reinstalling OS?

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reinstalling OS?
« on: 3 Jun 2008, 06:47 pm »
I'm have slow finder issues w/ my Mac that I can't seem to resolve by any repair mechanism, so I'm thinking I need to reinstall the system software. The problem is, I'm running 10.4.9 and my system disk is a lower version, OS 10.4.2 (I think) so I can't do 'archive and install'. I really don't want to do a 'clean' install and have to reload/reset everything. Any work around?

The slow finder issue is that if I use the 'open' command in any program, I get the damn spinning beach ball. If I can double click, or drag a file over the program icon, there is no issue. But sometimes I'm forced to use 'open', such as creating slide shows in my flash based slideshow software.

Machine has plenty of processing speed and RAM. Dual 2.0ghz G5 w/ 3 gig RAM.



Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jun 2008, 07:10 pm »
So if you try to open a document via the application dialog it stalls but not if you double click it in Finder?  Does the file dialog itself stall or just opening a file?  Any file or just a specific file?

Hard to say what's going on there.  This might help, might not:

I would clone your existing boot drive to a separate HD using Carbon Copy Cloner. Make sure you can boot from the clone in case you want to abort the whole show.  Then do a clean install.  Run the Migration Assistant utility and import your old User folder.  Then you can run system updates to get you back to 10.4.9 or 10.4.11.  It's going to be a big pain in the ass no matter what, but at least you won't lose data if you're careful.  Having the clone there will give you peace of mind.

Mac HD:Applications:Utilities:Migration


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jun 2008, 07:22 pm »
Don’t know if this would help but 10.4 is upto 10.4.11 now, give it a try may help. Failing that a clean install is called for. You can spend a lot of time looking for the problem that it may be quicker to do a clean install.

If you do, do a clean install I suggest if you have a separate hard down load Carbon Copy Cloner. When you get your Mac into state you like and it’s working fine clone it to the separate hard drive that way if it all goes wrong again you can return to that state without a re-build. Carbon Copy Cloner is free. If you do use Carbon Copy Cloner it’s best you use it while logged in as root user.


dB Cooper

Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jun 2008, 07:45 pm »
There's a trick old Mac hands know about called 'zapping the PRAM' (official term 'resetting PRAM') that may help. Here's the official how-to from Apple:
Resetting PRAM and NVRAM
Shut down the computer.
Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously in step 4.
Turn on the computer.
Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
Release the keys.
Your computer's PRAM and the NVRAM are reset to the default values. The clock settings may be reset to a default date on some models.

Also try Onyx (free download)and run the maintenance and cleaning scripts. An OS reinstall is a rarity on a Mac. If you go to About this Mac, it does see all your RAM, right? Bad RAM can cause these types of problems.
Good luck, keep the faith.


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #4 on: 4 Jun 2008, 05:23 pm »
I tried the PRAM zap and Onyx to no avail. Onyx seemed to have helped, but only briefly. RAM test ok.

Nathan, say I have an image file (.psd, .tif, .jpeg) and want to open in pshop. If I double click the file, or drag over the pshop icon in the dock it will open, but if I use the open command in pshop.....get the delay.

This is true of any software or file that I have. When I send email attachments for example if I use the "attach" command, instead of drag and drop. and it doesn't matter how large or small the attachment.

thank for the suggestions so far. I'd not heard about Carbon Copy Cloner. I used to know the old system software inside out, but OSX has remained a bit of a mystery to me.


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #5 on: 4 Jun 2008, 05:31 pm »
I would delete the Finder preferences, Clean the Cache, try light then go higher, using Leopard Cache Cleaner.. and rebuild the prebindings.

Repair permissions too.


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #6 on: 4 Jun 2008, 05:47 pm »
That's a weird one.  For Photoshop at least you might want to try turning on Version Cue and using the Adobe Dialog instead of the OS dialog or vice versa.

Are these local files or network files?  I know Adobe at least washes their hands completely of all such saving\opening issues over a network.  I understand them fully, but still despise them for it.  Heh! But if your e-mail app is doing the same thing it sounds like this is an across-the-board problem.  Hmmm.  Are you using Default Folder or any other 3rd party utilities by chance?

I'd also recommend getting Disk Warrior.  Although this usually only helps when things are really hosed and you have drive corruption or boot failures.  Your issue sounds more software related.  It's still a nice save-yer-butt CD to have on hand.

You could also launch
NATE G5 HD:Applications:Utilities:Activity

Then do whatever causes the problem and see what's eating up the CPU.  Doesn't really fix anything, but it might tell you where to look.  And yes, as Mike says definitely try repairing permissions.  That's one of those might-not-do-anything-but-it-doesn't-hurt things.


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #7 on: 4 Jun 2008, 06:01 pm »
Actually on second thought the Launch Services\prebinding thing sounds like the most likely culprit here.  Although there's a lot of hairy command line stuff involved.  I'm not familar with Leopard Cache Cleaner, but have downloaded it.  I also like TinkerTool and Tinkertool System for fucking with stuff that oughn't to be fucked with.  But so far it hasn't backfired. :)


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #8 on: 4 Jun 2008, 06:08 pm »
I ran Disk Warrior, and repaired permissions. Everything is on local drives. I'll try the Finder preferences.

Uhhh.....what exactly is meant by 'rebuilding the prebindings'?   (told ya I'm an OSX dope)

'preciate all the help!


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #9 on: 4 Jun 2008, 06:13 pm »
I ran Disk Warrior, and repaired permissions. Everything is on local drives. I'll try the Finder preferences.

Uhhh.....what exactly is meant by 'rebuilding the prebindings'?   (told ya I'm an OSX dope)

'preciate all the help!
Its in the Leopard Cache cleaning program, it links all the associations for a program, like Photoshop... should make the programs open faster.


Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #10 on: 4 Jun 2008, 06:21 pm »
ya know I'm one of those oddballs that actually likes to read manuals and such. Any suggestions as to a good book on the ins and outs of OSX? Gotta be a bunch of 'em out there, so what's a good one?

Who knows how many Photoshop books are on the market, but I always recommend Deke McClellan's "Photoshop Bible" for example.

dB Cooper

Re: reinstalling OS?
« Reply #11 on: 4 Jun 2008, 06:42 pm »
Best introductory-type book I have seen is "Easy Mac OS X" by Kate Binder. Amazon etc should have it. "The Missing Manual" series is more in-depth technically but not quite as approachable a read. Then there are the for-geeks books, all of which are way over my head.