VMPS first experience

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VMPS first experience
« on: 9 Nov 2003, 11:48 pm »
Tell me of your first hearing of the VMPS line.  How many bought theirs without even hearing them first?  How many heard them the first time and thought they were only marginally better than their existing speakers? How many heard them the first time and were completely blown away?  And please state what speakers you were comparing them against, on first audition.


VMPS first experience
« Reply #1 on: 10 Nov 2003, 12:09 am »
I'm not really in the market for new speakers, as I am quite happy with my MM De Capo I's, but I've had the privelage to hear two different types of VMPS speakers- the 626RE monitor and the big RM 40's.  In a nutshell, both are excellent speakers overall and nearly unbeatable in value per dollar IMO.  It's amazing that the RM 40's list for $5K, given how complete they sound- these are really in league with the big boys (Wilson, Magnepan, Dynaudio, etc.)IMO.  The 626 is an exceptional monitor with great highs and a more laidback, but still good midrange than the REference 3A's that I own.  Of course, midrange is one of the biggest strengths of the MM De Capo I, so keep that in mind.  The 626r's go deeper than my monitor and have that gorgeous ribbon tweeter sound that can take a great recording to higher levels.  Ultimately, all decisions are based on your own listening preferences, but I'd be very surprised if someone said they thought the sound coming out of either of these VMPS speakers sucked.

big gun junge

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VMPS first experience
« Reply #2 on: 10 Nov 2003, 12:57 am »
I had been interested in VMPS from the harmonic discord days. And even though the are considered inexpensive, I never thought about purchasing any until I finally decided to upgrade my office system. I had a set of Klipsch RF7s with RF3II surrounds and was quite pleased with the sound.

I purchased a 2 pairs of 626R monitors from audiogon. I was very excited when I got them and immediately hooked them up. I was tremendously disappointed, when I first heard them. I looked at the pots and they were set correctly, but there were no highs and very little lows. Frankly, they sucked, I thought you all were crazy, and immediately disconnected them. A couple of days later, I decided to give them another try, still bad. Got on the web and looked for information to help me tune them. I looked at the pots again and turned the mids all the way up and down and then set it where recommended. I did the same with the treble, but wait even though it 'looked' like it was set right, it was actually set completely down. I reset the treble pot and 'ureka!', great sound.

Got the second set and set them up in a 4 way system. The sound was incredible, much richer mids, very precise highs, and very quick bass. I was very impressed, especially with the imaging and precision. The only problem is that the don't go low enough. I then ordered the new RM1 with 10" Megawoofer. Haven't arrived yet, but when it does, they will replace the mains which I will send to me conference room to hook up to the plasma.

Although I don't believe I am an 'audiophile', I think that they are a tremendous purchase and would highly recommend 626Rs as long as you use something to handle the last couple of octaves.

Sedona Sky Sound

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VMPS first experience
« Reply #3 on: 10 Nov 2003, 04:03 am »
I first heard about VMPS late in 2001 when I was searching for a speaker to replace my Snell Bs. I was primarily looking at speakers in the $7000-$10,000 range including Dunlavy IVs and Vs, used VonSchweikert VR6s, Wilson Watt/Puppy, etc. To narrow the search (as well as take a break from building our house), my girlfriend and I ended up flying to Las Vegas for CES so that we could hear all the speakers in one location.

It was a very productive trip. We spent three 12+ hour days listen to 75+ different speaker ranging in price from $1000 to $100,000 (we were actually there for 4 days but we had to take off one day to get married   :inlove: ). The RM40s were about the 10th speaker we heard on day 1 (after listening to the Dunlavey and VonSchweikert). When we heard it, we both looked at each other and went "WOW!!". There was no comparing it to any other speaker at CES regardless of price. The RM40s had a very unique sound that was far different from anything else we heard. The only system that we thought was better was the Wilson MAXX/Halcro DM58 demo over at THE SHOW (approximately 10 times the cost).

At CES 2003, I discussed with Brian the possibility of opening a store in Texas to sell his speakers. The rest is history.  



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VMPS first experience
« Reply #4 on: 10 Nov 2003, 10:50 am »
I just heard the VMPS. Apparently at the only dealer east of the mississippi, but only about a 10 minute drive away. I couldn't pass on that opportunity even if I'm not in the market for speakers or is it that I'm always in the market for speakers. In any case, they were quite impressive. I wasn't blown away, but I have little to criticize. About the only thing that I had a problem with is their aesthetic design. They're physically large, imposing boxes with a somewhat outdated visual appeal. Fit and finish could be a lot better and the word is that VMPS just got a new cabinet maker. Honestly, they look a little home brew now.

But, they sound... just great. I don't know the model numbers. They were the 2nd and 3rd from the top of the line, one had the upgraded hi-frequency driver.

Kim S.

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VMPS first experience
« Reply #5 on: 10 Nov 2003, 01:29 pm »
I first heard of VMPS when one of their models, the RM-2, was reviewed in the late great Listener magizine.  The reviewer was very positive about the speakers sound.  He did make a big deal about the effort needed to adjust the woofer damping.  This at first turned me off. Then I realized that I really enjoy fooling around with my system so the ability to custom tune them was actually a plus.  I checked out the VMPS web site and through that the great reviews on Harmonic Discord.
I called VMPS I was surprised to be speaking to Brian himself.  The obvious smallness of the operation and Brian's iconoclastic nature appealled to me.  After much delibration, I had never made a purchase from a web based business before, my spouse and I agreed to make a leap of faith and ordered the RM-2s.

We have never regretted that decision.  The superlatives written by others about these speakers are true and then some.  Dealing with Brian has always been a pleasure.  I only wonder now how the RM40's or RMx's must sound!  The chances of being somewhere were I can actually hear them are slight.  I guess I'll have to wait for the fabled lottery win to find out.  No hurry, I'm extremely satisfied with the RMs'.

C Johnson

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VMPS first experience
« Reply #6 on: 11 Nov 2003, 09:56 pm »
I bought my RM 40's w/std. caps and FST plus one 626 ribbon center channel last April without hearing them, based on the feedback I read on the AVS forum.  I have been extremely pleased with this decision.  In fact,  this purchase has given me more pleasure than I could have ever imagined.  Prior to the upgrade I had a Paradigm monitor system that was excellent for HT, but lacking for 2 channel music.  I auditioned B&W 801's and ML Odysseys and knew I could have been happy with either.  But, I owe much thanks to John Cassler who answered one of my posts and convinced me to try the RM 40's after a few phone discussions.  I've gone back and listened to both the B&W and ML's but love the RM 40's much more.  The sound stage on live recordings is just like being there!  The detail is amazing.   I'm still using my paradigm sub and rear surrounds which work well, but my next upgrade will be a WMPS large sub and possibly upgraded caps based on feedback I've been reading in this forum.  I use a Carver 5 channel power amp with 125 w/channel off my Marantz receiver to bi-amp the 40's plus one channel for the 626 center.    I'm now a VMPS junkie, spending 90% of my time listening to 2 channel stereo.


VMPS first experience
« Reply #7 on: 12 Nov 2003, 03:24 am »
First heard the SuperTower II/R at Dynamic Sound Audio in 1986 !!!  I wanted them so badly but was heading off to college and convinced myself they were a bad idea because of the paper thin dorm walls.  Plus I had no money then  :x

16 years later, I heard the RM-40's and SuperTower III SRE at Dynamic Sound Audio.  I already had a pair of RM-40's on order but, since I found myself back in DC, decided to go for a listen.

Hopefully this year I'll hear the RM/x.  Alas, only Big B & Dorne know when that will happen  :|


VMPS first experience
« Reply #8 on: 12 Nov 2003, 04:21 pm »
I first heard VMPS back in 1988. Anthony Cordesman had listed the Tower II/R and the Super Tower/R, in an article in Audio magazine, as 2 of the 10 best speakers of all time. The only other reasonably priced speaker in that group was the Vandersteen II. I drove from Montreal to Boston to hear them. I was blown away. They were even better when I got home. They replaced a pair of KEF C80s which were pure crap. I've been a VMPS owner ever since.


VMPS first experience
« Reply #9 on: 12 Nov 2003, 06:52 pm »
To make a long story short, I replaced an aging and balky CD player with the Tjoeb 4000 and was so impressed with the difference that I decided that I really had to replace the old Cerwin-Vegas.  Lots of internet research led me to VMPS and the RM-2.  I got in touch with Julian at Sedona Sky Sound and he twisted my arm (just kidding) into getting the RM40s.  Sent him a check yesterday.

I have never heard any of VMPS's products, but I feel like I've listened to them after reading all the reviews.  Time will tell.


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Hearing VMPS speakers
« Reply #10 on: 12 Nov 2003, 10:17 pm »
I got interested in the VMPS RM40 through AC and Harmonic Discord, and when I was bitten by the audio upgrade bug, I decided to listen to them and the Von Schweikert VR-4s at Dynamic Sound Audio in D.C. The rest as they say is history, see my comparison of the two speakers in the Critic's Circle. Now, I'm just impatiently waiting for my RM40s to arrive, expected at the end of the month.


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VMPS first experience
« Reply #11 on: 16 Nov 2003, 03:31 am »
My first exposure came, like a lot of other purchases, when Wayne called me up and told me I "had to hear them".  Usually that sentence signals that money will be leaving my bank account shortly, and this was no exception.  I had an active 3 way speaker setup at the time, and figured I was done upgrading for a good long time.  So, with some skepticism I sat in the sweet spot between a pair of 626R's and Wayne qued up the first track of the CD I had brought.  It took about 15 seconds to know that I would be selling my old speakers.  Then it took about another week of soul searching and pleading (with my wife) to order the RM40's.  Never heard them before ordering, but I figured if 2 neo panels were good (1 in each 626R), then 8 had to be better.  I was not wrong :-)  I've actually stopped going to hi-fi stores or paying much attention to the "flavor of the month" speakers on the audio boards, there's just no point, as the 40's are so good that I literally could not afford a better speaker (which I have yet to hear, anyway).


VMPS first experience
« Reply #12 on: 16 Nov 2003, 02:35 pm »