish them as a goal of the design rationale, including less floor and ceiling reflections due to the taller line source. I would worry more on the tweeter being close to the ceiling.


Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #3 on: 29 Nov 2003, 04:29 pm »
I went through the same decision process earlier in year.  While I was happy with the 40's, they lacked the last word in bass extension and I wasn't too excited about performing the tweeter upgrade myself.  I'm not a DIY-type of guy  :oops:

Once I learned the RM/X were in production this summer I decided to go for it. Order was placed third week of July.  The retail price on the RM/x will likely climb if they are produced in significant volume, but based on the time it takes Dorne to build the cabinets these look like a very low volume speaker.  VMPS dealer price has already increased at least once.

Brian still has not taken delivery of my cabinets four months later, although apparently that is now imminent... last I heard they had six of the ten final paint/laquer/etc coatings done with four to go.  Brian and John have seen them in person thankfully so I know they exist.  My 40's have now sold and are shipping out next week, so my patience with Dorne is wearing out fast :x

In other words, don't sell your 40's before Brian has your RM/X cabinets in hand, else you may be without speakers for months :!:

My ceiling is 10' although there is a cove about 1' lower.  I doubt the top mounted FST will cause problems with your low ceiling because of its adjustable arc.  It will be aimed down to some degree more than likely.  You can always suspend a fiberglass ceiling cloud or hang foam above the speaker to block any HF reflections.

Ordered mine with the silver wiring on bass, TRT, and walnut (apparently done with inlays, not veneer).  Also getting an extra pair of binding posts that bypass the high pass filter for the woofer system in case I go with an active crossover.


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Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #4 on: 29 Nov 2003, 11:43 pm »
Thanks for all the input.  I think I am going for it!  I'm sacrificing some equipment to get there though. :cry:

Eric are there any other options you considered or were offered when ordering the RM/Xs? If all goes well and I order tham, I thinking of sending Brian a set of WBT Topline binding posts to use.  What about using the Analysis Plus silver wire for the Neo Panels as well? Don't know if it is cost effective or even possible given the size of the wire?  Just throwing out some thoughts.  You can only order ONCE, and I want this to be the LAST pair of speakers I buy for a long, long time so I'm willing to push the envelope if necessary.


Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #5 on: 30 Nov 2003, 12:28 am »
I'm with you Horsehead, unless I have the space and money for the Wisdom Adrenaline Rush the RM-X will be it for a long time.  Unless, of course, the SuperTower IV materializes  :lol:

Only upgrades I'm aware of are the bass system wiring, crossover capacitors, and cabinet finish.  And the latter may no longer be an option after the trouble Dorne has had with mine.

I think the standard wire used for the FST & neo panels is a ~ 18g teflon-insulated copper wire with silver skin which B has found to work well.  I'm sure he'll be happy to use whatever wire or binding posts you send to him.  The standard bass wiring is monster or something like that so probably worthwhile to get the upgrade.

Referring to something Jim brought up, it may be possible to "upgrade" the 10" mid-woofer to a megawoofer with the larger motor structure.  Not sure if this is something he would do for extra $, maybe it won't work optimally in the system.  Since the mid-woofer is near the floor in the RM/x, it probably won't have the same mid-bass issues the RM-40 has.  Only way I get great mid-bass with my RM-40's is to use John Casler's tweak (or is it supertweak?  :lol:  ultratweak?  :lol: ) -- a 2' x 4' x 1" MDF board sitting atop the speaker to reflect/augment the sound of the top mounted mid-woofer.

For my pair, I also am asking for an extra set of binding posts which bypass the high pass filter on the bass section.  I probably will passively biamp the system, but I want the flexibility to use a line level crossover in the future.

Speaking of biamping, I found the ultimate single chassis amp -- Jeff Rowland 302/4.  Two channel input, four channel output, each channel 300/500 watts into 8/4 ohms and designed specifically for passive biamping or separately powering a speaker & sub on eacn side.  Sonics supposedly surpass anything JRDG has ever made, and they have made some damn good amps.  Gorgeous metalwork, 90% efficient, no heat -- it uses the ICEpower modules also featured in the well regarded Acoustic Reality amps.  Too bad it costs more than the RM/X  :o


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Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #6 on: 30 Nov 2003, 12:31 am »
Glad to see you are going for it Horsehead...

Man, somebody is going to get a nice speaker/amp combo...



  • Jr. Member
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Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #7 on: 30 Nov 2003, 02:06 am »
Eric- Regarding the 10" woofer upgrade to a megawoofer....Jim's idea sounds good, but after looking at the FF1/FF3 SE, Brian runs the midrange panel down to 124hz, and uses the Megawoofer from there.  In the RM40 and RM/Xs the neo panels are going down to 166hz so maybe Brian doesn't want the MW extending up that high. Also in one of his prior posts a long time ago Brian stated two MW in the RM40 would create an uncontrollable bass boom.  

I use two of John's superduperincrediblemagnificent tweak's!  :lol:

IF the Solar Fusion amps work out, here is a possible plan for the RM/Xs-
A pair of Solar Fusion H1 monoblocks for the bass, and a stereo Fusion H2 with the tube input stage for the mids and highs.  You may want to try the Solars first with their 30 day guarantee- nothing to lose and a big savings if they work.  Rowland is sweet, but not at $16k :o



Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #8 on: 30 Nov 2003, 02:12 am »
Quote from: ekovalsky
Gorgeous metalwork, 90% efficient, no heat -- it uses the ICEpower modules also featured in the well regarded Acoustic Reality amps....

For the record, some ICEpower modules can get VERY hot....after they catch fire  :lol:   Wish I were joking......


Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #9 on: 30 Nov 2003, 02:14 am »
Only if shorted, and the amps were designed without a fuse or circuit breaker...

uh, Peter  :lol:

Sedona Sky Sound

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Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #10 on: 30 Nov 2003, 05:12 am »
Hello Frank,
Your 7'4" ceiling should not be an issue. I am guessing that the down-firing tweeter should actually work better than the center mount tweeter in the RM40 for rooms with a low ceiling. As for the bass, if you put them in the same position as your RM40s, I can practically guarantee that it is going to suck. However, with VERY careful placement, I am equally certain that it can be made to work exceptionally in almost any medium to large size room (i.e., a room over about 250 square feet).

As part of your agreement with Rup, make sure that he agrees to come set them up for you (which I am guessing will probably take him several hours). Set-up of the RM/X is really a two person job. I generally tell potential customers that set-up will take me approximately 6 hours and that they will need to be with me a minimum of half that time (but being with me the whole time would be even better).

Best of luck.        



Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #11 on: 30 Nov 2003, 06:26 am »
I'm sure if the additional megawoofer would improve sound it would at least be optional, if not standard.   That B has not made it a formal option makes me think you are correct.

Too bad John's tweaks don't look as good as they sound.  

To me  :lol:

To decorator  :nono:

To wife :bawl:

Quote from: Horsehead
Eric- Regarding the 10" woofer upgrade to a megawoofer....Jim's idea sounds good, but after looking at the FF1/FF3 SE, Brian runs the midrange panel down to 124hz, and uses the Megawoofer from there.  In the RM40 and RM/Xs the neo panels are going down to 166hz so maybe Brian doesn't want the MW extending up that high. Also in one of his prior posts a long time ago Brian stated two MW in the RM40 would create an uncontrollable bass boom.  

I use two of John's superduperincrediblemagnificent tweak's!  :lo ...

John Casler

Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #12 on: 3 Dec 2003, 02:52 am »
Too bad John's tweaks don't look as good as they sound.

I just find the tweaks.  I leave it up to you to get them by the design commitee :lol:  :lol:


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Asking for trouble with the RM/Xs?
« Reply #13 on: 3 Dec 2003, 08:52 pm »

I know you were looking into some cabling options.  A majority of cabling manufacturers I've asked have agreed that maintaining the same cable from amp to voicecoil would have a more dramatic improvement versus switching cable designs along the way (i.e. at the binding posts).

The Gallo Ultimates I previously owned were designed with no crossover and were directly wired to the voicecoils.  I ended up wiring the tweeter with Mapleshade, and the Dynaudio drivers with Zu Wax.  I know when I removed the stock wiring to the binding posts and directly wired to the voicecoils, it was easier to listen to cabling differences.

As you mentioned biwiring, I'd suggest experimenting with cables now on your TRT'd 40's and finding which matches best for the mid/highs and bass.  I'm fairly sure Brian wouldn't mind wiring the RM/X with whichever cables you'd prefer - as long as they're not stiff and unworkable.  Or, ff you're planning on the Analysis upgrade, you may want to listen to them in your current setup to decide if they fit your listening preferences.
