Caps, Caps or Caps ?!!

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Caps, Caps or Caps ?!!
« on: 2 Sep 2008, 08:33 pm »
Hi everyone,

As it's my first post I'd like to thank all of you for the board :thumb:
Then I'd like to thank Wayne for the wonderful job he is doing  :thumb:
Then and lastly I'd like to get your feeback on the different caps (Gen2, Platinum and V-Caps) available for SB mods. Jump from one to another is $100 but does it worth the bucks ?
As I start to know a bit better Wayne's work I would say so but what and where are the improvements ?




Re: Caps, Caps or Caps ?!!
« Reply #1 on: 5 Sep 2008, 07:30 pm »
Hello Olivier,

Thanks for dropping by.

The difference in sound between the caps is readily audible and not very subtle. The Sonicap is a really clear sounding and neutral caps. Great sound for the money.

The Teflon version (Sonicap Platinum) is "faster" and clearer. More of the music comes through. The caps does take a VERY long time to break-in and will not sound that great during the first month of use. After that things begin to open up and you will be amazed at all the information that you will suddenly be hearing.

The V-Cap is also a Teflon cap and will take at least as long to break-in. I have found the V-Cap to be a bit more "organic" or analog sounding. The Sonicap Platinum can be a bit analytical in comparison. My comment about the V-caps is yes, it's expensive. It is also worth it, sonically.