Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...

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What can I say other than :thumb: ?

Yes, it does start out slow. And slow is an understatement. But it's still damn good. And Jennifer Garner in black leather :o :thumb: :dance:

It feels a bit like Batman with a bit of Spidey thrown in.

And don't get up and leave when the credits start rolling. You'll be missing something...

Oh, and the new trailer for X-Men 2 will be playing with Daredevil. May is gonna kick ass! :mrgreen:


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #1 on: 13 Feb 2003, 02:28 pm »
Hey Brian,
How is Affleck in his role?  Are you a Marvel fan of the comics?  If so does he pull of the persona of Matt?
Glad that you liked it.  Any Marvel is going to be into my library, though I am still holding out for a superbit of spiderman.


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #2 on: 13 Feb 2003, 07:55 pm »
Yeah, I''ve read lots of Marvel stuff. But not too much DD though. So I was only slightly familiar with DD.

I had no problem with Affleck. But I rarely have problems with Affleck, at the moment all I can think about is how bad Sum Of All Fears was. But I just got up so I'm not thinking very well yet. :lol:

And when you go see DD, makes sure you see it in the best sounding theater you can. Sound is VERY important in this movie.


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #3 on: 13 Feb 2003, 08:45 pm »
Yeah, up until Sum of all fears, I enjoyed his work.  Pearl Harbor was even ok.


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #4 on: 24 Feb 2003, 06:34 am »
I have to say Jennifer Garner stole the show... :mrgreen:

And don't get up and leave when the credits start rolling. You'll be missing something...

Oh.... :oops:


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Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #5 on: 24 Feb 2003, 06:54 am »
It's too bad Affleck went to the Keanu Reeves school of acting.  Only thing I've ever liked him in was changing lanes.

Rob Babcock

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Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #6 on: 24 Feb 2003, 07:51 pm »
I may go see DD this afternoon.  I'm a little dissappointed by the look of the DD costume, as it doesn't really resemble the "real" Daredevil very much.  Neither does Bullseye, for that matter.  I'll let Electra slide, though, since Garner is so hot!

Anyway, any concerns about authenticity to the book is thrown out by casting a black Kingpin; I really like the actor, but what gives?  Is Marvel just making a grab for the cash, trying to ride the wave of Spidey's success by knocking out a comic book quickie?  What would people say if Blade or Black Panther were played by a white actor, or an Asian?

Still, I'll see the movie.  I've got crates of comics, all poly bagged and backed by acid free backing boards.  I'm especially a Marvel fan, always have been.  I actually like the DD character more than Spidey, so I have high hopes for the movie.  Affleck wouldn't have been in my top 100 choices to play Murdock, but I'll reserve judgement till I see his work.

The clips I've seen of the Incredible Hulk are just simply horrible.  The effects are Playstation-level, and the CG is frighteningly bad.  I'm not holding my breath for anything but a complete stinker.

My ultimate Marvel comics dream:  a Silver Surfer movie.  Silverado rules!


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Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #7 on: 24 Feb 2003, 08:19 pm »
I saw it Saturday night I guess and I have to say that I enjoyed it.  I think it will make a hell of a DVD given that he relies so much on sound.  Jenifer Garner is hot though I prefered some of the other outfits to the leather.  She reminds me of a female version of Hillary Swank.


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #8 on: 24 Feb 2003, 10:19 pm »
Quote from: bob82274
She reminds me of a female version of Hillary Swank.


Rob Babcock

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Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #9 on: 25 Feb 2003, 02:34 am »
Well, just got back from DD, with mixed feelings.

Overall, I enjoyed it a lot.


Didn't like the costumes.  Jeezus, Bullseye?  What a lameass performance, lame costume, just plain lame-o character.  Is that really the best they could do?

Didn't think Duncan Clark was very good, or maybe he just had nothing to work with.  He was brilliant in The Green Mile, so I know he can act.

Ben Affleck definately showed his limitations, both as an actor and in the physical sense.  I didn't think he was terrible, but I wasn't totally satisfied that he pulled it off.

I don't want to be overy critical; it was still better than I expected.  I'll go see the sequel, assuming they make one, and I'll buy it on DVD.  They didn't drop the ball, just coulda been better.

Still I give it the thumbs up.


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #10 on: 25 Feb 2003, 03:13 am »
I too have boxes of marvel as well as independents.  I thought Spidey was great, and X-men as well, as can be expected.  Esp after the schlock that the late 70's and 80's tv put out.  Maybe now that they are proven money makers they can make more like each individual title.  I guess I will see this one in the theater.

Rob Babcock

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Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #11 on: 28 Feb 2003, 02:24 am »
I know I nitpick movies to death, but I did like DD.  I'll probably go see it again while it's here.  I'm not anxious for the Hulk, the CG looked awful in the promos.  Like I've said what I'd really like to see is a Silver Surfer movie.  Every so often I hear the rumor that work is being done on one, but nothing ever comes of it.


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #12 on: 28 Feb 2003, 02:46 am »
Is it just me, or is no one else having a problem with Garner's acting? She was fine in the action scenes (and really fine in the leather getup :mrgreen: ). But I thought she was horrible in all the rest of her scenes.

What bothered you about Clarke Duncan? He seemed fine to me. But then again I never read many of the comics the Kingpin was in. So I don't really know what the character shoulda been like.

Rob Babcock

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Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #13 on: 28 Feb 2003, 03:49 am »
Well, I won't say Garner's acting was brilliant, but in truth none of the characters were particularly well written or developed.  The Electra character wasn't given a lot of depth; besides, they fall in love just cause they fought on the playground once?  Puh-leeeze!  Still, he's quite hot, and I didn't think her acting was too bad.

I was bothered by the fact that she was a bad ass fighter when she fought DD, but got waxed easily by Bullseye.  In the comics, Bullseye has the "mutant ability" to unerringly hit stuff, but he isn't much of a brawler.

I like Clarke Duncan, but I didn't really feel he fit the role at all, wrong race aside.  The cheezy, evil mastermind stereotype didn't show any depth or understanding of the character.  That's maybe more the writing, I guess.  Now I admit, Marvel isn't Shakespear-still, the movie was long on special effects and action but short on real characters.[/code]


Just got back from a private screening of Daredevil...
« Reply #14 on: 28 Feb 2003, 03:56 am »
One of my only real problems with the movie was that it felt like it was just a set up for the sequel. They didn't let it be a movie on it's own.

And they shoulda spread the origin part of the movie out as smaller flashbacks rather than just one really long flashback at the beginning of the film. That just slowed it down way to much I thought.