Single Driver Convert - (almost)

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Single Driver Convert - (almost)
« on: 5 Jul 2008, 01:05 pm »
     When I bought my first SET amp, (Viva) I almost immediately thought of trying one of those single-driver speakers, just to see what it's all about.  I ended up buying a pair of Fritz FR6 because they were simple, inexpensive ($450) and fit on the 20" Epos stands I already own.  I was previously using a pair of Opera Callas monitors (87 db) which I really liked.  One thing I liked about the Viva was its ability to drive "normal" speakers like Harbeth, Sonus Faber, Opera, etc. to moderate levels, which is the level I listen at. 

    I've used the Fritz(s) for about 2 weeks and I really like them.  The bass is definitely sufficient and they just sound good with the type of music I listen to.  I then decided that I fooled around enough and decided to put the Operas back.  This morning, I put on a copy of the Sheffield Michael Newman guitar record and I was shocked at how the Operas obscured many of the nuances of Michael's playing.  The lack of note-to-note dynamics was perhaps the most obvious thing missing.  I think Jim Smith from Avantgarde described it in his speaker brochure as lower-efficiency speakers being "deaf" to the small dynamic shifts.  Although the Fritz are only about 95 db efficient as compared to the Avantgarde's 100+, I definitely hear what Jim was talking about. 

     In any case, I now see what this single-driver thing is about.  Ok, they're not for everybody, but for someone who listens at moderate levels and with a front end that doesn't need to be hidden sonically, they are somewhat of an eye-opener.  I can see how you people get hooked.  BTW, if you don't know about them, you should check Fritz out.


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Re: Single Driver Convert - (almost)
« Reply #1 on: 5 Jul 2008, 09:50 pm »
Yup, they do things that others just can't.  They're not everybody's thing, but when done well can bring you very close to the music.

It really depends on what you listen to as well -- at least for me it does.

Thanks for posting,
