Bella 3205 tube rollers thread

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Bella 3205 tube rollers thread
« on: 25 Jul 2008, 11:03 pm »
Hey guys and gals, I just wanted to share my favs in terms of tube rolling the 3205

First, I will say that most of this review is focused on the NOS tubes and not really current production except Output tubes which are really expensive. I am focused on this as they are quite pricey and someone might find a direction to go without having to buy a bunch of tubes at NOS prices.

Output tubes: Tried SED EL34, SED 6550, GE NOS 6550, Sovtek 6550, Shugang KT88
My favorite in the Bella is the Shugang KT88- great detail, sweet but detailed top end and the best controll of bass slam and impact. Really good tube for the money
Second I slightly prefer the Sovtek to the NOS GE 6550s. The Sovteks have the best holographic imaging and good detail though not as extended as the Shugang KT88s they seem to have a more metallic sound on cymbal shots and not as sweet.
Third GE 6550 Pulled from old ARC amp and still going strong. They are fine tubes and I see why people like them though are a bit flabby in the bass, and have bloomy midbass. The overall presentation is full and musical. Not bad at all for you mullard loving type guys.
SEDs- fine all around though just dont push my buttons as much as the others.

Input- 12AX7s: Tried Telefunken smooth and ribbed plates, Mullard 12AX7, RCA 12AX7, RCA 7205 long and short plates, RCA 5751 Black Plate triple M "D", Tungstram 12AX7, GE 5751 triple M black plates, GE 12AX7 long plates, Matshishita (sp) 7205, Amperex 12AX7, Valvo 12AX7

The input tubes have a big effect on the Bella and while I cant run down all of then in this initial post I can follow up later if you prefer.

First- Tada- RCA5751 Triple M "D" getters- fantastic holographic soundstage. Sweet top end and authoritative bass. The midrange is slightly less full than my absolute ideal but such a musical tube- This gets first spot over the Teles which are voiced very similar (though with a touch more sparkle and at times harshness) because of the vast price difference. Skip the GE triple Ms and get the RCAs

Second Telefunken 12AX7 smooth and ribbed- see above

Third- RCA 7025 Long plates and 12AX7 long plates- What the Mullards should sound like. slightly bloomy bass, fleshed out mids, good articulation throughout with a slightly sweet top end. Very musical tube. These things are good.

Mullard 12AX7- is there a more overrated tube? Ive got a ton and no I wont sell any but they are thick sounding and not especially good at detail retrieval. They are pleasant to listen to but the fanboy base of these things is head scratching.

Others have been a while- the Masushita is the Japanese "mullard" made on the mullard equipment. It is a bit more detailed than the Mullard and I find it a bit better YMMV

12AT7 - Tried Mullard 12AT7, Mullard CV4024, GE 5star 6201, RCA 6201, Sylvania black Plates, RCA command Black Plates, Brimar 12AT7

Well this is short- There is simply nothing that I have used that compares and sounds so right than the Mullard CV4024. Dont know why just dont- they are still cheap enough so buy yourself a pair and for all that money I saved you can thank me sending a pair my way  :D

Of course this is all in My System, we are using the same amp but of course system synergy, speakers, and personal preference play a big role. I hope it was slightly informative and would love to compare notes.

Also- I am open to swapping tubes with other members in good standing so that they might try for about a month or so. always looking to listen to tubes I have never heard.

Bill Baker

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Re: Bella 3205 tube rollers thread
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jul 2008, 11:38 am »
Nice thread pbr,
 It is nice to see someone devoting so much time into NOS tube thoughts with the Bella amplifiers. We all know how subjective and personal tube choices are which is the reason I never indulged into the NOS world. I would hate to recommend a potentially expensive tube choice only to have a buyer not like what works for me and my system.

 One thing I would like to point out to other Bella 3205 owners is that this first post is based on the MKI version of the amplifier using the 12AX7 input stage. For those who have the MKII, you can not use the 12AX7 tube in the input stage as it is designed for use only with the 12AU7 tube.

 I hope to see other replies for both the MKI and MKII amplifiers and what users are finding with tube choices.

 Thanks for getting this thread started!


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Re: Bella 3205 tube rollers thread
« Reply #2 on: 5 Aug 2008, 09:34 pm »
Correct this is with the better sounding 12AX7  :wink: J/K its personal preference. I like the selection of good sounding 12AX7s.

Been going back and fourth with the Tele smooth and ribbed plates vs the RCA triple D blacks and its really close with the RCAs having a thicker but very pleasant mid bass and lower midrange- the Teles have the edge in microdynamics and a bit of detail in the highs but they are close and the RCAs are still the winner for price.

Another great alternative to the Mullard Cv4024 has been found in Amperex BB 12AT7s. The Mullards still win out all around but the superb holographic nature and added sweetness is a great change of pace. I also bought a "matched" pair of Tele 12at7s that were not matched so I wont try till I find a pair that is matched. This amp is too good for non matched pairs- life is too short.