Seattle/Redmond area SongTower audition?

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Seattle/Redmond area SongTower audition?
« on: 24 Dec 2008, 08:53 pm »
If anyone in the Redmond-Bellevue or Seattle area would be willing to audition the SongTowers, I would really appreciate it.  I think I've pretty much settled on these speakers, but I would like to hear them first, if possible.


Re: Seattle/Redmond area SongTower audition?
« Reply #1 on: 25 Dec 2008, 05:11 pm »
DarienJax -

If anyone in the Redmond-Bellevue or Seattle area would be willing to audition the SongTowers, I would really appreciate it.  I think I've pretty much settled on these speakers, but I would like to hear them first, if possible.

I believe audiocircle member ArthurDent is in your area and has had people over to hear his SongTowers.  PM him and I'm sure he can help you out.

- Jim


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Re: Seattle/Redmond area SongTower audition?
« Reply #2 on: 25 Dec 2008, 08:00 pm »
With the amount of snow we've been getting I hope you can get there  :| :cry:


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Re: Seattle/Redmond area SongTower audition?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Dec 2008, 04:12 pm »
With the amount of snow we've been getting I hope you can get there  :| :cry:

Got that right GloP.   :thumb:

Hi DarienJax -

I'm out in the Covington area, and 'Yes', if you can wait a bit, we can put something together. While things are improving with temps finally above freezing, areas off the beaten path are still pretty messy with lots of heavy slush. Including in front of my drive where the infrequent street plows (twice in 3 weeks, but better than many areas) have piled things up.

Also being the end of the year it's time to close out the business books. So it's going to be a little bit before I can have things together on my end. I'll tag the thread, and keep you posted on things here if interested. Best guess at this point is mid to late Jan. Hopefully that's workable from your end.

I've heard from another member in the area with the Song Tower RTs, if you are interested we may be able to set up something for all of us listening-wise. I'm looking forward to hearing the ribbons myself. Feel free to PM me if you have any general questions, I'll try to answer though I'm more of an enthusiast than an audiophile/phool.  :lol: Thanks to the many knowing and sharing folks here on the Circle, I do know a bit more than I did 3 years ago, but still not much more than a novice.

To All - Have a Safe & Happy New Years !!


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Re: Seattle/Redmond area SongTower audition?
« Reply #4 on: 28 Dec 2008, 04:53 am »
Jim -- thanks for the hint; looks like he is the one to talk to  :D

GloP -- no kidding; I've had a hard enough time getting out of the driveway of the development I live in that I wasn't planning on doing anything this weekend, anyway.

ArthurDent -- Thanks; I wasn't thinking this weekend, anyway.  I'd love to hear the SongTower RT (and regular ones -- I'm not sure I can manage that upgrade).  I'll PM you with some details, but mid-January should work fine (while I'm eager to hear them, I don't think I'd have much of a chance before mid-Jan, either).

I will let you know if I have any questions; I'm a novice enthusiast to all this stuff, too, so I'm still trying to figure out the right questions to ask   :lol: